View Full Version : the nicole and night rider show...done daily !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-29-2007, 07:29 PM
too fukin hot

11-29-2007, 08:27 PM
Appeared on 2 solo sets on Shemale Yum a few years ago.


11-29-2007, 08:34 PM
top picture right side
grapefruit boobshadow*

*a new superhero is born

Night Rider
11-29-2007, 08:40 PM
If that's not plastic surgery gone wrong, then I don't know what is. She should consider Islam.

11-29-2007, 09:09 PM
If that's not plastic surgery gone wrong, then I don't know what is. She should consider Islam.

That's just fuckin' rude. Although I'm not exactly worried about her coming by here and taking offense to it, but to each their own. How do you know she didn't WANT to look like that?

I'll say it because nobody has stepped up to the plate yet. DO NOT TALK SHIT about people if you don't have the balls to post your own damn picture. It makes you look like a total ass hole.

Have your opinion. Just learn when to keep it to your damn self.

11-29-2007, 10:25 PM
Yeah both you clowns need to shut the fuck up.
Amanda Lepore has been around a long time and one of the first TS's to be mainstream. She mightened be your cup of tea but nobody was asking you cunts, so shut the fuck up unless you've something positive to add to the discussion.

Night Rider
11-29-2007, 10:28 PM
If that's not plastic surgery gone wrong, then I don't know what is. She should consider Islam.

That's just fuckin' rude. Although I'm not exactly worried about her coming by here and taking offense to it, but to each their own. How do you know she didn't WANT to look like that?

I'll say it because nobody has stepped up to the plate yet. DO NOT TALK SHIT about people if you don't have the balls to post your own damn picture. It makes you look like a total ass hole.

Have your opinion. Just learn when to keep it to your damn self.

How about you stfu and mind your own fucking business. After all you're the one that had "Jewville" for a location. Fuck off mummy's boy.

Night Rider
11-29-2007, 10:35 PM
nobody was asking you cunts, so shut the fuck up unless you've something positive to add to the discussion.

she's stunning, a sight for sore eyes

she hasn't went over-board on the plastic surgery at all


11-29-2007, 11:35 PM
Yeah both you clowns need to shut the fuck up.
Amanda Lepore has been around a long time and one of the first TS's to be mainstream. She mightened be your cup of tea but nobody was asking you cunts, so shut the fuck up unless you've something positive to add to the discussion. She is an icon, being in both the gay and straight world. There is even an Amanda Lepore doll on the market.

11-29-2007, 11:47 PM
Amanda has a 1930's or 40's look. I'd marry her (if my wife lets me).

11-29-2007, 11:47 PM
Amanda Lepore is an amazing person.

Besides being my friend- I truly respect her as Amanda is a true individual. One of the true few ones left. She lives her life as she pleases, and looks as she pleases wihtout care of what anyone may think of her. She is almost like living, walking, art. She is an impecable STYLIST and is always immaculate from head to toe. From her make up to her clothes and accesories- every detail is usually perfect.

She has achieved status as undergound icon, night life socialte, model, singer, and muse to David LaChapelle.

Her accomplishments, resume, modeling credits, are so vast- she has done everything from being the face of David Lachapelle's designed Swatch watch 'Tranny Time'- to special edition shopping bags for Monte Blanc (which there was a huge displace of one in Rockefeller Center).

She had travelled the world performing her songs, modelign in fashion shows, and appearing in international and national ad campaigns.

SHe has achieved more succes as a model than most mainstream models who are with agencies.

I had the great pleasure of attending and performing at birthday party this past tuesday @ Lotus.

I will be placing pics and the video up this week!

Amanda is truly amazing.

12-01-2007, 06:18 AM
No offense to Seanchai, Grim or anyone else who has or would like to jump to Amanda's defense, but for the love of all that's holy, what makes it so very wrong for anyone to state that they don't particularly find her attractive?

Okay, so maybe you know her personally, and believe her to be one of the nicest people that ever lived... I know a woman who'd fit that category in my opinion, but that doesn't by any means make her physically attractive. All to often here, I've seen people come unglued because someone didn't find whomever they liked attractive, as if they expected everyone to conform to their tastes in women (or men, as the case might be). There is a difference between being an asshole (as the gay guy who recently harassed Hara was), and expressing a dissenting opinion, and while this should be easily recognized by anyone who would call him or herself an adult, this of course is HA, where come rain, sleet, hail or snow, blatant hypocrisy typically goes unchallenged, if not unseen.

For the record, my opinion regarding Amanda Lepore is identical to that of Night Rider, and while I admit I have never had the chance to talk with Amanda to get to know the type of person she is, even if I had, that would be irrelevant as to whether or not I found her physically attractive, as I've already said. Interestingly, despite the (in my opinion) obvious fact that she's neck and neck with Michael Jackson for facial work, it's clear that for some people, others saying so is somehow wrong, and what's more incredulous is that these same people believe that an individual who would state that which is so painfully evident would be put off from doing so in the future by having a few insults hurled their way. So, saying Amanda Lepore is an example of plastic surgery gone wrong makes one a "cunt"? Okay if that's your assessment, but when has insulting someone ever changed their opinion?

No one is obligated to think as you do, even if you think that they should. And because this should be a lesson learned in adolescence, I should think it wouldn't need to be said here, but then, I've forgotten where I am, now haven't I?

12-01-2007, 06:35 AM
No offense to Seanchai, Grim or anyone else who has or would like to jump to Amanda's defense, but for the love of all that's holy, what makes it so very wrong for anyone to state that they don't particularly find her attractive?

Okay, so maybe you know her personally, and believe her to be one of the nicest people that ever lived... I know a woman who'd fit that category in my opinion, but that doesn't by any means make her physically attractive. All to often here, I've seen people come unglued because someone didn't find whomever they liked attractive, as if they expected everyone to conform to their tastes in women (or men, as the case might be). There is a difference between being an asshole (as the gay guy who recently harassed Hara was), and expressing a dissenting opinion, and while this should be easily recognized by anyone who would call him or herself an adult, this of course is HA, where come rain, sleet, hail or snow, blatant hypocrisy typically goes unchallenged, if not unseen.

For the record, my opinion regarding Amanda Lepore is identical to that of Night Rider, and while I admit I have never had the chance to talk with Amanda to get to know the type of person she is, even if I had, that would be irrelevant as to whether or not I found her physically attractive, as I've already said. Interestingly, despite the (in my opinion) obvious fact that she's neck and neck with Michael Jackson for facial work, it's clear that for some people, others saying so is somehow wrong, and what's more incredulous is that these same people believe that an individual who would state that which is so painfully evident would be put off from doing so in the future by having a few insults hurled their way. So, saying Amanda Lepore is an example of plastic surgery gone wrong makes one a "cunt"? Okay if that's your assessment, but when has insulting someone ever changed their opinion?

No one is obligated to think as you do, even if you think that they should. And because this should be a lesson learned in adolescence, I should think it wouldn't need to be said here, but then, I've forgotten where I am, now haven't I?

You simply do not understand that her intent with the surgery is not to be as attractive as possible, but as Allanah said, to be herself, and being herself is more along the lines of being a living work of art. I forget when she said it but her look is as much influenced by more exaggerated characteristics (like Jessica Rabbit) as it is by typical living, breathing reality.

So, fine, you don't find the look attractive. I don't her intention was for it to simply make you or any man find it attractive, and I don't think she cares about your, or anyone's opinion, at all.

The girl is just being herself, and an amazing one at that.

12-01-2007, 06:55 AM
You simply do not understand that her intent with the surgery is not to be as attractive as possible, but as Allanah said, to be herself, and being herself is more along the lines of being a living work of art. I forget when she said it but her look is as much influenced by more exaggerated characteristics (like Jessica Rabbit) as it is by typical living, breathing reality.

So, fine, you don't find the look attractive. I don't her intention was for it to simply make you or any man find it attractive, and I don't think she cares about your, or anyone's opinion, at all.

The girl is just being herself, and an amazing one at that.

You begin by saying "You simply do not understand...", then go on to prove that you misunderstood what I was saying.

To clarify, what I was saying is that there is nothing wrong with finding someone unattractive even if another poster is infatuated with that person or whatever, and that it is hypocritical to take issue with other people expressing a different opinion when you have yourself offered different opinions on various issues in other threads. At no time did I either imply or state that Amanda Lepore gave a damn what I personally thought about her appearance, nor did I at any point offer my thoughts as to why she has gone to such surgical extremes.

Clearly, you're trying to show support for Amanda and I get that, but what you've said doesn't relate to what I was saying at all.

12-01-2007, 07:06 AM
The fact that one poster (who deleted and apologised) posted a joke photo up alongside Nightrider, whom we all recognise as a tool, comments is the issue.

Not your type? No problem - not my type either - but you can either choose to say nothing, state simply "not my type" if your ego needs nurturing that much that you need to comment on every photo and add nothing to the original posters question (hijacking the post) or say something downright rude, like she should cover her face with a cloth and let it be seen in public (covert to Islam) in which you deserve to get put down and called a cunt.


12-01-2007, 07:14 AM
i agree w/ tj... for once... just bc u know someone personally is no reason to get pissy when someone says they dont find your friend physically attractive, regardless of why they dont... i think the things amanda has done in her life is simply put amazingly mind blowingly awesome... anyone would be happy to have the things shes had or is having w/ her career... but i dont find her attractive.... so what... that doesnt make her any less then amazing in my eyes tho... shes a trail blazer and trend setter... regardless of how i or anyone else feels about her looks.. that is amazing and worthy of praise

12-01-2007, 07:16 AM
The fact that one poster (who deleted and apologised) posted a joke photo up alongside Nightrider, whom we all recognise as a tool, comments is the issue.

Not your type? No problem - not my type either - but you can either choose to say nothing, state simply "not my type" if your ego needs nurturing that much that you need to comment on every photo and add nothing to the original posters question (hijacking the post) or say something downright rude, like she should cover her face with a cloth and let it be seen in public (covert to Islam) in which you deserve to get put down and called a cunt.


That definitely clarifies things, and so I apologize for the rant about hypocrisy. Not that it doesn't exist here in spades, but with respect to this particular thread, not so much. Again, apologies Seanchai.

The rest of what I said though still applies, of course.

12-01-2007, 07:26 AM
Don't give a flying fuck who finds Amanda attractive or not or what people think Amanda's accomplishments are. Not only did she achieve mainstream success professionally but personally as well. I went with Amanda to every damn party that NYC had to offer. She was always first on mine and every one else's list. Not only is she eye candy but the NICEST person you could possibly know. My only regret is there's not more of Amanda to go around. To spend time with her is the most amazing experience. And she would be my first choice of anyone to spend time with. Thank you Amanda for being you.

12-01-2007, 10:14 AM
Amanda lepore is a icon, she does what she wants, had a image in her mind and went for it. Why critisized someone for wanting to look a certain way, or be a certain way. Beauty comes in a plethora of different ways. Shes beautiful, smart, and hilarious. She is a artist , exibiting her work of art which is herself, she created herself to who she wants to be , No one does it better than Amanda Lepore.

12-01-2007, 10:33 AM
You simply do not understand that her intent with the surgery is not to be as attractive as possible, but as Allanah said, to be herself, and being herself is more along the lines of being a living work of art. I forget when she said it but her look is as much influenced by more exaggerated characteristics (like Jessica Rabbit) as it is by typical living, breathing reality.

So, fine, you don't find the look attractive. I don't her intention was for it to simply make you or any man find it attractive, and I don't think she cares about your, or anyone's opinion, at all.

The girl is just being herself, and an amazing one at that.

You begin by saying "You simply do not understand...", then go on to prove that you misunderstood what I was saying.

To clarify, what I was saying is that there is nothing wrong with finding someone unattractive even if another poster is infatuated with that person or whatever, and that it is hypocritical to take issue with other people expressing a different opinion when you have yourself offered different opinions on various issues in other threads.

If that is the case, I don't get the relevance of the comment to the discussion. I mean, from a sheerly aesthetic sense I can't disagree with you, but I see it on different terms than that.

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 05:59 PM
The fact that one poster (who deleted and apologised) posted a joke photo up alongside Nightrider, whom we all recognise as a tool, comments is the issue.

Not your type? No problem - not my type either - but you can either choose to say nothing, state simply "not my type" if your ego needs nurturing that much that you need to comment on every photo and add nothing to the original posters question (hijacking the post) or say something downright rude, like she should cover her face with a cloth and let it be seen in public (covert to Islam) in which you deserve to get put down and called a cunt.


How about stfu seanchai you fucking cock. It's funny how you don't bitch to tsntx when she makes her negative comments (sorry jen, you're a good example) I didn't come in and hi-jack the thread, someone did before me and I gave a comment. If it hurt your bitch feelings then go and watch the Die Hard trilogy and grow a set of balls. I'll expect to be banned because you'll cry like a bitch, but I'm not going to be made a cunt of by some loser that's scrapping the barrel when it comes to ts porn...now fuck off

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 06:13 PM
I'm not going to be made a cunt ofHe's never needed any help doing that; just a lot of cocaine and booze to get him over the finish line. :lol:

Fuck off you ugly bitch, I'm still digesting my lunch

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 06:28 PM
by the way, I was commeting on another photo that a poster deleted, not the original photo.

it was kind of like this one....

i've never commented on any of your rough website girls that you update...

although i've seen other negative comments that you just ignore...if you had of just asked me cilvilly, instead of name calling then I would have deleted it...now you can do it yourself you cunt

12-01-2007, 07:10 PM
I'd fuck her!

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 07:24 PM
I'm still digesting my lunch He sits at home, filling his fat face, and wants to criticize Amanda, Seanchai, and other people who face the public. Meanwhile his biggest accomplishment is sitting at home, getting high, shooting his mouth off, and hiding his sexually inexperienced face. I think Crayons may have a BF for himself in Ireland.

Who said I was fat? I've got pics to prove I'm not...on the other hand, you're ugly for all to see. That pic of you would give some people post traumatic stress disorders. This is none of your business, apart from the fact that you have things in common regarding looks..

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 07:28 PM
I'd fuck her!So would a lot of guys. I don't think fat virgins can afford to be so picky.

yeah, like you're one to judge :lol:

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 07:29 PM
nice work seanchai ;)

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 07:38 PM
So let's see the pics.

I'm not saying I'm built like the predator but there's a pic of me in that hontis thread..

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 07:52 PM
So let's see the pics.

I'm not saying I'm built like the predator but there's a pic of me in that hontis thread..Is that him? The couch potato with the jailhouse tattoo work? Because I still don't see his face. Is he a secret agent that can't show his face, or just a big chicken shit?

:lol: :lol: your tattoo work looks like someone with parkinsons did it

why bitch to the mods to get my thread deleted? Strike a nerve? It was a ligitiment thread.....you're the fag that tries to look like a woman but fails miseribly

i don't even mind telling you because you bring it on yourself

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 08:17 PM
:lol: :lol: your tattoo work looks like someone with parkinsons did it
This coke head is not worthy of jerking off in Chris O'Donnell's shadow.


I don't even know who the fuck that is...you're confusing us with the Republic again...2 different cultures, with 2 different currencies

you're uneducated and you're fucking ugly........very appealing!

12-01-2007, 08:45 PM
The fact that one poster (who deleted and apologised) posted a joke photo up alongside Nightrider, whom we all recognise as a tool, comments is the issue.

Not your type? No problem - not my type either - but you can either choose to say nothing, state simply "not my type" if your ego needs nurturing that much that you need to comment on every photo and add nothing to the original posters question (hijacking the post) or say something downright rude, like she should cover her face with a cloth and let it be seen in public (covert to Islam) in which you deserve to get put down and called a cunt.


How about stfu seanchai you fucking cock. It's funny how you don't bitch to tsntx when she makes her negative comments (sorry jen, you're a good example) I didn't come in and hi-jack the thread, someone did before me and I gave a comment. If it hurt your bitch feelings then go and watch the Die Hard trilogy and grow a set of balls. I'll expect to be banned because you'll cry like a bitch, but I'm not going to be made a cunt of by some loser that's scrapping the barrel when it comes to ts porn...now fuck off

maybe its the tone, or wording in this case... but sean and i havent seen eye to eye everytime ... look at some of my first posts... its all me fighting w/ him...

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 08:49 PM
I should've left your name out of it...it was childish and I wasn't thinking straight...

12-01-2007, 08:52 PM
...it was childish and I wasn't thinking straight...

Maybe you should think before you make a lot of posts and then you wouldn't spend your time just fighting online. A true internet warrior - go out and find a real cause to fight for instead of being just a drama queen.

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 08:55 PM
...it was childish and I wasn't thinking straight...

Maybe you should think before you make a lot of posts and then you wouldn't spend your time just fighting online. A true internet warrior - go out and find a real cause to fight for instead of being just a drama queen.

Maybe you should think before you you choose your girls for grooby.

I'd no problems with you until you attacked me. It's a forum, we should express our opinions. Did you want me to lie and say I'd love her stuffed and put in my living room?

12-01-2007, 09:05 PM
Maybe you should think before you you choose your girls for grooby.

I think before we do every shoot. That's why we're so successful. Not everybody likes all of our girls but every model we've posted appeals to some. It's good business. I'm good at it.

Did you want me to lie and say I'd love her stuffed and put in my living room?

I didn't want you to say anything at all. As I've posted before, why do people feel the need to enter disparaging remarks when their posts add nothing to the posters question. This guy asked if she "ever did any type of porn" - he wasn't soliciting your comments on her looks. He obviously likes her. Why, if not for ego, do you feel the need to have to go in and make negative posts. Is there not enough to post about in other threads where you don't have to be insulting people, where your opinion is asked for or it is a discussion thread?

Maybe your style of humour is great in person but I learned a long time ago it doesn't translate well to the internet.


Night Rider
12-01-2007, 09:09 PM
you're confusing us with the Republic again...2 different cultures, with 2 different currenciesIs he serious? Are we supposed to care? Who gives a fuck? Our country has bigger problems than that. :roll:

Btw Chris lives in NYC; not some potato field where Tommy Lee is still on anyone's radar. Does he think everyone named McDonnell is still stuck on that backwards patch of land?

what the fuck are you talking about. You're the one that refered to some Irish guy from a different country to me, and now you're saying who gives a fuck...you obviously do, you stupid excuse for a tranny

That's how classy you are, you have to resort to nationality insults because you've fuck all else to say. Do you actually think I give a fuck what some dirty, cheap whore thinks of my country?

When escorting dries up....here's an alternative way to make money, you ugly bitch..

12-01-2007, 09:09 PM
Is he serious? Are we supposed to care? Who gives a fuck? Our country has bigger problems than that. :roll:

Btw Chris lives in NYC; not some potato field where Tommy Lee is still on anyone's radar. Does he think everyone named McDonnell is still stuck on that backwards patch of land?

You know, you need to keep that gob shut also as you do come out with plenty of crap.
This isn't a US website unless NYCe and co decide they want to make it centric to the US. If you don't know the difference between two countries then probably better not to speak or make comments about people's cultures.
A "backwards patch of land?" - and you come from where?
Way to write of a historical and cultural country - as well as plenty of people who participate in this forum?

Night Rider
12-01-2007, 09:13 PM
Maybe you should think before you you choose your girls for grooby.

I think before we do every shoot. That's why we're so successful. Not everybody likes all of our girls but every model we've posted appeals to some. It's good business. I'm good at it.

Did you want me to lie and say I'd love her stuffed and put in my living room?

I didn't want you to say anything at all. As I've posted before, why do people feel the need to enter disparaging remarks when their posts add nothing to the posters question. This guy asked if she "ever did any type of porn" - he wasn't soliciting your comments on her looks. He obviously likes her. Why, if not for ego, do you feel the need to have to go in and make negative posts. Is there not enough to post about in other threads where you don't have to be insulting people, where your opinion is asked for or it is a discussion thread?

Maybe your style of humour is great in person but I learned a long time ago it doesn't translate well to the internet.


Well your opinion means so much, so I'm heart broken. I'm not trying to be a comedian, I'm just giving an opinion. I've already PMd Allanah Starr to say that I said some things I shouldn't have said, just because she doesn't post here. My issue now is with you being a hypocrite and letting worse things slide on other threads. But just jog on because it's like talking to a brick wall.

12-01-2007, 09:47 PM
she is def one of my favorite girls out here...one of the nicest girl u will ever meet...there are plenty of girls pics i dont care 4...i just hit the x..carry on everyone :)

12-01-2007, 10:08 PM
too fukin hot

Is this what you had in mind?


(6 pages and NOBODY thought to use google?! :? :? )

12-02-2007, 01:00 AM
I don't know much about clothes, but my hair looks fierce!

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:25 AM
Is he serious? Are we supposed to care? Who gives a fuck? Our country has bigger problems than that. :roll:

Btw Chris lives in NYC; not some potato field where Tommy Lee is still on anyone's radar. Does he think everyone named McDonnell is still stuck on that backwards patch of land?

You know, you need to keep that gob shut also as you do come out with plenty of crap.
This isn't a US website unless NYCe and co decide they want to make it centric to the US. If you don't know the difference between two countries then probably better not to speak or make comments about people's cultures.
A "backwards patch of land?" - and you come from where?
Way to write of a historical and cultural country - as well as plenty of people who participate in this forum?Seanchai, do you honestly think I'm writing off Ireland's culture and history? I do indeed know the difference between the two countries, and I still don't care. My point was actually that Chris O'Donnell is not from Ireland; he's from Virginia. Ok, I was exaggerating about Ireland. Well so what? I don't care. I'm part Irish myself, and I still think Ireland 's backwards. Tell me what's so progressive about Ireland today? What are they contributing to the world right now? They gave HA "Nigfht Rider"? Talk about backwards. This jackass wanted to turn his ignorance about tattooing into an Irish history lesson. Anyway, Irish people need to learn how to cook... and stop drinking so much whiskey. Night Rider claims that they don't even have shemales over there. Well I'm sorry, but that is just fucked up. Btw, what is a gob? Speak American, damn you!!!

You really are a fucking dick Nicole. You know as much about Northern Ireland as you do about being a woman, you fucking man-beast. Northern Ireland is one of the fastest developing countries in Europe, not that I give a fuck, but it's not the way you're making it out. Yes most parts are shitholes but it's like everywhere. So because it hasn't got shemales it's fucked up? You really are pathetic and an embarrasment to Earth never mind America.

Why so bitter, it's not to do with you looking like Willem Dafoe in a wig, is it?

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:38 AM
By the way, your tattoos are garbage. Did you get them in a borstal?

tattoos can be removed...uglyness can't

i don't mind my tats, you must be ashamed of your wreck of a body because you're facing the other way in your avatar

even with tits you still look like a gothic transvestite

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:39 AM
Oh, and by the way, thanks for Bob Geldoff and Bono. :lol: If it wasn't for Thin Lizzy, you'd deserve to get nuked!

these jokes are pathetic, and none of those people live in my country

dumb bitch

12-02-2007, 04:40 AM
Oh, and by the way, thanks for Bob Geldoff and Bono. :lol: If it wasn't for Thin Lizzy, you'd deserve to get nuked!

I heard Amanda used to date Phil! :shock:

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:41 AM
By the way, your tattoos are garbage. Did you get them in a borstal?

tattoos can be removed...uglyness can't

i don't mind my tats, you must be ashamed of your wreck of a body because you're facing the other way in your avatar

even with tits you still look like a gothic transvestiteAnd you look like you eat too many potatoes!

Nope, I'm not at all over weight. Neither are you really, but you're not easy on the eye

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:42 AM
Oh, and by the way, thanks for Bob Geldoff and Bono. :lol: If it wasn't for Thin Lizzy, you'd deserve to get nuked!

these jokes are pathetic, and none of those people live in my country

dumb bitchOh so you admit that your country bought nothing to the table in the way of contemporary music, eh?

You're confusing me with someone that gives a fuck.

12-02-2007, 04:43 AM
Oh, and by the way, thanks for Bob Geldoff and Bono. :lol: If it wasn't for Thin Lizzy, you'd deserve to get nuked!

I heard Amanda used to date Phil! :shock:RIP Phil Lynott

Amen to that...though I'd like to hear "Whisky in the Jar" live once more...

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:45 AM
Well how the hell would we know that? You probably wear an eye patch and have boils on your ass.

I'm not getting into this discussion again but I've PMd pics to girls here..

..stop running away from the fact that you're intensely ugly

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:51 AM
Oh, and by the way, thanks for Bob Geldoff and Bono. :lol: If it wasn't for Thin Lizzy, you'd deserve to get nuked!

these jokes are pathetic, and none of those people live in my country

dumb bitchOh so you admit that your country bought nothing to the table in the way of contemporary music, eh?

You're confusing me with someone that gives a fuck.Let me explain something. Tommy Lee is from the 80's. I know your cargo culture just got copies of "Shout At the Devil" but...

Btw, Lucky Charms suck compared to Cap'n Crunch.

It's like talking to someone with downsyndrome, lucky charms nothing to do with over here. Why are you bringing up Tommy Lee just because you look like his twin. You're taste in music is as repulsive as your website...

:stop http://nicole-dupree.com/ :stop

warning *may cause heart attacks and PTSD* warning

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:53 AM
Anyway, America has all the best shemales, the best music, the best food, etc. Your country has... you. :lol:

Who gives a fuck, yes America is a good country but if I looked like you I'd have slit my wrists, so I'd be in the next life

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:55 AM
And people can bad mouth the French, but at least they discovered what to do with your damn potatoes; they gave us their delicious fries. Why couldn't you figure that out?

I take it you haven't took those anti-psychotics today...

I'm so hurt by the potato insults lol get a grip you delusional whore

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 04:57 AM
Anyway, America has all the best shemales, the best music, the best food, etc. Your country has... you. :lol:

Who gives a fuck, yes America is a good country but if I looked like you I'd have slit my wrists, so I'd be in the next lifeOh yeah?! Let's see that drugged up face of yours, Mr Potato Head!

You looked like the elephant man spawned you......pure dirt

12-02-2007, 04:58 AM
I've PMd pics to girls here...

And what I've gathered is that this is the case for any number of guys who are otherwise faceless to everyone else.

You see, while most people who have posted face pics here have done so for business reasons, the majority of us rather obviously are not involved with the transsexual porn industry, nor do we personally escort (even if we do use the services of escorts)... and then there are those who have other reasons for being anonymous.

This has been discussed before, but again, I'm fairly certain that many, if not most guys here have sent face pics to a few ladies, and I know that I've personally done so. The thing is, these are people I hold in high regard and have an interest in communicating with, which is of course not going to be the case with each and every person visiting this board.

So, now to my point... I don't think anyone will post a face pic in order to disprove a suggestion that they are a disgusting slob. I could be wrong, but that certainly wouldn't persuade me.

Thank you.

12-02-2007, 05:02 AM
Wasn't this thread at one time about Amanda Lepore?

12-02-2007, 05:02 AM
I've PMd pics to girls here...

And what I've gathered is that this is the case for any number of guys who are otherwise faceless to everyone else.

You see, while most people who have posted face pics here have done so for business reasons, the majority of us rather obviously are not involved with the transsexual porn industry, nor do we personally escort (even if we do use the services of escorts)... and then there are those who have other reasons for being anonymous.

This has been discussed before, but again, I'm fairly certain that many, if not most guys here have sent face pics to a few ladies, and I know that I've personally done so. The thing is, these are people I hold in high regard and have an interest in communicating with, which is of course not going to be the case with each and every person visiting this board.

So, now to my point... I don't think anyone will post a face pic in order to disprove a suggestion that they are a disgusting slob. I could be wrong, but that certainly wouldn't persuade me.

Thank you.

And you've had sex with numerous women in the, uh, Niagara Falls area.

That's a Breakfast Club reference. Heh. Loser.


Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:04 AM
And people can bad mouth the French, but at least they discovered what to do with your damn potatoes; they gave us their delicious fries. Why couldn't you figure that out?

I take it you haven't took those anti-psychotics today...

I'm so hurt by the potato insults lol get a grip you delusional whoreDon't be bitter because you fucked up. Your people were busy looking leprechauns when they should have been developing their culinary skills. Very sad.

You've nothing to say except irrelevant insults that aren't even about N. Ireland. Do you think I'm patriotic or something? You can bitch all day about what you want and believe to yourself that I actually give a fuck. The only reason I reply is to get the last word. Usually you'd be long gone but you've probably been drinknig and have false courage.

Did I mention you're an ugly whore?

12-02-2007, 05:05 AM
I'm not getting involved in the debate, it's none of my business but Leprechauns are from the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Island!

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:07 AM
I'm not getting involved in the debate, it's none of my business but Leprechauns are from the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Island!

exactly. she's been way off the mark with all her attempted insults

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:16 AM
I don't drink or use drugs, James Joyce with brain damage. Did I mention you're last brain cell seems like its about to expire? Once you "recover" from your "accident", you had better get your drug-addled brain into a detox center. You are the Rush Limbaugh of HA.

I don't pretend that I'm smart the way you do. You go around here acting like you're classy and educated [if they're not delusions then I don't know what the fuck are]

The thing is though I'm emotionally stable, pitty I couldn't say the same about you. You're a man in my eyes because your imbalanced brain only thought that you were a woman. Trust me a woman is beautiful on the inside and you've all the charactaristics of a man.

Have you finished ranting yet Nick?

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:18 AM
I'm not getting involved in the debate, it's none of my business but Leprechauns are from the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Island!

exactly. she's been way off the mark with all her attempted insultsPlease. Stop kidding yourself. The US, Canada, and Mexico are all one country now. I can accept that. Now you need to accept that everyone with shitty weather and bad food is English.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

get someone to sign you in, for your own safety

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:22 AM
I haven't insulted your country once..it just proves how low you are :)

12-02-2007, 05:24 AM
Speaking of leprechauns,leprechaun in the hood possibly the worst leprechaun movie of all time.


"evil's in the house",where did they come up with that stuff.

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:26 AM
I haven't insulted your country once..it just proves how low you are :)You don't even have a country. Anyway, soon you'll be speaking German.

Kriss, back me up on this...

You're a waste of time...it's like arguing with a chimp

..why don't you go and pluck your beard

12-02-2007, 05:28 AM
2 World Wars and one World cup, we will never speak German :evil:

If we wanted to be harsh you could say we win wars, you just destroy countries!

But this Britain VS America shit is pointless!

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:28 AM
I haven't insulted your country once..it just proves how low you are :)You don't even have a country. Anyway, soon you'll be speaking German.

Kriss, back me up on this...

You're a waste of time...it's like arguing with a chimp

..why don't you go and pluck your beardWhy don't you go stroke your shalaylay?

I don't even know or care what that is...fuck off and do something (tweeze your uni-brow at least)

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:30 AM
If we wanted to be harsh you could say we win wars, you just desroy countries!

:lol: Nice one

12-02-2007, 05:30 AM
I haven't insulted your country once..it just proves how low you are :)You don't even have a country. Anyway, soon you'll be speaking German.

Kriss, back me up on this...

You're a waste of time...it's like arguing with a chimp

..why don't you go and pluck your beardWhy don't you go stroke your shalaylay?

I don't even know or care what that is...fuck off and do something (tweeze your uni-brow at least)

shalaylay is kinda like a weapon or stick,dude you should know that.

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:31 AM
I haven't insulted your country once..it just proves how low you are :)You don't even have a country. Anyway, soon you'll be speaking German.

Kriss, back me up on this...

You're a waste of time...it's like arguing with a chimp

..why don't you go and pluck your beardWhy don't you go stroke your shalaylay?

I don't even know or care what that is...fuck off and do something (tweeze your uni-brow at least)

shalaylay is kinda like a weapon or stick,dude you should know that.

The only use I'd have for one, is to beat Nick with

12-02-2007, 05:34 AM
I haven't insulted your country once..it just proves how low you are :)You don't even have a country. Anyway, soon you'll be speaking German.

Kriss, back me up on this...

You're a waste of time...it's like arguing with a chimp

..why don't you go and pluck your beardWhy don't you go stroke your shalaylay?

I don't even know or care what that is...fuck off and do something (tweeze your uni-brow at least)

shalaylay is kinda like a weapon or stick,dude you should know that.

The only use I'd have for one, is to beat Nick with

The weapon originated in ireland.

12-02-2007, 05:35 AM

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:35 AM
Why don't you go stroke your shalaylay?

I don't even know or care what that is.) :shock:

what are you shocked for? did you see your unibrow in the reflection

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:36 AM
What exactly is your point legend? Are you just looking attention again?

12-02-2007, 05:37 AM
What I meant was, is one supposed to be able to identify every single thing that originated in their country? If so, we'd all certainly fail miserably.

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:39 AM
What I meant was, is one supposed to be able to identify every single thing that originated in their country? If so, we'd all certainly fail miserably.

It's a gaelic name so it's definetily not from my country..

12-02-2007, 05:46 AM

Just telling him it was originated in ireland is that a problem?

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:47 AM
My name is not "Nick". It is Arianna Nicole Dupree, potato breath.

Nicole is a strange name for a man...I'll just call you Nick, HIV breath

12-02-2007, 05:49 AM
What exactly is your point legend? Are you just looking attention again?

No point just mentioning to you in was originated in your country,i'm not trying to imply anything.

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:50 AM
What exactly is your point legend? Are you just looking attention again?

No point just mentioning to you in was originated in your country,i'm not trying to imply anything.

It's from Republic of Ireland..

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:51 AM
My name is not "Nick". It is Arianna Nicole Dupree, potato breath.

Nicole is a strange name for a man...I'll just call you Nick, HIV breathShut up, you nimrod.

your comebacks are improving :lol:

12-02-2007, 05:53 AM

Just telling him it was originated in ireland is that a problem?

No, it's not a problem.

Anyway, when's the Iron Man movie coming out? I figure either you or Stillies would know, and I'm more interested in that info than what's going on here now...

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:54 AM
I bet now you'll disavow all knowledge of Stiff Little Fingers.

You're boring me. They're a punk band, big fucking deal. Yes you can use google. clap clap

12-02-2007, 05:55 AM
As I said, not taking sides in anything else. But for once and for all, forget the Ireland bit. Northern Ireland and REPUBLIC of Ireland are two completely different countries and have been for a very, very long time!

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 05:58 AM
I bet now you'll disavow all knowledge of Stiff Little Fingers.

You're boring me. They're a punk band, big fucking deal. Yes you can use google. clap clapWTF are you talking about. I've seen them and have their albums. It's you that knows nothing about shalaylays.

But you googled to see what was from Northern Ireland you sad cunt. I can read you like a fucking book.

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:00 AM
As I said, not taking sides in anything else. But for once and for all, forget the Ireland bit. Northern Ireland and REPUBLIC of Ireland are two completely different countries and have been for a very, very long time!I don't care about any of that nonsense. Did you ever present a cock pic for us?

At least Lust4TS has a nice body, Night Rider. I can see his abdomen.

:lol: you're one to talk about bodies. I didn't post that pic anyway, mimi did. You wanted it bad.

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:05 AM
STFU. Stop assuming I'm as dumb as you are. I have a CD in my car with "Alternative Ulster" on it, you jackass. You know what you need? A sense of fucking humor. "Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone." What kind of gay shit is that? :roll:

Who's getting all wound up :lol:

You're an ugly bitch and that's why you're startin arguments all the time. It's because you have insecurities (and rightly so) and are having second thoughts about transitioning because there's no real hope for you...

You'll always be Nick Dupree :lol:

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:07 AM
As I said, not taking sides in anything else. But for once and for all, forget the Ireland bit. Northern Ireland and REPUBLIC of Ireland are two completely different countries and have been for a very, very long time!I don't care about any of that nonsense. Did you ever present a cock pic for us?

At least Lust4TS has a nice body, Night Rider. I can see his abdomen.

:lol: you're one to talk about bodies. I didn't post that pic anyway, mimi did. You wanted it bad.Wanted it bad? You look like you won a hotdog eating contest. Let's see your cock. C'mon.

:lol: I'm not in the slightest bit over weight, just because that thread got deleted doesn't mean you can lie about it! Before it was deleted you'd fuck all to say. UGLY BITCH. I don't post pics on demand, I'm not a cheap hoe that has a website full of them for people to see


Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:08 AM
I simply don't believe you have a cock.

That sort of thinking is normal for a man in your state. Good luck with the rest of your man-days

12-02-2007, 06:10 AM
As I said, not taking sides in anything else. But for once and for all, forget the Ireland bit. Northern Ireland and REPUBLIC of Ireland are two completely different countries and have been for a very, very long time!I don't care about any of that nonsense.

At least Lust4TS has a nice body, Night Rider. I can see his abdomen.

You should fucking be able to, I do about 100 sit ups a day :evil:

Seriously, this is nothing to do with me, just pointing out the geographic's, that's all!

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:14 AM
As I said, not taking sides in anything else. But for once and for all, forget the Ireland bit. Northern Ireland and REPUBLIC of Ireland are two completely different countries and have been for a very, very long time!I don't care about any of that nonsense.

At least Lust4TS has a nice body, Night Rider. I can see his abdomen.

You should fucking be able to, I do about 100 sit ups a day :evil:

Seriously, this is nothing to do with me, just pointing out the geographic's, that's all!

My 6pack is no match for Nick Duprees, but I do have one (sort of, alright maybe a 4pack) :P

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:19 AM
Are you too high to do more sit ups?

Yeah I'm too high and you're too low

Nobody's perfect..

12-02-2007, 06:21 AM
Is there some sexual tension between Night Rider & Nicole Dupree :?: :wink:

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:23 AM
As I said, not taking sides in anything else. But for once and for all, forget the Ireland bit. Northern Ireland and REPUBLIC of Ireland are two completely different countries and have been for a very, very long time!I don't care about any of that nonsense. Did you ever present a cock pic for us?

At least Lust4TS has a nice body, Night Rider. I can see his abdomen.

:lol: you're one to talk about bodies. I didn't post that pic anyway, mimi did. You wanted it bad.Wanted it bad? You look like you won a hotdog eating contest. Let's see your cock. C'mon.

:lol: I'm not in the slightest bit over weight, just because that thread got deleted doesn't mean you can lie about it! Before it was deleted you'd fuck all to say. UGLY BITCH. I don't post pics on demand, I'm not a cheap hoe that has a website full of them for people to see

slut.Please. As if you're too good. You have no penis and you know it. You can go on and on about me, but I know how my life is and who I am. It's you that has no pics. You're oh so fussy about me, Amanda Lepore, ShemaleYum, etc. Well I think you must have a big pimple on your nose or a hair lip. And you sure as hell mdon't have a penis.

I told you before, you think too much. That's why you're in the state you're in. Just don't think when you look in the mirror and you'll coast through life..

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:28 AM
And you just ignore that little tummy and snort another line.

I'll get mimi to post it again and prove I don't have a belly.....Stop changing the subect of 'you're an ugly, vile, disgusting looking man'

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:30 AM
Is there some sexual tension between Night Rider & Nicole Dupree :?: :wink:I don't even know what he looks like, other than he's no Lust4TS. L4TS has a nice body. Night Rider looks a little flabby.

so you're admitting you have sexual feeling for me...BIG SURPRISE :o

even if you looked like Pamela Lee instead of Tommy Lee, I'd still cast you aside..

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:31 AM
And you just ignore that little tummy and snort another line.

I'll get mimi to post it again and prove I don't have a belly.....Stop changing the subect of 'you're an ugly, vile, disgusting looking man'When's the baby due?

men can't have babies, you should know you are one

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:36 AM
Is there some sexual tension between Night Rider & Nicole Dupree :?: :wink:I don't even know what he looks like, other than he's no Lust4TS. L4TS has a nice body. Night Rider looks a little flabby.

so you're admitting you have sexual feeling for me...BIG SURPRISE :o

even if you looked like Pamela Lee instead of Tommy Lee, I'd still cast you aside..Wtf? I said I like L4TS - not u, dummy. And I'm sorry bthat u just got the Tommy Lee/ Pam tape. I guess you're a little behind... and a big ass!

but you said you don't know what I look like, as if that's a deciding factor...fuck off you ugly slut, I wouldn't sleep with you even if we shared a cell in a mens prison

12-02-2007, 06:38 AM
I'm starting to feel a bit like a piece of meat now :shock:

I guess that's my own fault for making that avatar :twisted:

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:41 AM
Stop fantasizing about prison sex. You're still a virgin. One thing at a time.

Good joke Nick. Don't mention you and sex in the same sentence, it doesn't go well. The only sex you get is from old men that can't get good looking women so they resort to ugly $20 hoes like you

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:46 AM
Did you hear that, night Rider? 100 sit-ups a day. Put down the coke and get to work.

your lies don't effect me but when I say you're ugly, it's hurting you because it's clear for all to see

yawn, have you nearly finished getting your attention hit for the day?

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:49 AM
Stop fantasizing about prison sex. You're still a virgin. One thing at a time.

Good joke Nick. Don't mention you and sex in the same sentence, it doesn't go well. The only sex you get is from old men that can't get good looking women so they resort to ugly $20 hoes like youYou'ree missing a zero, Mr Abu Flabbu.

Yeah right...as if you could get more than $20

Tell the truth, you work as a scarecrow when you're not sucking grandpas cock for cheap rates

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:52 AM
You're quoting the same posts over and over again....are you losing touch with reality?

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:53 AM
Stop fantasizing about prison sex. You're still a virgin. One thing at a time.

Good joke Nick. Don't mention you and sex in the same sentence, it doesn't go well. The only sex you get is from old men that can't get good looking women so they resort to ugly $20 hoes like youYou'ree missing a zero, Mr Abu Flabbu.

Yeah right...as if you could get more than $20

Tell the truth, you work as a scarecrow when you're not sucking grandpas cock for cheap ratesWhat a shame that you are so clueless. My clients are all young and virile.

Yeah and I suppose you're good looking too? It's just the internet puts you in a bad light? :lol:

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:54 AM
whats your defination of young? still able to get an erection? hahaha

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 06:57 AM
You're quoting the same posts over and over again....are you losing touch with reality?He said he does 100 push-ups. Are you calling him a liar? Please explain.

wtf are you talking about you freak....I'm talking about my posts, once you reply, you quote the same post again

..your brain really is fried

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 07:00 AM
whats your defination of young? still able to get an erection? hahahaEarly 20' s, mid 20's, late 20's, early 30's. That's the age bracket that most of my clients fall into. Sure, there are a few who are in their 40's and 50's, but that's not the majority of them.

I've no time for your lies. You're lucky if you get a guy in a wheel chair.

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 07:04 AM
Sorry but this is my reality. I'm not even necessarily proud, but it is what it is. I wrnt to school for fine art. But art is a very rough way to earn a living, unless you teach it.

Your reality is coke and spending your day on here. How sad.

It my be reality in your mind, but to everyone else it seems a bit far fetched that you could even lose your virginity, let alone make a living out of it

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 07:07 AM
Sorry but this is my reality. I'm not even necessarily proud, but it is what it is. I wrnt to school for fine art. But art is a very rough way to earn a living, unless you teach it.

Your reality is coke and spending your day on here. How sad.

It my be reality in your mind, but to everyone else it seems a bit far fetched that you could even lose your virginity, let alone make a living out of itWell sorry, sweetheart. Believe what you will I suppose.

I might believe it if it was realistic, but you look like God was having a laugh when he made you

Night Rider
12-02-2007, 07:12 AM
Sorry but this is my reality. I'm not even necessarily proud, but it is what it is. I wrnt to school for fine art. But art is a very rough way to earn a living, unless you teach it.

Your reality is coke and spending your day on here. How sad.

It my be reality in your mind, but to everyone else it seems a bit far fetched that you could even lose your virginity, let alone make a living out of itWell sorry, sweetheart. Believe what you will I suppose.

I might believe it if it was realistic, but you look like God was having a laugh when he made youOk, you are truly a one dimensional dipshit. No future, no past. As you were, coke head.

Yeah and your insults have so much range :lol: at least mine are the truth