View Full Version : Has your labido ever caused you relationship problems?

02-20-2008, 04:51 AM
I was just on a long buisness trip to the middle of no where USA.
While in the heart land I had a few days to think about my relationships.
What went right and what went wrong and which ones were amazing.
And I've come to the understanding that I think my labido is just too strong.
Maybe I was very lucky while at university but I use to get laid every freaking day, and not just wham bam stuff but real passion. It was almost a given, i allways had a girl friend, and when I did we were doing it non stop. My average relationship lasted a semester (6 months), but none ever ended badly. But now I'm 30 and things are a little different. I seem to get into these "older people" type relationships.
And where before tv watching would lead to a 69 now it just leads to....chanel 69. And after a few months I have to dump the poor girl because well....hay I'm not that kind of guy. I need passion and more and more it seems that women in their late 20's early 30's just don't. I don't know what gives? I've actually gotten in better shape since graduating, and more confident. But the women.....they haven't.
Maybe it's just me.
But has it ever happend to you?

02-20-2008, 05:27 AM
Maybe your dating the wrong kind of women. maybe an ad in Craigslist can facilitate your search.

02-21-2008, 01:41 AM
Ya think? I mean a "Hi i'm a overly horny guy looking for a passionate relationship with a women who can keep up and will prefer having sex with me than shopping for shoes or watching tv?"
Doesn't that just make the your average guy?
Maybe I am your average guy and other guys just deal with it better than me?

02-21-2008, 01:58 AM
Yes, I see what you mean. Quite a dilemma. Maybe there's a support group for guys with your problem.

02-21-2008, 03:12 AM
I think it's all in my head.
Hay I was in Kansas...it was cold. I spent too much time thinking.
I guess it happens.

02-22-2008, 12:51 AM
Most women tend to lose interest in sex rather quickly after being in a relationship for awhile. If you can't "reve up" their sex drive you might want to take something to "tone down" yours. Or you might want to become a Bhuddist to handle your suffering with equanimity.

02-22-2008, 01:38 AM
I sympathise with you, although from an opposite perspective. I've always had an extremely low sex drive. I'm 25 and often feel like a bit of a freak for my lack of interest in getting laid. It's not that I don't like it - i do - more that it's outranked by so many other priorities that if it were up to me to initiate it it would probably be an annual event!

Disparity in sex drive between partners can really hurt a relationship - I have had issues with girls who convinced themselves that I wasn't attracted to them because I would never initiate sex, even though I would always respond to their advances. And when dating a highly-sexed girl, I have found myself bored and frustrateed by the amount of time spent responding to her desires.

You are probably doing the right thing getting out of these relationships, since sexual disparity seems to be a pretty intractible issue.