View Full Version : R.I.P Duanna Johnson

11-12-2008, 04:34 PM

I just wanted to pass on the news that another member of the transgender community has been murdered. Duanna Johnson the same lady that was the subject of an "alleged" police beating in Memphis TN by a police officer while in custody for "prostitution". She was found shot on November 9, 2008 at Hollywood near Staten Avenue, North Memphis. No suspects, but witnesses heard a shot and saw three individuals running from the scene of the crime.

People the time has long since been here for us as a human race to do something, how many more shall we lose before we has a people do somthing. I challenge you the person reading this post, let's work 2gether and make some noise to get some positive results.
Duanna was a native of Chicago.
She was also suing the city of memphis over her ordeal with police.

11-12-2008, 04:44 PM
the police did a superb job harrassing her throught out her life, but in the end they failed to do thier primary function... protect her life


11-12-2008, 05:11 PM

We had a topic before. :(

11-12-2008, 07:12 PM
the police did a superb job harrassing her throught out her life, but in the end they failed to do thier primary function... protect her life


It is horrible news but what exactly is it we, meaning the TS community, are supposed to do? As I see it there is nothing of substance.

In this business we are close to the edge and have no margin for error. Its a risky business made more risky if you dwell on the lower ranks I.e. Do drugs, hang with the drug scene, and don't set strict rules and adhere to them. When I was using my chances of injury or death were ten times what they are now.

In any case RIP Duanna no one deserves what you got, well maybe Cheney and Rumsfeld.

11-12-2008, 07:34 PM
I have no answer as to what regular people are supposed to do.
In New York we have a police force that seems obsessed with arresting prostitutes, especially trans. I understand they're easy targets and it's certainly less dangerous than going after bad guys

Can I go up to a group of dougnut eating cops hanging out by the World Financial Center and say get your fat ugly pig ass up to the Bronx where some little kid might accidentally get shot at by crack dealers with bad aim ?
The average cop in the NYPD would be thrilled to go through their entire 20 yr career busting tranny hookers and never having to deal with a violent criminal

11-12-2008, 07:55 PM
Call it my natural hatreds of police, but I think they were involved in this.
Too many girls in Memphis have been killed. Not just pros, but girls just living life. Something in my gut just tells me that either the two cops fired, or their buddies still on the job took it upon themselves to finish what was started.
I hope the lawyers continue with the lawsuit.

11-12-2008, 08:17 PM
Yes , very sad indeed . When i received the called that she had died i was shocked because it seems like yesterday when Caprice and i sat down and made a youtube video about her .
I feel really bad that she had to go through this in her life .
I heard she was a very sweet person from a friend of hers - Nicole-

Rest in peace :(

11-12-2008, 08:23 PM
Call it my natural hatreds of police, but I think they were involved in this.
Too many girls in Memphis have been killed. Not just pros, but girls just living life. Something in my gut just tells me that either the two cops fired, or their buddies still on the job took it upon themselves to finish what was started.
I hope the lawyers continue with the lawsuit.

Yeah, it seems completely reasonable to assume that she was killed for suing the police department. It's not like police departments haven't executed people many times before.

What a fucked up, horrible tragedy.

11-12-2008, 11:20 PM

11-13-2008, 12:03 AM
I don't think this had anything to do with the police but a reflection of the environment she was living in and her surroundings.I really feel bad she was killed but when people put themselves in that kind of environment and surround themselves with losers bad things usually happen.Its just not as simple as blaming the police.

11-13-2008, 02:40 AM

We had a topic before. :(
No sadly we had a thread where she was beat by the police and the footage was leaked to the press. Then she got a lawyer, 2 of the officers were fired and she had a case against them for 1.3 million dollars.
She was homeless and trying desperatly to come back home and stay with her mother. Witnesses say she was confronted by 3 black males and shot at point blank range.
I actually knew her years ago, but did not recognize her as she was now on hormones and had work done.
She wasn't a messy girl to be around. its so sad.

11-13-2008, 04:30 AM
I was just reading that the other day from my goolge news alert on transexuals.

I am from Memphis,TN. Born and raised there since I was 21. Now that I have been in Vegas for 7 some odd years. People often ask me Have I or will I ever go back. Well...Not when I see sick shit like this I wont! Thats for damn skippy.

Poor girl!!


El Nino
11-13-2008, 04:48 AM
We live in a police state

11-13-2008, 05:48 AM
My condolences to her family, friends, and loved ones.

May she rest in peace.


11-13-2008, 08:50 AM
R.I.P. Ms. Johnson.

11-13-2008, 09:13 AM
I don't think this had anything to do with the police but a reflection of the environment she was living in and her surroundings.I really feel bad she was killed but when people put themselves in that kind of environment and surround themselves with losers bad things usually happen.Its just not as simple as blaming the police.

See, Id say otherwise because of what you stated.
Memphis has had problems with TS and police in the past, and girl, both escorts and 9-5er's have been harassed, beaten, and killed. If my memory serves me correctly, last year in May a young ts was killed by an off duty officer who found out her secret and lost it.
Memphis is also not very black friendly, but thats the south in general.

11-13-2008, 09:22 AM
I don't think this had anything to do with the police but a reflection of the environment she was living in and her surroundings.I really feel bad she was killed but when people put themselves in that kind of environment and surround themselves with losers bad things usually happen.Its just not as simple as blaming the police.

If she was suing a civilian for $1.3million, and she ended up dead under these circumstances- you can bet the defendants in the lawsuit would be suspect #1 (and if they really had no role in it, in theory they'd be quickly ruled out).

But because she's trans, and she was suing the police department- not joe the plumber, then it's going to be shrugged off as "a sexually deviant prostitute who ran into the wrong person"

It would be hard to give a police department benefit of the doubt in this situation, given their past conduct with the same girl. How much credibility would you give an institution- any institution, where its members freely and eagerly beat up a girl (trans or not)? There have been far too many stories of girls being roughed up by law enforcement to shrug it off as "one or two bad apples on the force."

At some point, it might not be this point, it might not be the dozens of points before or after this- you have to wonder just when it would be safe to call something what it appears to be- and to put it lightly, this to me sounds suspicious.

11-13-2008, 12:39 PM

11-13-2008, 03:22 PM
For those of you who are saying it wasn't the Police are out of your mind!!
It's too much of a coincidence.

Witness & victims get killed and all the time.

If she was suing a regular civilian, I would suspect them too.

How hard would it be for the police to find 3 drug dealers with a bunch of drugs & guns on them and offer them a second chance if they kill somebody for them.

Also, It don't sound like a robbery cause She was homeless.
Plus too many people had a grudge against her.

This is the same thing that happen to the "girl" that Eddie Murphy was in trouble for.

11-13-2008, 04:51 PM


11-13-2008, 05:07 PM
Call it my natural hatreds of police, but I think they were involved in this.
Too many girls in Memphis have been killed. Not just pros, but girls just living life. Something in my gut just tells me that either the two cops fired, or their buddies still on the job took it upon themselves to finish what was started.
I hope the lawyers continue with the lawsuit.
You are not alone with that thought.

11-13-2008, 05:17 PM

Thats a very shady thing to say. She was a trans woman of color. She was beaten by the police for being who she was. Its a very big deal. She was a human being, she faced the same struggle that I and many girls on here deal with day to day. She just had a harder life than some of us. One guy who spoke on her behalf said he gave her some of the money for a bus ticket back to Chicago to be with her mother while her case was pending. See police brutality isn't right for anyone so it is a big deal. From my personal expierences with the police, let me tell you its nothing nice at all. My recent expierence pales in comparison to what she went thru. Its not just the arresting officers, its the guys who print you, the guys who sign you out and those around when you are brought in and released. Its humiliating, degrading and painful. But as they repeatedly told me and the others being harassed " you play by our rules, we wear the badges". Thats the polices view of things.

11-13-2008, 05:21 PM
If you are in Chicago, please join us for this event. For Duanna, she was a Chicago girl, and for all those girls who went thru the same ordeal but are not named.

11-13-2008, 05:40 PM

Thats a very shady thing to say. She was a trans woman of color. She was beaten by the police for being who she was. Its a very big deal. She was a human being, she faced the same struggle that I and many girls on here deal with day to day. She just had a harder life than some of us. One guy who spoke on her behalf said he gave her some of the money for a bus ticket back to Chicago to be with her mother while her case was pending. See police brutality isn't right for anyone so it is a big deal. From my personal expierences with the police, let me tell you its nothing nice at all. My recent expierence pales in comparison to what she went thru. Its not just the arresting officers, its the guys who print you, the guys who sign you out and those around when you are brought in and released. Its humiliating, degrading and painful. But as they repeatedly told me and the others being harassed " you play by our rules, we wear the badges". Thats the polices view of things.

That's a whole shovel-load of self-righteous speeching for an escort who not only admits to drug use but brags about it. I've seen many a post by you gloating about how you and your boyfriend got the money and the blunt and you're all set up for the night. And those are just the drugs you admit to using. What about the drugs that are not so cool to cop to?

Even I as a working escort and recovering addict agree with his statement there are dangerous risks and consequences to living this life. And it's made worse if you do drugs. You walk through a minefield, you will eventually step on a mine.

What happened to this TS was unwarranted and a crime, no doubt. We all agree this is abhorrent and deserves protest. What's weird is how you are somehow now the spokesperson for TS human rights when less than a month ago on another thread you were gloating about your life as an escort and your drug enjoyment.

11-14-2008, 09:36 AM


People used to say that our country is great because we don't have to pour sawdust onto the floors of our prisons.

Police beating someone up is inexcusable, and it is a big deal. When a victim in such a extreme case of police brutality winds up dead after filing for a lawsuit, that's a big deal. When someone is murdered and cops refuse to fully investigate it, that's a big deal. When prosecutors refuse to fully prosecute suspects in these cases, that's a big deal. And when judges allow all suspects to get off in all cases involving trans victims, as long as they plead "gay panic" (even in cases where that clearly wasn't what happened), then that too is a big deal.

11-14-2008, 11:30 AM
So using drugs automatically makes someones opinions null and void?


Thats a very shady thing to say. She was a trans woman of color. She was beaten by the police for being who she was. Its a very big deal. She was a human being, she faced the same struggle that I and many girls on here deal with day to day. She just had a harder life than some of us. One guy who spoke on her behalf said he gave her some of the money for a bus ticket back to Chicago to be with her mother while her case was pending. See police brutality isn't right for anyone so it is a big deal. From my personal expierences with the police, let me tell you its nothing nice at all. My recent expierence pales in comparison to what she went thru. Its not just the arresting officers, its the guys who print you, the guys who sign you out and those around when you are brought in and released. Its humiliating, degrading and painful. But as they repeatedly told me and the others being harassed " you play by our rules, we wear the badges". Thats the polices view of things.

That's a whole shovel-load of self-righteous speeching for an escort who not only admits to drug use but brags about it. I've seen many a post by you gloating about how you and your boyfriend got the money and the blunt and you're all set up for the night. And those are just the drugs you admit to using. What about the drugs that are not so cool to cop to?

Even I as a working escort and recovering addict agree with his statement there are dangerous risks and consequences to living this life. And it's made worse if you do drugs. You walk through a minefield, you will eventually step on a mine.

What happened to this TS was unwarranted and a crime, no doubt. We all agree this is abhorrent and deserves protest. What's weird is how you are somehow now the spokesperson for TS human rights when less than a month ago on another thread you were gloating about your life as an escort and your drug enjoyment.

11-14-2008, 11:59 AM

Thats a very shady thing to say. She was a trans woman of color. She was beaten by the police for being who she was. Its a very big deal. She was a human being, she faced the same struggle that I and many girls on here deal with day to day. She just had a harder life than some of us. One guy who spoke on her behalf said he gave her some of the money for a bus ticket back to Chicago to be with her mother while her case was pending. See police brutality isn't right for anyone so it is a big deal. From my personal expierences with the police, let me tell you its nothing nice at all. My recent expierence pales in comparison to what she went thru. Its not just the arresting officers, its the guys who print you, the guys who sign you out and those around when you are brought in and released. Its humiliating, degrading and painful. But as they repeatedly told me and the others being harassed " you play by our rules, we wear the badges". Thats the polices view of things.

That's a whole shovel-load of self-righteous speeching for an escort who not only admits to drug use but brags about it. I've seen many a post by you gloating about how you and your boyfriend got the money and the blunt and you're all set up for the night. And those are just the drugs you admit to using. What about the drugs that are not so cool to cop to?

Even I as a working escort and recovering addict agree with his statement there are dangerous risks and consequences to living this life. And it's made worse if you do drugs. You walk through a minefield, you will eventually step on a mine.

What happened to this TS was unwarranted and a crime, no doubt. We all agree this is abhorrent and deserves protest. What's weird is how you are somehow now the spokesperson for TS human rights when less than a month ago on another thread you were gloating about your life as an escort and your drug enjoyment.

:jawdrop :jawdrop :jawdrop :what :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :repost :repost

11-14-2008, 12:09 PM

Thats a very shady thing to say. She was a trans woman of color. She was beaten by the police for being who she was. Its a very big deal. She was a human being, she faced the same struggle that I and many girls on here deal with day to day. She just had a harder life than some of us. One guy who spoke on her behalf said he gave her some of the money for a bus ticket back to Chicago to be with her mother while her case was pending. See police brutality isn't right for anyone so it is a big deal. From my personal expierences with the police, let me tell you its nothing nice at all. My recent expierence pales in comparison to what she went thru. Its not just the arresting officers, its the guys who print you, the guys who sign you out and those around when you are brought in and released. Its humiliating, degrading and painful. But as they repeatedly told me and the others being harassed " you play by our rules, we wear the badges". Thats the polices view of things.

That's a whole shovel-load of self-righteous speeching for an escort who not only admits to drug use but brags about it. I've seen many a post by you gloating about how you and your boyfriend got the money and the blunt and you're all set up for the night. And those are just the drugs you admit to using. What about the drugs that are not so cool to cop to?

Even I as a working escort and recovering addict agree with his statement there are dangerous risks and consequences to living this life. And it's made worse if you do drugs. You walk through a minefield, you will eventually step on a mine.

What happened to this TS was unwarranted and a crime, no doubt. We all agree this is abhorrent and deserves protest. What's weird is how you are somehow now the spokesperson for TS human rights when less than a month ago on another thread you were gloating about your life as an escort and your drug enjoyment.Because you are/were a drug addict doesnt mean we all were. Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally.. So now you want to blame drug use for what happen to her?? She was a woman of color beat by the police, then after she files suit against the city and all the bad publicity brought to the Memphis police department she is killed. Now where did drug use come into the picture? Are you implying that she used drugs? I never said I was a spokes person for anything. Just I've expierenced police brutality and ignorance first hand, and yes I speak out about it every chance I get. Bitch and If I smoke a blunt after a hard day at work or dealing with idiots like you thats my business. I pay my bills and have the right to do as I please in my home, as it does no harm to anyone but myself. And just for the record sir, aside from a blunt, thats it. You may like hard candy and it shows, but thats just not for me. I spend my money on my drag, that would be my drug of choice, rhinestones, MAC and Chanel makeup, fabulous shoes, Louis Vuitton handbags, etc, etc. Now stick to your rehab, seems like you just fell off track.

11-14-2008, 12:16 PM
So using drugs automatically makes someones opinions null and void?


Thats a very shady thing to say. She was a trans woman of color. She was beaten by the police for being who she was. Its a very big deal. She was a human being, she faced the same struggle that I and many girls on here deal with day to day. She just had a harder life than some of us. One guy who spoke on her behalf said he gave her some of the money for a bus ticket back to Chicago to be with her mother while her case was pending. See police brutality isn't right for anyone so it is a big deal. From my personal expierences with the police, let me tell you its nothing nice at all. My recent expierence pales in comparison to what she went thru. Its not just the arresting officers, its the guys who print you, the guys who sign you out and those around when you are brought in and released. Its humiliating, degrading and painful. But as they repeatedly told me and the others being harassed " you play by our rules, we wear the badges". Thats the polices view of things.

That's a whole shovel-load of self-righteous speeching for an escort who not only admits to drug use but brags about it. I've seen many a post by you gloating about how you and your boyfriend got the money and the blunt and you're all set up for the night. And those are just the drugs you admit to using. What about the drugs that are not so cool to cop to?

Even I as a working escort and recovering addict agree with his statement there are dangerous risks and consequences to living this life. And it's made worse if you do drugs. You walk through a minefield, you will eventually step on a mine.

What happened to this TS was unwarranted and a crime, no doubt. We all agree this is abhorrent and deserves protest. What's weird is how you are somehow now the spokesperson for TS human rights when less than a month ago on another thread you were gloating about your life as an escort and your drug enjoyment.
It was so funny to me how just because she is an addict we all have to be.
Trust me anybody and everybody who knows me knows I've never been a drug addict. It kills me that the girls on this forum who do have drug problems always want to seem to bring me down with them. I just happen to not agree that people dying is no big deal. Trans woman killed is a big deal. Anybody killed is a big deal, trans or not.

11-14-2008, 12:21 PM


People used to say that our country is great because we don't have to pour sawdust onto the floors of our prisons.

Police beating someone up is inexcusable, and it is a big deal. When a victim in such a extreme case of police brutality winds up dead after filing for a lawsuit, that's a big deal. When someone is murdered and cops refuse to fully investigate it, that's a big deal. When prosecutors refuse to fully prosecute suspects in these cases, that's a big deal. And when judges allow all suspects to get off in all cases involving trans victims, as long as they plead "gay panic" (even in cases where that clearly wasn't what happened), then that too is a big deal. Of all the trans woman I know personally who were killed only 2 cases were actually solved. In one case the only reason was because the second victim played dead and lived to identify and prosicute the murderers. In the second case, the jealous boyfriend confessed. The other cases are still unsolved to this day.

11-14-2008, 03:46 PM
It's a shame. If any other segment of society was plauge by the amount of murders that the trans-community suffers, it would be considered an epidemic. There are several murders of trans-women in my town that have not been solved. That means there are cold blooded murders walking among us. Who here thinks that's okay?

There was a study that www.gpac.org published called 50 under 30. It chronicles the murders of trans-women and gender non conforming people. The information is shocking, please look it up.

11-14-2008, 04:01 PM
So using drugs automatically makes someones opinions null and void?

If they are high, yes. If they actively use, yes. One must be in their right mind to offer an opinion, otherwise it is all regurgitated oatmeal.

11-14-2008, 04:12 PM
Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.

11-14-2008, 04:22 PM
I spend my money on my drag, that would be my drug of choice

Your drug of choice appears to be an over-inflated ego.

11-14-2008, 06:20 PM
Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.

You forgot her co-starring role as Chi-Chi Rodriguez in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

11-14-2008, 07:56 PM
Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.

You forgot her co-starring role as Chi-Chi Rodriguez in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

LOL I think you mean Anal Intruder 3

11-14-2008, 08:53 PM
Damn Melissa, you have a great memory. I told Vanessa that she was posting too much personal information about herself! Oh well.

Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.

I forget nothing.

Clean and sober is a wonderful thing.

Floyd R
11-14-2008, 10:32 PM
Melissa and Vanessa should kiss and make up. Instead of fighting, make a video having sex with each other. Melissa will be the bottom and Vanessa the top. No bareback stuff, Vanessa will wear a condom in this video. I want to hear her moan and scream out loud "I am cumming."

Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.

11-14-2008, 10:42 PM
Melissa and Vanessa, kiss and make up. Instead of fighting with each other, make a video having sex. Melissa will be the bottom and Vanessa the top. No bareback stuff, Vanessa will wear a condom in this video. She will moan and groan and scream out loud "I am cumming."

Vanessa needs to pay for that just like any other guy.

Oh wait I better not say that, bf Julio may come after me with a machete.

11-14-2008, 11:46 PM
guys although this is absolutely a keke ...

Some one died ... R.I.P.


Floyd R
11-15-2008, 12:37 AM
Mimi, you are absolutely right. I got caught up in the laugher and forgot that someone died. RIP to Ms. Johnson.

guys although this is absolutely a keke ...

Some one died ... R.I.P.


11-15-2008, 02:08 AM
So she was last seen and probably killed by three black men, but wasn't she beaten by white cops?

I don't see black thugs(cops or not) helping out white cops and/or the city in that area.

I'm not one to defend the man, but I think she was just turning the wrong trick at the wrong time.

11-15-2008, 04:54 PM
Once again some hot mess comes in and shit on a thread to get noticed.
This thread had nothing to do with my alleged drug use, her current addiction, who or how I fuck. The thread was posted because there is a problem in our community. Trans woman are being killed. Its a problem that won't go away anytime soon it seems. The thread was made to share and to rember a fallen sister. Hardly the place for somebody to come in and try and grab the spotlight for a quick second. Clearly you have no class or respect for those who have passed.No you got your 15 seconds of laughs and giggles, I know it made your day. Now back to the issue at hand.

11-15-2008, 05:01 PM
So she was last seen and probably killed by three black men, but wasn't she beaten by white cops?

I don't see black thugs(cops or not) helping out white cops and/or the city in that area.

I'm not one to defend the man, but I think she was just turning the wrong trick at the wrong time.
Lets not always assume that she was turning a trick. I don't think she was turning 3 tricks at one time.
Why would white cops kill someone in a high profile case themselves?
That would be 2 obvious.
But if she was turning a trick and his 2 body guards killed her, is that right?

11-15-2008, 05:14 PM
Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.
You seem a bit jealous is seems Miss Carter. Or maybe back on the drugs, anywhoo, This is HA, it doesn't make me or break me. And the funny part is, the guys on here who know me, sit with me and laugh at some of the bs that comes out of bitter queens mouths on here. See the girls who accuse me of using drugs, are the drug users themselves. Misery loves company. Those comments people make about me on here, roll off. I shut the computer off and go back to doin ME. Because in the end its not about how Melissa or Mimi or anybody on here thinks about me, its how I feel about MYSELF. I roll with the punches, pay it dust and keep moving. We all make mistakes, or we may do things that some people may view as wrong, but you live and learn. Its funny how the mistake I got called out for, the person who called it out brags of doing the very same thing. So it is what it is. I just don't back down, I face the music. In my life I've been to hell and back 10 times over, this shit nor you phase me anymore.

11-15-2008, 06:33 PM
Once again some hot mess comes in and shit on a thread to get noticed.
This thread had nothing to do with my alleged drug use, her current addiction, who or how I fuck. The thread was posted because there is a problem in our community. Trans woman are being killed. Its a problem that won't go away anytime soon it seems. The thread was made to share and to rember a fallen sister. Hardly the place for somebody to come in and try and grab the spotlight for a quick second. Clearly you have no class or respect for those who have passed.No you got your 15 seconds of laughs and giggles, I know it made your day. Now back to the issue at hand.

I'm just not sure why so many people feel that its ok to blame the victim for the violence perpetrated against her. So often I read comments on here that slam sex workers, and slam drug users, for their moral failings and weak character, as if everyone chose that path willfully. Life is much more complicated than that, but I suppose this black and white, good vs. evil mentality makes it much easier to ignore people who are suffering, and to ignore the systematic failures of our society.

I'm also not sure why people are so quick to exonerate the thugs who brutally beat her just months before, just because a news report claims a source saw three black men leaving the scene. Historically, newspapers in s tend to have a bias towards the police, and certainly won't go very far to investigate the murder of a woman of color, especially a transwomen who was suing the police department. Also, historically, police officers do literally get away with murder (especially when the victim is black).

It just seems like too much of a coincidence to think that her death has nothing to do with the fact that 2 cops got fired for beating her up, and she was suing the city for 1.3 million dollars, people die all the time for a lot less of a reason.

11-15-2008, 07:45 PM
Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.
You seem a bit jealous is seems Miss Carter. Or maybe back on the drugs, anywhoo, This is HA, it doesn't make me or break me. And the funny part is, the guys on here who know me, sit with me and laugh at some of the bs that comes out of bitter queens mouths on here. See the girls who accuse me of using drugs, are the drug users themselves. Misery loves company. Those comments people make about me on here, roll off. I shut the computer off and go back to doin ME. Because in the end its not about how Melissa or Mimi or anybody on here thinks about me, its how I feel about MYSELF. I roll with the punches, pay it dust and keep moving. We all make mistakes, or we may do things that some people may view as wrong, but you live and learn. Its funny how the mistake I got called out for, the person who called it out brags of doing the very same thing. So it is what it is. I just don't back down, I face the music. In my life I've been to hell and back 10 times over, this shit nor you phase me anymore.

Jealous, hehe, that's a good one, Refrigerator Perry. I should book a flight into your town and stroll into Chicago just to steal your dates away and teach your scarecrow ass a lesson. Oh, wait, I forgot, they can't afford me.

Keep pluggin' away with those drug references, Fridgie. My former drug use is a matter of public record, it was brief and in the past and you're welcome to read about it if you have that skill. I'm clean as a whip, and am moppin' the floor with your silicone-mishap hardshell ass sober as the day I was born.

11-15-2008, 07:46 PM
Sad ... I fear no 'real' investigation of this will be taken. Just the usual look around and the case goes to cold files storage.

11-15-2008, 07:53 PM
So she was last seen and probably killed by three black men, but wasn't she beaten by white cops?

I don't see black thugs(cops or not) helping out white cops and/or the city in that area.

I'm not one to defend the man, but I think she was just turning the wrong trick at the wrong time.
Lets not always assume that she was turning a trick. I don't think she was turning 3 tricks at one time.
Why would white cops kill someone in a high profile case themselves?
That would be 2 obvious.
But if she was turning a trick and his 2 body guards killed her, is that right?

2 bodyguards, lol. Who was she suckin off, fifty cent?

This woman, and I've already given my RIP's so I don't wanna hear about any disrespect, this woman was clearly involved in the shady. You can't tell me she wasn't. If I had a pending discrimination and assault charge pending against the Memphis police and someone gave me money to leave town, which was mentioned earlier in this thread, I would be anywhere but Memphis. Even if I had no money I would get the fuck outta Dodge. Memphis is the last place on Earth to be when you're sueing the police for brutality. So why was she there still? That's a legitimate question and also a legitimate insinuation that Ms. Johnson may not have been free and clear of some shenanigans herself.

I will reiterate: none of this means she deserved to be slain. No one does. EVER. But this goes back to my original statement, you walk through a minefield you will eventually step on a mine.

11-15-2008, 07:55 PM
Mimi, you are absolutely right. I got caught up in the laugher and forgot that someone died. RIP to Ms. Johnson.

guys although this is absolutely a keke ...

Some one died ... R.I.P.


Floyd, I am sooooo diggin your new avatar!

11-15-2008, 10:16 PM
Rest in peace, Duanna Johnson.

11-15-2008, 10:31 PM
Studies show most transsexuals are killed by their lovers not clients, cops, etc

11-15-2008, 11:41 PM
Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.
You seem a bit jealous is seems Miss Carter. Or maybe back on the drugs, anywhoo, This is HA, it doesn't make me or break me. And the funny part is, the guys on here who know me, sit with me and laugh at some of the bs that comes out of bitter queens mouths on here. See the girls who accuse me of using drugs, are the drug users themselves. Misery loves company. Those comments people make about me on here, roll off. I shut the computer off and go back to doin ME. Because in the end its not about how Melissa or Mimi or anybody on here thinks about me, its how I feel about MYSELF. I roll with the punches, pay it dust and keep moving. We all make mistakes, or we may do things that some people may view as wrong, but you live and learn. Its funny how the mistake I got called out for, the person who called it out brags of doing the very same thing. So it is what it is. I just don't back down, I face the music. In my life I've been to hell and back 10 times over, this shit nor you phase me anymore.

Jealous, hehe, that's a good one, Refrigerator Perry. I should book a flight into your town and stroll into Chicago just to steal your dates away and teach your scarecrow ass a lesson. Oh, wait, I forgot, they can't afford me.

Keep pluggin' away with those drug references, Fridgie. My former drug use is a matter of public record, it was brief and in the past and you're welcome to read about it if you have that skill. I'm clean as a whip, and am moppin' the floor with your silicone-mishap hardshell ass sober as the day I was born.
You could never on your best day come for me at my worst. Stick to being barefoot in cornfields smoking who know what.

11-15-2008, 11:43 PM
So she was last seen and probably killed by three black men, but wasn't she beaten by white cops?

I don't see black thugs(cops or not) helping out white cops and/or the city in that area.

I'm not one to defend the man, but I think she was just turning the wrong trick at the wrong time.
Lets not always assume that she was turning a trick. I don't think she was turning 3 tricks at one time.
Why would white cops kill someone in a high profile case themselves?
That would be 2 obvious.
But if she was turning a trick and his 2 body guards killed her, is that right?

2 bodyguards, lol. Who was she suckin off, fifty cent?

This woman, and I've already given my RIP's so I don't wanna hear about any disrespect, this woman was clearly involved in the shady. You can't tell me she wasn't. If I had a pending discrimination and assault charge pending against the Memphis police and someone gave me money to leave town, which was mentioned earlier in this thread, I would be anywhere but Memphis. Even if I had no money I would get the fuck outta Dodge. Memphis is the last place on Earth to be when you're sueing the police for brutality. So why was she there still? That's a legitimate question and also a legitimate insinuation that Ms. Johnson may not have been free and clear of some shenanigans herself.

I will reiterate: none of this means she deserved to be slain. No one does. EVER. But this goes back to my original statement, you walk through a minefield you will eventually step on a mine.
Onece again talking shit about someone you never even met. Then to throw shade on her death.
You bitter bitches always show your true ingnorant selves,

11-16-2008, 12:44 AM
Studies show most transsexuals are killed by their lovers not clients, cops, etc

yes, but most cases don't involve a woman who was beaten on camera, and was suing the city. If Abner Louima (prisoner who was beaten and sodomized with a broom handle by NYPD) or Rodney King had turned up dead during their court cases, it would have been national news. It just seems sketchy to me.

And to suggest that she was obviously knee deep in shade since she didn't leave town is unfair. She was probably stuck due to her impending Police Brutality case and couldn't just up and move somewhere else. Meeting with Lawyers, depositions, etc.... that all probably kept her around. At that point, every cop in town knew her face, and it doesn't seem far-fetched to think that someone decided to get rid of a troublesome person.

I'm not saying I have any hard evidence, but it doesn't seem far-fetched at all to think that this could have been a hit, rather than a deal gone wrong.

11-16-2008, 12:55 AM
Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.
You seem a bit jealous is seems Miss Carter. Or maybe back on the drugs, anywhoo, This is HA, it doesn't make me or break me. And the funny part is, the guys on here who know me, sit with me and laugh at some of the bs that comes out of bitter queens mouths on here. See the girls who accuse me of using drugs, are the drug users themselves. Misery loves company. Those comments people make about me on here, roll off. I shut the computer off and go back to doin ME. Because in the end its not about how Melissa or Mimi or anybody on here thinks about me, its how I feel about MYSELF. I roll with the punches, pay it dust and keep moving. We all make mistakes, or we may do things that some people may view as wrong, but you live and learn. Its funny how the mistake I got called out for, the person who called it out brags of doing the very same thing. So it is what it is. I just don't back down, I face the music. In my life I've been to hell and back 10 times over, this shit nor you phase me anymore.

so glad your into self flattery but YOU are one of the FARTHEST things from my mind .

11-16-2008, 05:17 AM
Mandy I was purely stating a fact, since people keep talking about hookers dying cause of tricks and drugs and cops

Floyd R
11-16-2008, 05:26 AM
Thanks Melissa. I really like your avatar, it brings out the lust in me.

Mimi, you are absolutely right. I got caught up in the laugher and forgot that someone died. RIP to Ms. Johnson.

guys although this is absolutely a keke ...

Some one died ... R.I.P.


Floyd, I am sooooo diggin your new avatar!

11-16-2008, 05:57 AM
Thanks Melissa. I really like your avatar, it brings out the lust in me.

Mimi, you are absolutely right. I got caught up in the laugher and forgot that someone died. RIP to Ms. Johnson.

guys although this is absolutely a keke ...

Some one died ... R.I.P.


Floyd, I am sooooo diggin your new avatar!

LOL @ kerry setting a pick, then hillary about to give dap to Obama.

11-16-2008, 06:05 AM
Thanks Melissa. I really like your avatar, it brings out the lust in me.

Mimi, you are absolutely right. I got caught up in the laugher and forgot that someone died. RIP to Ms. Johnson.

guys although this is absolutely a keke ...

Some one died ... R.I.P.


Floyd, I am sooooo diggin your new avatar!

LOL @ kerry setting a pick, then hillary about to give dap to Obama.

Speaking of GIFs Haze yours is, as they say in France, muthafuckin' hot.

11-16-2008, 06:06 AM
Thanks Melissa. I really like your avatar, it brings out the lust in me.

Mimi, you are absolutely right. I got caught up in the laugher and forgot that someone died. RIP to Ms. Johnson.

guys although this is absolutely a keke ...

Some one died ... R.I.P.


Floyd, I am sooooo diggin your new avatar!

LOL @ kerry setting a pick, then hillary about to give dap to Obama.

Speaking of GIFs Haze yours is, as they say in France, muthafuckin' hot.

:wink: :wink:

11-16-2008, 09:51 AM
Live by the sword, die by same.

11-16-2008, 10:09 AM
Live by the sword, die by same.
WTF does that mean :?: :?
Did she go about attacking & killing :?:

11-16-2008, 05:27 PM
Studies show most transsexuals are killed by their lovers not clients, cops, etc

yes, but most cases don't involve a woman who was beaten on camera, and was suing the city. If Abner Louima (prisoner who was beaten and sodomized with a broom handle by NYPD) or Rodney King had turned up dead during their court cases, it would have been national news. It just seems sketchy to me.

And to suggest that she was obviously knee deep in shade since she didn't leave town is unfair. She was probably stuck due to her impending Police Brutality case and couldn't just up and move somewhere else. Meeting with Lawyers, depositions, etc.... that all probably kept her around. At that point, every cop in town knew her face, and it doesn't seem far-fetched to think that someone decided to get rid of a troublesome person.

I'm not saying I have any hard evidence, but it doesn't seem far-fetched at all to think that this could have been a hit, rather than a deal gone wrong.
Police are very shady in general. They do alot more than you think and it goes unpunished.

11-16-2008, 08:00 PM
Mandy I was purely stating a fact, since people keep talking about hookers dying cause of tricks and drugs and cops

I know :)

I just wanted to point out that the circumstances of this crime were a little bit more complicated than the average death (if there ever is such a thing).

Felicia Katt
11-16-2008, 11:18 PM
Blaming the victim is a pervasive tendency to assume that a person who has suffered a misfortune must have done something wrong to deserve it. It is explained by the just world hypothesis which is a widespread but false belief that the world is essentially fair, so that the good are rewarded and the bad punished. One consequence of this belief is that people who suffer misfortunes are assumed to deserve their fates: a person involved in a traffic accident must have been driving carelessly, a victim of burglary could not have taken adequate precautions, a woman who was raped must have acted provocatively and led her attacker on, and so on, and even the victims often blame themselves. This phenomenon, which is usually interpreted as a consequence of the illusion of control is an example of attribution error and bias. These are pervasive tendencies to underestimate the importance of external situational pressures and to overestimate the importance of internal motives and dispositions in interpreting the behavior of others but to ascribe their own successes to internal personal factors, such as ability, and their failures to external situational causes, such as bad luck.

In short bad things sometimes happen to good people. and good things to bad. No one in this lifestyle is ever truly safe and certainly no one ever deserves to be hurt or worse. Its bad enough when a member of this small community comes to a tragic end, we shouldn't make it worse by blaming them or by distracting people from the true purpose of the thread, which was mark and mourn the loss of one of our own.


11-17-2008, 05:13 PM
Blaming the victim is a pervasive tendency to assume that a person who has suffered a misfortune must have done something wrong to deserve it. It is explained by the just world hypothesis which is a widespread but false belief that the world is essentially fair, so that the good are rewarded and the bad punished. One consequence of this belief is that people who suffer misfortunes are assumed to deserve their fates: a person involved in a traffic accident must have been driving carelessly, a victim of burglary could not have taken adequate precautions, a woman who was raped must have acted provocatively and led her attacker on, and so on, and even the victims often blame themselves. This phenomenon, which is usually interpreted as a consequence of the illusion of control is an example of attribution error and bias. These are pervasive tendencies to underestimate the importance of external situational pressures and to overestimate the importance of internal motives and dispositions in interpreting the behavior of others but to ascribe their own successes to internal personal factors, such as ability, and their failures to external situational causes, such as bad luck.

In short bad things sometimes happen to good people. and good things to bad. No one in this lifestyle is ever truly safe and certainly no one ever deserves to be hurt or worse. Its bad enough when a member of this small community comes to a tragic end, we shouldn't make it worse by blaming them or by distracting people from the true purpose of the thread, which was mark and mourn the loss of one of our own.

Thank you girl for bringing an intelligent comment to this post.
Its so sad other girls come in and use any thread they find to get 15 seconds of fame. Pathetic if you ask me.

11-17-2008, 10:27 PM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

11-17-2008, 11:05 PM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

i love mimi

11-18-2008, 12:05 AM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

Yea, and don't forget to mention posting pictures of yourself, yapping about how your drug is MAC cosmetics and you "get your drag on" gimme a break...wow what a selfless tribute LOL

11-18-2008, 01:29 AM
Blaming the victim is a pervasive tendency to assume that a person who has suffered a misfortune must have done something wrong to deserve it. It is explained by the just world hypothesis which is a widespread but false belief that the world is essentially fair, so that the good are rewarded and the bad punished. One consequence of this belief is that people who suffer misfortunes are assumed to deserve their fates: a person involved in a traffic accident must have been driving carelessly, a victim of burglary could not have taken adequate precautions, a woman who was raped must have acted provocatively and led her attacker on, and so on, and even the victims often blame themselves. This phenomenon, which is usually interpreted as a consequence of the illusion of control is an example of attribution error and bias. These are pervasive tendencies to underestimate the importance of external situational pressures and to overestimate the importance of internal motives and dispositions in interpreting the behavior of others but to ascribe their own successes to internal personal factors, such as ability, and their failures to external situational causes, such as bad luck

Wow what a quasi-scientific analysis of a sociological interpretation or as they say in new jersey, load of shit.

11-18-2008, 01:53 AM
So she was last seen and probably killed by three black men, but wasn't she beaten by white cops?

I don't see black thugs(cops or not) helping out white cops and/or the city in that area.

I'm not one to defend the man, but I think she was just turning the wrong trick at the wrong time.
Lets not always assume that she was turning a trick. I don't think she was turning 3 tricks at one time.
Why would white cops kill someone in a high profile case themselves?
That would be 2 obvious.
But if she was turning a trick and his 2 body guards killed her, is that right?

Oh I'm sure she was hanging around those three men cause of their knowledge of chess and the stock market. :roll: I'm not going to blame the murder victim here, however you are going to run risk in those situations.

As for the city having something to do with it. Not saying it didn't, however her suit would of been settled down to under a managable sum.

11-18-2008, 03:06 AM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

Yea, and don't forget to mention posting pictures of yourself, yapping about how your drug is MAC cosmetics and you "get your drag on" gimme a break...wow what a selfless tribute LOLg


i was gonna write something more cutty but why bother
i think this phony ass thread should be deleted and started over again
or may be not
sad to see ...
acting like a moron over a dead womans last ... whatever the fuck this is

to bad this will happen to you when you die .
i can just hear it now :

she was a bitch ... plain and simple , she put on a heavy front ...
almost as heavy as that cake ass foundation . always boasting bragging
and acting superior and shooting down girls half her age because she could not come for girls her own . posting sex pictures and contradicting her self by posting fuck tapes with out condoms and gloating about a job in hiv prevention

oh and not to mention the unnecessary ass pictures (that on a a high definition computer you can see every nasty ass boil you ever had and severely dry skin

but oh oh oh Rip Ms Johnson
you have girls that are well on their way to meeting you personally :roll: :roll:

btw your paint is looking a little off

11-18-2008, 03:42 AM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans
As ususal your need for attention has brought you to post in a thread that had nothing to do with you. As usual you have that desperate need to be seen and heard, and as usual its spreading hate and venom. PATHETIC!!!

11-18-2008, 04:01 AM
lmao what i wrote to you required no response . Fool .

11-18-2008, 04:04 AM
get into that action

11-18-2008, 04:22 AM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

Yea, and don't forget to mention posting pictures of yourself, yapping about how your drug is MAC cosmetics and you "get your drag on" gimme a break...wow what a selfless tribute LOL
Oh girl, you desperatly need some make-up and shoes too. You just don't strike me as a MAC or Nars or Chanel girl. Now the shoe department, seems like you have never seen Neimans to get a decent pair of shoes.
Before you take swipes at girls on fashion, do your homework.

11-18-2008, 04:35 AM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

Yea, and don't forget to mention posting pictures of yourself, yapping about how your drug is MAC cosmetics and you "get your drag on" gimme a break...wow what a selfless tribute LOL
Oh girl, you desperatly need some make-up and shoes too. You just don't strike me as a MAC or Nars or Chanel girl. Now the shoe department, seems like you have never seen Neimans to get a decent pair of shoes.
Before you take swipes at girls on fashion, do your homework.

Felicia Katt
11-18-2008, 05:01 AM
Wow what a quasi-scientific analysis of a sociological interpretation or as they say in new jersey, load of shit.
right. so when you were fired or layed off 5 times in the past, it wasn't ever your fault, you were " tossed to the curb" or "had the rug pulled out from under you" by" misfit leaders and their evangelical morals"

When its you, someone else is to blame, and when its someone else, they are blamed by you

Do they ever say in Jersey there but for the grace of God go I?


11-18-2008, 06:34 AM
I was an LAPD reserve officer for 5 years, we were fully sworn CA peace officers, armed, and in regular uniform.

I was stuck in foot patrol in the porn shops, prostitution strolls etc... quite often. Believe it or not, many of us only wanted to make sure no one was hurt.

The morgue has 20-30 dead girl Jane Does at any given time. It's VERY dangerous to "work." It's a shame they weren't there to stop this murder, but they can't be everywhere all of the time.

Some officers are assholes, and they label such crimes as "CWV's" "CNV's (crimes without a victim/crime no victim). The mentality is that a "whore" isn't a human being, therefore their is no real victim. But not everyone is like that, and many who are are only putting up a defence of their own emotions, rather than break down.

Keep in mind that many people are killed every day, of all backgrounds. So it goes to reason that yes, sometimes TS girls are going to be included in those statistics. I do not feel their is a hint of evidence that suggests TS girls are being hunted down and killed like animals.

Ironically, if legalization of prostitution came to be, the environment and safety of all could be regulated, taxed, and controlled. However, few of you would agree with the term's I'd set for a girl to get a licence. I would only support it if drug screening and counceling were mandatory, and working without a licence required hard time, making big rocks into little rocks. Fuck overpopulation, put up tents, make them dig holes and live in them in a razer wire compound.

11-18-2008, 07:45 PM
Wow what a quasi-scientific analysis of a sociological interpretation or as they say in new jersey, load of shit.
right. so when you were fired or layed off 5 times in the past, it wasn't ever your fault, you were " tossed to the curb" or "had the rug pulled out from under you" by" misfit leaders and their evangelical morals"

When its you, someone else is to blame, and when its someone else, they are blamed by you

Do they ever say in Jersey there but for the grace of God go I?


Frankly, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. I know this: that's a shitload of nothing you typed yesterday.

11-18-2008, 07:47 PM
lmao what i wrote to you required no response . Fool .

Holy shit Mim, I thought the circus left town, lol.

11-18-2008, 07:50 PM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

Yea, and don't forget to mention posting pictures of yourself, yapping about how your drug is MAC cosmetics and you "get your drag on" gimme a break...wow what a selfless tribute LOL
Oh girl, you desperatly need some make-up and shoes too. You just don't strike me as a MAC or Nars or Chanel girl. Now the shoe department, seems like you have never seen Neimans to get a decent pair of shoes.
Before you take swipes at girls on fashion, do your homework.

I would beg to differ but I'll simply allow photography to say what 1000 words cannot:

11-18-2008, 07:52 PM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

Yea, and don't forget to mention posting pictures of yourself, yapping about how your drug is MAC cosmetics and you "get your drag on" gimme a break...wow what a selfless tribute LOLg


i was gonna write something more cutty but why bother
i think this phony ass thread should be deleted and started over again
or may be not
sad to see ...
acting like a moron over a dead womans last ... whatever the fuck this is

to bad this will happen to you when you die .
i can just hear it now :

she was a bitch ... plain and simple , she put on a heavy front ...
almost as heavy as that cake ass foundation . always boasting bragging
and acting superior and shooting down girls half her age because she could not come for girls her own . posting sex pictures and contradicting her self by posting fuck tapes with out condoms and gloating about a job in hiv prevention

oh and not to mention the unnecessary ass pictures (that on a a high definition computer you can see every nasty ass boil you ever had and severely dry skin

but oh oh oh Rip Ms Johnson
you have girls that are well on their way to meeting you personally :roll: :roll:

btw your paint is looking a little off

yea, really right Mim? What happened to Vanessa's tribute to this "woman of color", lol? What happened to "Night of the Fallen Stars"?

Looks more like Night of fallen foundation to me.

11-18-2008, 09:06 PM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

Yea, and don't forget to mention posting pictures of yourself, yapping about how your drug is MAC cosmetics and you "get your drag on" gimme a break...wow what a selfless tribute LOLg


i was gonna write something more cutty but why bother
i think this phony ass thread should be deleted and started over again
or may be not
sad to see ...
acting like a moron over a dead womans last ... whatever the fuck this is

to bad this will happen to you when you die .
i can just hear it now :

she was a bitch ... plain and simple , she put on a heavy front ...
almost as heavy as that cake ass foundation . always boasting bragging
and acting superior and shooting down girls half her age because she could not come for girls her own . posting sex pictures and contradicting her self by posting fuck tapes with out condoms and gloating about a job in hiv prevention

oh and not to mention the unnecessary ass pictures (that on a a high definition computer you can see every nasty ass boil you ever had and severely dry skin

but oh oh oh Rip Ms Johnson
you have girls that are well on their way to meeting you personally :roll: :roll:

btw your paint is looking a little off

yea, really right Mim? What happened to Vanessa's tribute to this "woman of color", lol? What happened to "Night of the Fallen Stars"?

Looks more like Night of fallen foundation to me.
Oh bitch get a life. The Night of Fallen Stars took place here in Chicago Sunday. Many of Chicago's finest came out and supported, and a few girls donated their time and performed too. I posted the flyer here for thoe in Chicago who wanted to attend. Girl get a clue. My foundation cost more than your entire Walmart wardrobe, with those hidious shoes you wera. You most definatly are not the one to come for anybodys fashion, or make-up for that matter.

11-18-2008, 09:26 PM
Why don't you just re-name this thread,

"Duanna Johnson: exploiting her death so I can post more cheap glam shots of myself"

Better yet Vanessa, why not cut out this internet nonsense, find her gravestone and paste a picture of your face on it?

11-19-2008, 12:31 AM
Why don't you just re-name this thread,

"Duanna Johnson: exploiting her death so I can post more cheap glam shots of myself"

Better yet Vanessa, why not cut out this internet nonsense, find her gravestone and paste a picture of your face on it?
You are such a hater I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me give you some time in the spotlight for a bit!
We know this is the only place you would get it!
Let me give you some life.
You came in this thread because you have nothing else going on in your life. Come on sucka, respond soon, I know you will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Felicia Katt
11-19-2008, 04:14 AM
Frankly, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. I know this: that's a shitload of nothing you typed yesterday.
If you have no idea what I quoted from what you posted in your own blog, maybe your recovery from addiction isn't quite as complete as you may think. LOL

What I typed was a cut and paste synthesis from an online psychology dictionary. If you don't "get it" I can look up denial and resistance for you there, if you like.


Felicia Katt
11-19-2008, 04:21 AM
here is a newspaper account of what happened. Hopefully this will limit some of the callous speculation and conjecture and criticism about this poor woman's tragic death.

MEMPHIS, TN – Duanna Johnson was found shot to death in North Memphis, according to her lawyer.

Memphis police say it happened just before midnight at Hollywood near Staten Avenue, Sunday, November 9, 2008.

According to detectives, when officers arrived at the scene, they found the body lying in the street. Police say a witness heard gunfire and then saw three people running away from the scene. Investigators do not have any suspects at this time.

Lawyer Murray Wells confirmed to Eyewitness News that the person who was killed is his client Duanna Johnson. He says Johnson was often in the area where she was killed.

Murray says Johnson was trying to leave Memphis and go back to her hometown of Chicago. According to Murray, Jonson was just about homeless trying to live in Memphis. He says the apartment where Jonson was living did not have power. Murray says he was helping Johnson buy a bus ticket to Chicago.

Johnson was the subject of an alleged video taped beating that happened in June of 2008. Johnson, who had been arrested on a prostitution charge, said former Memphis Police Officer Bridges McRae beat her after making derogatory remarks about her sexuality. Johnson said another man, Officer J. Swain, held her down during the beating. Both officers were fired from the department.

Johnson was suing the city for $1.3 million.

Memphis Police are asking anyone with information about Duanna Johnson’s death to call Crime Stoppers at (901) 528-CASH.


11-19-2008, 06:07 AM
OHHH KAY, the plot thickens, their are definately people with motive to kill this girl. Let's hope it gets investigated thoroughly, and by an outside agency with no ties to the cops to allegedly beat her etc...

Yes, once I read the whole story, my view of all of this changed.

11-19-2008, 06:14 AM
OHHH KAY, the plot thickens, their are definately people with motive to kill this girl. Let's hope it gets investigated thoroughly, and by an outside agency with no ties to the cops to allegedly beat her etc...

Yes, once I read the whole story, my view of all of this changed.

Yeah like that would happen. :roll:

I wouldn't hold your breath on it. :banghead

It would take the feds coming on board to do that, and I don't see that happening.

11-19-2008, 10:38 AM
Why don't you just re-name this thread,

"Duanna Johnson: exploiting her death so I can post more cheap glam shots of myself"

Better yet Vanessa, why not cut out this internet nonsense, find her gravestone and paste a picture of your face on it?





11-19-2008, 10:52 AM
lmao at melissas quoted post by mimi!!!!

melissa has quickly become one of my fav voices of reason on here

11-19-2008, 09:03 PM
lmao at melissas quoted post by mimi!!!!

melissa has quickly become one of my fav voices of reason on here

Because someone had to say something.

Here, Vanessa, allow me to post a picture, let me save you the trouble...

this picture goes out to all those who have died an unjust death, a violent death, a death that was rooted in hatred and bigotry. It is a picture of me, my dick and my big hard fake tits, it's all about me but the tribute is to all those who have perished...

11-19-2008, 09:06 PM
lol i love u melissa

11-19-2008, 09:08 PM

11-19-2008, 10:55 PM
Frankly, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. I know this: that's a shitload of nothing you typed yesterday.
If you have no idea what I quoted from what you posted in your own blog, maybe your recovery from addiction isn't quite as complete as you may think. LOL

What I typed was a cut and paste synthesis from an online psychology dictionary. If you don't "get it" I can look up denial and resistance for you there, if you like.


Well first off, thank you for apparently taking the time to read my blog, which I guess you did seeing as you linked it.

I think I see what you mean now; you are referencing my own story to infer that I see myself as a victim, to some extent, of the system? That is worth noting if it were true but I actually don't see myself as a victim. If anything I'm a living example of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

Regardless, your point was worth mentioning and I do agree that blaming the victim is a tendency society can have although in this particular case I don't believe that's what was being infered. I'll only speak for myself and say I think there was some fishy circumstances, and this is bolstered even moreso in the article you republished. I mean, even her lawyer is saying things like, "Johnson was trying to leave Memphis" and, "he was helping Johnson buy a bus ticket to Chicago."

I mean, just buy the fuckin' bus ticket, smack her on the ass and say, "well be in touch, honey".

As for the drug recovery comment, I do not believe that my three-month addiction to cocaine resulted in any long-term comprehension deficiency. But thank you for inquiring.

Felicia Katt
11-20-2008, 06:01 AM
that which does not kill you... in a thread that is supposed to be about the tragic murder of a sister? :(


11-20-2008, 06:58 AM
So using drugs automatically makes someones opinions null and void?


Thats a very shady thing to say. She was a trans woman of color. She was beaten by the police for being who she was. Its a very big deal. She was a human being, she faced the same struggle that I and many girls on here deal with day to day. She just had a harder life than some of us. One guy who spoke on her behalf said he gave her some of the money for a bus ticket back to Chicago to be with her mother while her case was pending. See police brutality isn't right for anyone so it is a big deal. From my personal expierences with the police, let me tell you its nothing nice at all. My recent expierence pales in comparison to what she went thru. Its not just the arresting officers, its the guys who print you, the guys who sign you out and those around when you are brought in and released. Its humiliating, degrading and painful. But as they repeatedly told me and the others being harassed " you play by our rules, we wear the badges". Thats the polices view of things.

That's a whole shovel-load of self-righteous speeching for an escort who not only admits to drug use but brags about it. I've seen many a post by you gloating about how you and your boyfriend got the money and the blunt and you're all set up for the night. And those are just the drugs you admit to using. What about the drugs that are not so cool to cop to?

Even I as a working escort and recovering addict agree with his statement there are dangerous risks and consequences to living this life. And it's made worse if you do drugs. You walk through a minefield, you will eventually step on a mine.

What happened to this TS was unwarranted and a crime, no doubt. We all agree this is abhorrent and deserves protest. What's weird is how you are somehow now the spokesperson for TS human rights when less than a month ago on another thread you were gloating about your life as an escort and your drug enjoyment.
It was so funny to me how just because she is an addict we all have to be.
Trust me anybody and everybody who knows me knows I've never been a drug addict. It kills me that the girls on this forum who do have drug problems always want to seem to bring me down with them. I just happen to not agree that people dying is no big deal. Trans woman killed is a big deal. Anybody killed is a big deal, trans or not.

isnt the 1rst step addmitting you have a problem?

denial is festive isnt it? :roll: fucking crack head

11-20-2008, 07:00 AM
Personal attacks on me are uncalled for because you don't know me personally..

After everything I've seen and read on this board I would say everyone knows you personally. We know more than we want to know; your legal name, we've seen you fucking men in the ass bareback on youtube, you've posted where you work and what you do (an HIV counselor ironically), you brought your male prostitute boyfriend onto this site so he could make death threats to members who take issue with you, you've posted photos of your sex work earnings on this board ($400, wow what a great night's work!)...need I go on?

So I would say yeaaaaa, we know you personally. Much too personally.

And you follow up every post with a new picture posting of yourself, like we all want to see that. You have cultivated the lack of respect that now follows you.


11-20-2008, 07:11 AM
as oposed to those of us who start the thread .... get into an argument ,and act all self rightous on a dead womans

i love mimi

you and me both

man-essa ure a dumb ass bitch

u want this thread to only be about this girls death

stop responding to the posts that have nothing to do w/ her and adding more pages to this epic fail of a tribute

11-20-2008, 07:19 AM
that which does not kill you... in a thread that is supposed to be about the tragic murder of a sister? :(


Hey Felecia, I was trying to be nice about it. You need to wake up and smell it: this "sacred" thread you speak of has been fucked in the ass more than a ten-dollar whore on a saturday night when the fleet is in.

There's nothing sacred here, it was started by a self-serving egomaniac, the facts were convoluted, the topic strayed into some sick fucking picture-posting festival and then you stroll on in and try to save the day? As they say in Mexico, get a greeeeeep, muchacha.

If you want to post a truly memorable comment about Ms. Johnson, which she truly does deserve, I suggest you start a whole new thread. This one is wiggling with live maggets.

11-20-2008, 07:32 AM
that which does not kill you... in a thread that is supposed to be about the tragic murder of a sister? :(


Hey Felecia, I was trying to be nice about it. You need to wake up and smell it: this "sacred" thread you speak of has been fucked in the ass more than a ten-dollar whore on a saturday night when the fleet is in.

There's nothing sacred here, it was started by a self-serving egomaniac, the facts were convoluted, the topic strayed into some sick fucking picture-posting festival and then you stroll on in and try to save the day? As they say in Mexico, get a greeeeeep, muchacha.

If you want to post a truly memorable comment about Ms. Johnson, which she truly does deserve, I suggest you start a whole new thread. This one is wiggling with live maggets.

and one clown looking faggot :D

haha i said it

what what in da butt!

11-21-2008, 05:31 AM
I happen to live in a suburb of Memphis and decided to drive to the scene of this tragic crime. The following photo shows where the crime took place and where Duanna drew her last breath on this earth. How sad. I don't believe this was random but in all likelihood an act of retribution by some sinister and corrupt forces. Her civil case continues and hopefully at some point the truth will emerge. 8) 8)