View Full Version : The Cockblock..............................

09-10-2005, 08:37 AM
Did a search for this and nothing came up, so I am officially starting this thread.

The Cockblock

let me explain the cockblock as it pertains to this forum for you new to the term, or new to it used in this aspect.................

You are at an event such as the ones Allanah throws weekly, monthly, annually, etc. and you are a constant visitor, meaning people know you give you the head nod out of respect or the handshake. A particular [woman] you know from the past (another function of some sort) has seen you talking to someone they know, but more importantly you are not talking to her, so what does she do? She finds it in her busy "let me make this rent money lapdancing" schedule to approach the lady you were talking to when you aren't around and make up various things about you out of spite........ such as "he has no money" or "he plays games" etc.

This in itself is the classic COCKBLOCK.

Many of you fellas have been through this, some of you haven't; alot of you are sitting back on your office chairs saying to yourself "ahhhhhhhhhhh the cockblock, Johnny what do I do?"

Well fellas there are a few solutions to this timeless classic.

Solution #1: The staredown......... The staredown will get most [women] to approach you out of curiosity. When they do (and they will) you say nothing and let them do the talking. Believe me, they will talk. Things will come out of their mouths like "you know you don't belong here, you belong in a straight club" or "you know I wanna fuck you papi". Essentials of the cockblocking female booklet sold @ Barnes & Nobles' nationwide. Once they start talking you have the option of smoothing out their hunger by slipping them a # and saying call me later. Now I'm not saying it has to be a working #, but it will make them feel like the shit for the next few hours, long enough for them to actually let go of your dick (metaphorically speaking).

Solution #2: The loveboat Isaac method. The Isaac method consists of you offering a drink @ the bar to the lady you are talking to and being yourself. That's it................nothing to complex about it, at this point she feels comfortable around you and as long as you don't act like a complete idiot the cockblockers influence won't mean shit to her.

I know, some of you faithful JWBL readers are saying "now he's losing it". Relax muhfuckas I'm saving the best for last and that would be........

Solution #3: Silence...................... yes, silence!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not saying anything to the cockblocker can cause incredible amounts of damage to their self esteem. A few chuckles to yourself while looking in the cockblockers direction can activate a sense of insecurity and agitate them to the point where they feel uncomfortable around you needing a drug of their choice or a fast exit. This shit has worked before any of us was around and it will work when we are all long dead. For you prettyboys, I can assure you it will get you retaliation sex requests in the near future and several annoying voicemail messages.

Anyone fellas having anything to add to this feel free................

09-10-2005, 12:23 PM
Did that really happen to you?, Why would some girl you didn't know approach the girl you talked to, to tell them lies to slander you?, what about just confronting her about it, could that be a #4? to call her on her bullshit face to face?, then she might have respect and not fuck with you or slander you again after that?

happens to alot of us, especially those in a city swarming with [the ladies]
don't think I am alone in this, many dudes have read this but won't respond, and I don't expect them to, but for those brave enough to respond and even add on some suggestions we all get educated...........

as far as respect goes hingshing, let me put it like this...................
there's [women] like Allanah, Dina, Jade, & Badazz that actually carry themselves like [ladies] because they aren't concerned with needing fast cash, they will always have a steady income; and then there are [other ladies] out there that need to work day to day in eros, CL, UG, & the voice hoping to make ends meet and keep up their current [partyfavor] of choice............... those [ladies] are the LAST ones to even think about giving a man respect...............

am I saying go out & disrespect them? no
what I am doing is merely suggesting alternative methods to the one you proposed..........methods that won't cause a reaction (such as a scene) that might blow up in your face............

09-10-2005, 01:26 PM
oh does it happen? shit its seems at times that the girls have nothing else to talk about! which i guess is bascically true.

we are talking about the real hustling girls. early on (years ago) i didn't know i was swimming with sharks. then i played the game and got crazy phone calls at all hrs of the night etc. and now i pretty much keep to myself and spend more time scouting the talent than anything.

over the years i have of course been everything from cheap to having a small dick to having AIDs. pretty funny actually. the cheap one is always most amusing to me. if you were payed cheap then you are cheap!

its this exact time of crap that has tired me out from the whole thing. that being said if you don't take any of it too seriously then you can have your fun and go back to your other life on monday morning.

hahah you know what i think i might just go tonight. hard to get this shit outta of your blood!

09-10-2005, 02:58 PM
REAL TALK right there.

09-10-2005, 03:12 PM
Great thread.... The truest things always make for the best humor, and this is really funny. The cockblock comes in many forms and is as much a part life in NYC as Ray's Pizza or easy women from Staten Island.


09-10-2005, 03:46 PM
ive been cockblocked a few times in some clubs, by girls and guys. i use that #3 a lot.

09-10-2005, 05:28 PM
here a cockblock is someone who keeps intrupting you and a girl wen your tryin to get off....i know a few like that, very anoying indeed.

i just tell them to fuck off and let us be :)

09-10-2005, 07:25 PM

please, many guys love to cock block too.
and the ladies like to do so as well.

truth is when u play games, and you give into those games, then you urself are fucked as well. if i want a game, i'll go play scrabble.

thats why i smile, say hi, have polite conversation, and go home alone.
the very few times i have not, i have regretted it.

i'd rather go home to my dogs, and go to bed with a bacon double cheese burger.

maybe its because im an old broad- but when every guy at a party is talking to you and his eyes are wondering around to every girl in the room while he is trying to have a conversation with you- well then
it doesnt take a genius to figure that one out.

09-10-2005, 07:37 PM
so nice to know I am not alone..................
glad I made this thread

09-10-2005, 07:57 PM
The cockblock is sadly a big part of any small, select community where sexual energy is raging and you tend to bump into the same people from time to time.

I too have suffered from the cockblock. My best preventative measure is to be honest about what I want from the first meeting in the hopes that I will not have to defend myself from petty jealousy should I bump into this person again.

Usually the cockblock manifests itself when you give someone an idea that you actually are looking for more than you want. Sometimes you have no control over how someone will react, and when this happens I go with an agressive heading off at the pass.

Games suck but when someone starts initiating one you have to react quickly. The great thing about a small community is that you will no doubt meet up with the person who was blocked and hopefully on successive meetings you can show who you are and overcome any inaccurrate gossip.

09-10-2005, 08:33 PM
i'd rather go home to my dogs, and go to bed with a bacon double cheese burger.

next time try a pizza with a chicken curry topping, lovely :)

Vicki Richter
09-10-2005, 10:34 PM
Cockblocking sounds fun. I am sorry I never thought of it before. I think planned cockblocking would be more entertaining. You know, where you have a hot friend who pretends to like the guy only before her friend steps in and says something goofy about the guy... "I saw him shopping at K-Mart!" or "I saw this guy trying to look into the girls bathroom."

Find new guy... repeat.

ps - I hate big boobs so far.

09-10-2005, 11:20 PM
This is exactly why i prefer NOT to make it a habit to become the weekly regular. As with ANY club setting it's cool if you enjoy the "Cheers" treatment and can expect a warm greeting a hug and a frosty much.....

BUT....once it hits CLUBHOUSE/TAKE ATTENDANCE levels it starts to get dicey.

I think the few and far between cats like me.....actually prefer the vague recognition....the "brand new bar" smell....and the fresh rush of adrenaline....as if the had actually stumbled upoon something new rather than plotted/dodged/decieved and budgetted their way into attendance.

OR maybe their just bored.

In any event this usually curtails much of the cockblocking.

My experience with cockblocking is usually more of the "(skirt)snake in the grass" variety.

The slide in when the next girl isn't looking type....

during which you exchange glances/the occasional clever remark/maybe a few patdowns/and the time-tested lip-biting "sorry maybe next time/she's coming back look"

Either way....it's usually harmless....i don't make it a habit to leave accompanied anyway.

09-10-2005, 11:45 PM
boo the cockblockers :x .......let them take up a hobby like tennis or checkers,lol......

Dina Delicious
09-11-2005, 12:20 AM
I Think im gonna do some cockblocking tonight lol
just jokin this is a funny thread but very true on both sides thats why hearsay and rumours are usually started for pety reasons oh baby ive seen it all look for my book in stores soon
the life of the cockblocker lol

09-11-2005, 12:22 AM
ps - I hate big boobs so far.

Now you are boob blocking? :wink: :lol:

09-11-2005, 12:23 AM
This is exactly why i prefer NOT to make it a habit to become the weekly regular. .

there's nothing wrong with being a weekly regular, you just have to accept the fact that there are some trifling bitches around....................lol

best bet for all you party newbies is this
come through for a few events, and just check it out, don't jump into talking to anyone, and just watch the game being played around the room(s)

then make your decision based on your observations

Dina Delicious
09-11-2005, 12:28 AM
please report any cockblocking to the front office ASAP !

09-11-2005, 02:47 AM
don't jump into talking to anyone, and just watch the game being played around the room(s)

then make your decision based on your observations

Solid advice for any social situation.


09-11-2005, 04:41 AM
there's nothing wrong with being a weekly regular, you just have to accept the fact that there are some trifling B***** around....................lol

best bet for all you party newbies is this
come through for a few events, and just check it out, don't jump into talking to anyone, and just watch the game being played around the room(s)

then make your decision based on your observations[/quote]

OH i know....i'm just naturally low key anyway......so of course i play it cool. Plus it's a trip to just sit back and watch the show...inside the show.

It's beautiful dance of the horny...the greedy...the needy...and the vain. Usually playing to standing room only crowds. Akin to the Nutcracker Sweet*....but different.

It would be interesting to watch one of these parties via security tape on fast forward. See the whole dance/prance of the Peacocks in 5min. Try and guess who's leaving w/whom.

09-11-2005, 11:28 AM
it's obvious broads read the board................
it was very quiet tonight as far as cockblocking goes at the Saturday jumpoff
props to all my HA family that showed up, that has to be a new record for members in one night

09-12-2005, 04:24 AM
I'm surprised that the "Blue Falcon" theme hasn't come up yet. It's a military term for "Buddy Fucking" (no, not fucking your buddy literally, but fucking him over).

I've done it, and I didn't even know I had until my friend informed me about it. I'm not proud about it but it happens.

Here's the deal: A friend tells you he's into a girl, you say "I'll go talk to her", which you do, tell her your friend is into her, but then painfully explain that he's just a male whore and you feel very conflicted about the whole thing.

You then wake up next morning with said girl pulling her clothes on and you just know that your buddy will be calling in a few hours and screaming at ya.

Look out, it's Blue Falcon time!

Hehe, good times. Maybe not too honorable, but if a guy doesn't appraoch a girl on his own, he's taking his chances.

Dina Delicious
09-12-2005, 07:49 PM
Well i always felt if you have somethinh to say just say it or keep it to yourself
i can also relate to dont mistake my kindness with wekness,,that is so true
i hope you had a blast on sat
and your sunday was peacfull ...5 years god bless

09-12-2005, 09:09 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Dina