View Full Version : I quit smoking

05-18-2009, 09:03 AM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

05-18-2009, 09:08 AM
I am eating carrot stick right now, i have been eating so much and am trying to watch what i am eating, or its gonna be Lane Bryant here I come.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-18-2009, 09:09 AM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

Girl, how did you do it? Patch, gum? People say that when you stop smoking you'll gain weight? Is that true?



05-18-2009, 09:18 AM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

Girl, how did you do it? Patch, gum? People say that when you stop smoking you'll gain weight? Is that true?



I tried the patch, gum, chantix, hypnosis and all kinds of stuff. Then a month ago I woke up one day and said thats it I am done. I quit cold turkey. Its not that bad but the cravings are still there and I want them to go away.

I only gained 3 pounds. I dont want to look like Kirsti Allie so I changed my eating habit when I quit so I wouldn't gain weight. Everything I eat is natural, nothing processed and no sugars. I know this guy who quit around the same time as me and he gained 20 pounds lol. So I am lucky.

Who has quit and do these cravings go away?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-18-2009, 09:23 AM
I tried quitting a few times. But very unsuccessful! =( With the type of work that I do - trauma cases, wound care, colostomy bags etc. I can't help but light up! lol



05-18-2009, 09:32 AM
Try one of the "electronic" cigarettes if you really have to. You have to refill them with the nicotine cartridges, but at least you're not damaging your lungs with tar,etc. I used to despise NY to LA flights, but with my e-cig the cravings go away instantly

05-18-2009, 10:44 AM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

same here, know what you're going through! It's a real bitch :(
A friend of mine quit 2 years ago and put on 10 pounds despite exercising, running marathons and all that shit. He said the cravings disappear after about 8-12 months. However, he also says if he lit up now, he would have no problem smoking a whole pack in an evening. So in that sense, once a smoker, always a smoker.

I think you just have to keep reminding yourself that smoking screws up your health big time. I just got sick of being short of breath, that smell of stale smoke in my apartment and on my clothes, plus (very important) my new girlfriend is a non smoker...

05-18-2009, 12:07 PM
I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

That's what she said...

I'm sorry, but you can't leave a piņata like that up and and not expect me to swing at it.

To be serious though. No matter how shitty it feels not smoking, you gotta remember that you're doing your body a world of good without the constant lung tar and nicotine hit. How many a day were you smoking?

05-18-2009, 12:14 PM
i quit too ... no more weed 4 mimi 4 days already !!!!!!!!!!!! no desire to smoke either

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-18-2009, 12:27 PM
I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

That's what she said...

I'm sorry, but you can't leave a piņata like that up and and not expect me to swing at it.

To be serious though. No matter how shitty it feels not smoking, you gotta remember that you're doing your body a world of good without the constant lung tar and nicotine hit. How many a day were you smoking?

That's what I have..the craving of having something in my mouth all the time! It's freaking hard! I think that's how I've developed oral fixation!! lol



05-18-2009, 12:50 PM
good for u stick to it

05-18-2009, 02:52 PM
good on you, Jules!!! If it's been a month, you've got it licke4d, so to speak. DO watch what you eat, however. That craving will go on for a while, and the weight can sneak up on you. Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-18-2009, 04:11 PM
The cravings do go away. I still smoke in my dreams some times. The key is to never again have any nicotine whatsoever. Patches and gums are just crutches that don't work, they just keep you addicted. Cold turkey is the only way. I found that reading the essays on www.whyquit.com helped me out for the first month (which was the only bad month).

Good luck Julie

05-18-2009, 04:21 PM
I quit smoking well over a decade ago. I had accupuncture. 2 half hour sesions and the urge to smoke was "gone" literally. Haven't had one since and "never" will. The only thing that changed is that I craaaaaved baby carrots, so I just bought a bag and took them with me ate them off and on for about a week. What you have to remember is that after 72 hours, you are no longer addicted to nicotine. It's all in your head. You don't "need" to smoke you don't have the chemical in your system anymore. Good luck and correct your thinking.

05-18-2009, 05:09 PM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

Well that's good for you. You can always tell the girls who smoke because they stink and their teeth are usually not so nice, plus over time their skin begins to reflect the years of smoking.

In the U.S., demographically, smoking is associated with lower education and poverty, which among white ladies might be visualized in the following pictures...

05-18-2009, 05:12 PM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

Well that's good for you. You can always tell the girls who smoke because they stink and their teeth are usually not so nice, plus over time their skin begins to reflect the years of smoking.

In the U.S., demographically, smoking is associated with lower education and poverty, which among white ladies might be visualized in the following pictures...

I'd love to see the froth coming out of people's mouths if the above poster had posted stereotypical pictures of poor black people.

05-18-2009, 07:55 PM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

Well that's good for you. You can always tell the girls who smoke because they stink and their teeth are usually not so nice, plus over time their skin begins to reflect the years of smoking.

In the U.S., demographically, smoking is associated with lower education and poverty, which among white ladies might be visualized in the following pictures...

I'd love to see the froth coming out of people's mouths if the above poster had posted stereotypical pictures of poor black people.

Smoking statistics are heavily influenced by race and SEC.

Generally speaking people in lower SECs are more likely to smoke, hispanics are the most likely, followed by whites.

The following is talking about people who start smoking while in K-12:

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moffitt.org%2Fmoffittapps%2Fc cj%2Fv12s5%2Fpdf%2F51.pdf&ei=o58RSvPSK4yw8ATB0LyhBg&rct=j&q=smoking+race&usg=AFQjCNGgykl96I2rm_UErTjBMBaknq_Oew

05-18-2009, 08:29 PM
hi, i gave smoking about five years ago and the first month was hard but i used nicotine patches.i did find them to be a bit of a crutch aswell but they sort of helped at first.
The dreams and the irratability are a pain in the derriere but they pass after about a month.The craving for something to suck on comes and goes ,i had a couple of days last week where i really needed a ciggy for no apparent reason :shock:
Oh if you have just stopped i suggest you stock up on vitamins and cold remedies because you will need them, but after 4 to 6 months off the evil nicotine!!!!!!you will start to taste and smell everything again :D
so good luck and stay strong kisses Stephanie Dee

05-18-2009, 08:31 PM
It's no news to say that some stop smoking with social pressure (new year's resolution is an almighty one), rather than just thinking 'do I want to stop?'. Good luck to you anyhow. Drinking plenty of water helps, when you experience cravings. It helped me for a while...just...a while. :lol:

05-18-2009, 09:03 PM
Thanks everyone for your feedback.

I quit cause I dont want to look like this lady, 60 yrs old with gray skin and yellow fingers not too pretty.

05-18-2009, 09:06 PM
wow. good for you.

i've never smoked, so giving you advice would be asinine.

but i wish you the best of luck

05-18-2009, 09:07 PM
wow. good for you.

i've never smoked, so giving you advice would be asinine.

but i wish you the best of luck

thanks girl

05-18-2009, 09:07 PM
(random fact i remember from 6thgrade D.A.R.E)
your lungs are already healing themselves

05-18-2009, 09:08 PM
i quit too ... no more weed 4 mimi 4 days already !!!!!!!!!!!! no desire to smoke either

when i was in my early 20's i smoked weed everyday now I wouldn't touch it. I just outgrew liking it.

05-18-2009, 09:37 PM
I'm still a smoker despite repeated attempts to quit. That said, I was at my cousin's son's First Communion party yesterday and I was shocked to see I was the only smoker. When I was a kid everyone would have been smoking in the house probably with all the windows shut. All the older people have quit and the younger ones don't smoke. I felt dirty going outside to smoke so I'd walk around the corner and then light up.

I think I found my inspiration to quit......

05-18-2009, 10:14 PM
...I need to have something in my mouth at all times... Hmmm... http://www.smilietown.de/smilies/sexy/sexy_123.gif (http://www.smilietown.de) :mrgreen:

05-24-2009, 05:50 PM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

I might be able to help with that "oral craving". :wink:

05-24-2009, 05:57 PM
(random fact i remember from 6thgrade D.A.R.E)
your lungs are already healing themselves

hahaha. I don't know why I pictured you giving the 2 thumbs up. Funny image though.

05-24-2009, 06:42 PM
I started smoking in the millitary because so many of them smoke but quit after I got out. I am now a commercial pilot and the Trans-Atlantic flights were murder.

The key thing to quitting is the desire to quit as if you want to you will make it happen. If you even have a shred of doubt you won't guess what...you won't.

To the OP I am so proud of you for sticking with it and yes it will get easier and easier, don't give in. I also had the whole oral prob and actually cut up a lot of celery and carrot sticks and held them like cigs and ate them. Also cinamon sticks saved my life. Held them like cigs, sucked on them and made my lips tingle and wiped the cravings away. Also high dosages of vitamin C will get rid of the residual nicotine in your system. Took me a week and my body was nicotine free...you won't gain a pound if you replace the smokes with healthy things v.s candy and junk food, I didn't gain an ounce.

Don't give up you're doing awesome!

05-24-2009, 09:38 PM
when you're tempted remember this phrase:

*smoker's face*

wake up ugly one day

and for what?

05-29-2009, 11:26 PM

If you find yourself in the Bay Area, I'll seriously consider your services...and more likely to because of this (the smell of smoke is a turnoff for me).

05-30-2009, 05:58 AM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

Sort of new here. I'm 25 hours now without a cigarette. I have a 2 pack a day habit and I'm using the nicotine gum. It's hell. My brain feels very sluggish. On the plus side, my breathing seems less labored. Also, have saved 12 dollars and a couple of trips to the wawa from not having to buy cigs.
Good luck.

05-30-2009, 06:30 AM
Good timing, with the price of cigarettes @ 10 dollars
a pack in NYC.


05-30-2009, 10:51 AM
I quit smoking a month ago. I am still going crazy. I have dreams about smoking and want to smoke all the time. I need to have something in my mouth at all times. Does this ever end?

Girl, how did you do it? Patch, gum? People say that when you stop smoking you'll gain weight? Is that true?



I tried the patch, gum, chantix, hypnosis and all kinds of stuff. Then a month ago I woke up one day and said thats it I am done. I quit cold turkey. Its not that bad but the cravings are still there and I want them to go away.

I only gained 3 pounds. I dont want to look like Kirsti Allie so I changed my eating habit when I quit so I wouldn't gain weight. Everything I eat is natural, nothing processed and no sugars. I know this guy who quit around the same time as me and he gained 20 pounds lol. So I am lucky.

Who has quit and do these cravings go away?

Good for you Julie.

I quit a long time ago, but I had been a long-term smoker. Tried various ways to stop, but you're right, cold turkey is the only one that works.

As someone said, the physical addiction to nicotine ends quite quickly, but the psychological dependency persists. That is why the patches and so on don't work-- they just give you something else to fixate on, that replaces cigarettes, next thing you say, "What the hell" and you're back on the coffin nails.

The answer is inside your head. YOU ARE NOT A SMOKER. Why would you need anything to stop smoking? YOU DON'T SMOKE.

The cravings you mention are all in your head too; they're the bit of your head that thinks you ARE a smoker fucking with you. Beat those feelings down. Why would you listen to them? YOU ARE NOT A SMOKER, so you neither need nor want a cigarette.

You'll get there.

And remember, the first thing a non-smoker is aware of when they meet a smoker is not how good they look, or their perfume or their hair, but the fact that they STINK of tobacco smoke. The only people who are not turned off by that are other smokers.

05-30-2009, 11:00 AM
I am over the cravings now, dont get me wrong I liked smoking and would love a cig but I am not ready to pull my hair out for one lol.

Smoking is a choice, it is a conscious choice to some or not to, and I choose not to.

05-30-2009, 11:43 AM
Smoking is a choice, it is a conscious choice to some or not to, and I choose not to.

Attagirl :D

05-30-2009, 02:11 PM
Congrats Julie!

Sweety ,Just be careful with the appetite , once you quit you start craving food more. I quit and after 3 weeks i was fine, but then suddenly i started eating like a Dam 300 pound truck driver....Not cute!... I started getting late night cravings for food even if i had a filling dinner ,, I found myself at DIners ordering a LumberJack Breakfast.... very Often, I had to stop my self, and eventually got the hang of it . If you do get Peckish eat a fruit salad,, or salad,, something Cunt & Light...lol...................STAY AWAY FROM DINERS!!!!!

Best of luck!

Ohhh. Also the best thing about quitting is after a month or so you begin to feel healthier and you Notice you breathe fuller and easier,,,And you dont want to be a victim of Pre-mature ageing , as well as all the other heath concerns that come with Smoking.

05-30-2009, 03:05 PM