View Full Version : Are some girls on Hungangels ashamed of their cock ?

05-29-2009, 04:27 AM
Are some of you girls here ashamed that you have a cock ? Some of the girls on HA show topless pictures of themselves in panties but they never show their cock . Do these girls do this because they like to pretend that they don't have a cock. It seems that the same girls that only do topless pics here are also bashing the other girls on HA that do show there cock and act like the feminist women of the 1970's at the very notion of TS porn.

05-29-2009, 04:51 AM
i'm not ashamed.
i'm disappointed, but not ashamed.
i wish i was born female.

Ladies--Chime in if you will.

05-29-2009, 06:03 AM
Are some of you girls here ashamed that you have a cock ? Some of the girls on HA show topless pictures of themselves in panties but they never show their cock . Do these girls do this because they like to pretend that they don't have a cock. It seems that the same girls that only do topless pics here are also bashing the other girls on HA that do show there cock and act like the feminist women of the 1970's at the very notion of TS porn.

They'd rather charge you for the goods.
And I can't say I blame them. lol

05-29-2009, 06:13 AM
Are some of you girls here ashamed that you have a cock ? Some of the girls on HA show topless pictures of themselves in panties but they never show their cock . Do these girls do this because they like to pretend that they don't have a cock. It seems that the same girls that only do topless pics here are also bashing the other girls on HA that do show there cock and act like the feminist women of the 1970's at the very notion of TS porn.

They'd rather charge you for the goods.
And I can't say I blame them. lol

Hehehe! Yup! :oops:

05-29-2009, 08:02 AM
Are some of you girls here ashamed that you have a cock ? Some of the girls on HA show topless pictures of themselves in panties but they never show their cock . Do these girls do this because they like to pretend that they don't have a cock. It seems that the same girls that only do topless pics here are also bashing the other girls on HA that do show there cock and act like the feminist women of the 1970's at the very notion of TS porn.

They'd rather charge you for the goods.
And I can't say I blame them. lolcharging to see the goods is one thing but bagging on the other girls who show their cocks and those girls who do porn is another thing.

05-29-2009, 09:12 AM
Can't help the fact i was born with one but imma make the best of it

05-29-2009, 09:38 AM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

05-29-2009, 09:48 AM
Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

thats really interesting.
so when you were a boy growing up, did you imagine being a woman,
or being a transsexual?

...or did you have no cross-gender feelings at all?

05-29-2009, 11:14 AM
Are some of you girls here ashamed that you have a cock ? Some of the girls on HA show topless pictures of themselves in panties but they never show their cock . Do these girls do this because they like to pretend that they don't have a cock. It seems that the same girls that only do topless pics here are also bashing the other girls on HA that do show there cock and act like the feminist women of the 1970's at the very notion of TS porn.

"Seems" like a major non-sequitur to me. How does someone who shows a topless picture, even if they prefer not to show another part of their anatomy, "seem" like they are bashing anyone at all?

"Seems" like maybe you just want to see more cock pics. :wink:

05-29-2009, 11:21 AM
Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

thats really interesting.
so when you were a boy growing up, did you imagine being a woman,
or being a transsexual?

...or did you have no cross-gender feelings at all?

Some boys grow up imagining themselves having sex with men.
For them, a cross-gender lifestyle is, quite literally, a means to an end.

05-29-2009, 11:23 AM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

I am with Jen on this one :) thats my thoughts .. I like to think of myself as a 3rd sex :) Back in Egytptian times Transsexuals were worshipped as godesses :)

LH xx

05-29-2009, 06:09 PM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

that was the sexiest thing i have read a TS type on this board.

It is sexy, but also confusing as hell :?:

05-29-2009, 06:14 PM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

that was the sexiest thing i have read a TS type on this board.

It is sexy, but also confusing as hell :?:

confusing who? :wink:

05-29-2009, 06:18 PM
Not to offend anyone, but I thought transwomen always wanted SRS. I was just unaware that some are not interested in SRS. I always thought that a woman who gets FFS, breast implants, and does all these things to make themselve appear like a GG would follow through with SRS.

05-29-2009, 06:28 PM
Not to offend anyone, but I thought transwomen always wanted SRS. I was just unaware that some are not interested in SRS. I always thought that a woman who gets FFS, breast implants, and does all these things to make themselve appear like a GG would follow through with SRS.


05-29-2009, 06:38 PM
the risks with srs are high, the suicde rate in post transwomen is extremely high....

For many if they are not at all bothered by their penis why go through the risk of surgery for the sake of it..

myself i dont see any added benefit to my life/well being by having a designer vagina...I could happily live the resot of my life with my penis attached and never use it again ..

For others they hate their penis and have done all their life so the path is clear for them ...

05-29-2009, 06:40 PM
Not to offend anyone, but I thought transwomen always wanted SRS. I was just unaware that some are not interested in SRS. I always thought that a woman who gets FFS, breast implants, and does all these things to make themselve appear like a GG would follow through with SRS.

It's a lot more complicated than that. What you are describing is the classic transsexual-- the Benjamin Type 5 or 6. For these women what you are saying is true; their route to SRS tends to be as direct as they can manage it.

However, there are many transgendered people who do not fit these types and you really can't tell from the outside what they might be. Indeed it may not be clear to the woman herself.

05-29-2009, 06:41 PM
For many if they are not at all bothered by their penis why go through the risk of surgery for the sake of it..

because tucking and duct taping every day can be a bitch..lol

no but really, it all depends on the girl.

05-29-2009, 06:53 PM
the risks with srs are high, the suicde rate in post transwomen is extremely high....

Well, that depends on what you call high. The highest estimate I have seen (among post-ops) is 1.9% which is certainly very high relative to the general population, but is significantly lower than the rate of suicide amongst untreated transsexuals.

Every study I have seen shows that most GRS surgeries are a success, with the lowest being 71% and the highest over 90%.

Naturally, of course, GRS is not for everyone, nor should it be suggested that it should be; but in clinical terms, in appropriate cases, it is remarkably successful.

05-29-2009, 06:54 PM
There's a lot of people in here, with all kinds of different bents. I'm sure if you look hard enough, odds are that you'll find someone who matches whatever psychobabble niche you're wondering about. I haven't seen any evidence of a lockstep mindset on anything in here. Let me know if there's a unanimous consensus on someone to speak for the collective psyche of "T-Girls".

I'd have to get a lot more ladies on the couch to cum up with a definitive answer to the subject of penis shame. Or maybe not so definitive. Butteye think it might be fun, if not enlightening, to delve into the issue, or vice versa. I'll make my services available to any & all ladies who like to test their shame limits, for the sake of research of course.

05-29-2009, 07:15 PM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

same here.
growing up I always imagined myself being a lovely girl with a big cock.
I love being transsexual also.

05-29-2009, 09:09 PM
Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

thats really interesting.
so when you were a boy growing up, did you imagine being a woman,
or being a transsexual?

...or did you have no cross-gender feelings at all?

Some boys grow up imagining themselves having sex with men.
For them, a cross-gender lifestyle is, quite literally, a means to an end.

While that may or may not be true, i hope you werent assuming that thats Jennifer's case.

05-29-2009, 09:15 PM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

same here.
growing up I always imagined myself being a lovely girl with a big cock.
I love being transsexual also.

oh my goodness. thats the first time i've heard something like this.

In fact, i remember watching Ricki Lake, Jenny Jones & all that as a kid.
when i WOULD see TG guests looking and acting fierce, it was a deterrent from wanting to be TRANS.
i had natural feelings towards becoming female (like my friends and women i looked up to -especially TLC :P -).

In my prepubescent mind, i figured i simply wouldnt try to be a woman if the closest thing i could get to it was what i saw on TV.

It wasnt until i discovered the internet, that i realized that i could certainly live as a female one day- undetected and unquestioned.

05-29-2009, 10:08 PM
This indeed is a very interesting topic...not to knock this board--which i read alot--but rarely is there an intelligent and interesting thread...
BTW__I too am guilty of starting or participating in less than intellectual threads here!

But this is interesting..because SO many transgendered people here are SO critical of men who are aroused by the idea of a woman with a cock--calling them faggots--cockhounds etc..
Its so TOTALLY unnecessary and frankly super-hypocritical for these women -who were born as men and are having SEX with men--to exhibit what i see as clearly homophobic behavior..
But there is a tendency for many women here to suggest that all in life is an means to the end of SRS--and that the cock is 'evil" i some way..

So it is VERY interesting that Jenn paris--OF ALL PEOPLE-- makes that statement..After all-shes considered to be one of the hottest and most feminine and passable women on here--and then she comes out and says that not only is she not ashamed of her cock--she LOVES it..
I think thats cool. Though she always has seemed like a level headed person.

But I find this discussion gratifying..because, not only is it inherently interesting to discover that some of the women like their cocks--(even the hot passable and fem ones), but it also sheds light on the men who admire them...if a gorgeous woman like jennifer likes her cock--then those of us who are attracted to sexy women who have cocks--are validated as well...Not that I need anyone's validation..I will admit freely here to anyone that I consider myself straight --yet am totally turned on by a sexy women with a cock-but i find it interesting nonethe less. I guess what Im saying is that if goddess jen paris says its ok--who will argue??

And its also fascinating that women like Alyssa 87--also a beauty and one of the coolest chicks on this board for sure--is surprised to hear this..

But you'll notice that she accepts this discovery with curiosity--not with judgement and paranoia--like some of the girls here undoubtedly will---cause Alyssa is smart as a whip --and just totally cool all the way around..

05-29-2009, 10:12 PM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

I am with Jen on this one :) thats my thoughts .. I like to think of myself as a 3rd sex :) Back in Egytptian times Transsexuals were worshipped as godesses :)

LH xx

Yep, i think the same way!

Never been ashamed about my cock and never will...

I'm proud about who i am.

05-29-2009, 10:28 PM
I'm still thinking about this thread...
Not to be cynical--because Jen P seems like a pretty straightforward person from everything ive ever read that shes written--but do you think
(and jennifer--please feel free to chime in) that shes being totally genuine or is she just working it and trying to get us guys all worked up..?

on a separate note--and I adress this to the girls--particularly alyssa.
(cause responses from some of the nasty hating girls here have no relevance to me).

how do you REALLY feel about guys who obviously like your cocks..?
Does it disgust you? please tell the truth.
Do you have disdain for all of the guys who lust after you?

jenn--can you have contemt for a guy who wants to suck your cock--when you yourself love it?

sorry to be crass--just trying to express a question...

05-29-2009, 10:34 PM
I'm still thinking about this thread...
Not to be cynical--because Jen P seems like a pretty straightforward person from everything ive ever read that shes written--but do you think
(and jennifer--please feel free to chime in) that shes being totally genuine or is she just working it and trying to get us guys all worked up..?

on a separate note--and I adress this to the girls--particularly alyssa.
(cause responses from some of the nasty hating girls here have no relevance to me).

how do you REALLY feel about guys who obviously like your cocks..?
Does it disgust you? please tell the truth.
Do you have disdain for all of the guys who lust after you?

jenn--can you have contemt for a guy who wants to suck your cock--when you yourself love it?

sorry to be crass--just trying to express a question...

Oh, its fine.
I'm a relaist!

For as long as i have this dick, it will be in use.
For work and play.

Theres a big difference between a guy that wants to please me (and obviously that includes making me cum),
and a guy that is looking to be dominated by a dick and treated like a bitch.
The latter isnt happening. I like giving control, and being the bitch. and thats how its gonna be.

05-29-2009, 10:35 PM
interesting..... :popcorn

05-29-2009, 10:36 PM
interesting..... :popcornCosigned But with a drink also :P

05-29-2009, 10:39 PM
interesting..... :popcorn

interestng how Ruby?

how do YOU feel about a guy who wants to be "dominated by a dick and treated like a bitch?

this topic is interetsing

05-29-2009, 10:43 PM
I'm still thinking about this thread...
Not to be cynical--because Jen P seems like a pretty straightforward person from everything ive ever read that shes written--but do you think
(and jennifer--please feel free to chime in) that shes being totally genuine or is she just working it and trying to get us guys all worked up..?

on a separate note--and I adress this to the girls--particularly alyssa.
(cause responses from some of the nasty hating girls here have no relevance to me).

how do you REALLY feel about guys who obviously like your cocks..?
Does it disgust you? please tell the truth.
Do you have disdain for all of the guys who lust after you?

jenn--can you have contemt for a guy who wants to suck your cock--when you yourself love it?

sorry to be crass--just trying to express a question...

Oh, its fine.
I'm a relaist!

For as long as i have this dick, it will be in use.
For work and play.

Theres a big difference between a guy that wants to please me (and obviously that includes making me cum),
and a guy that is looking to be dominated by a dick and treated like a bitch.
The latter isnt happening. I like giving control, and being the bitch. and thats how its gonna be.

That first one u said sounds like 70% of the guys on here.

05-29-2009, 10:51 PM
Ok Alyssa
Im going to be totally honest here...

Cause it may look like Im one of these asskissers that that roam around this board --am trust me--Im not..
I compliment you all of the time cause I think you're sexy--level-headed--and smart..I like your mind--i really mean that..

That being said...If I could choose my fantasy--Id have excatly ehat you decribed as "not happening"
id like you to dominate me with your cock and treat me like a bitch.
there-i said it.

But the thing is...You and i have talked some.. Weve had some personal exchanges..I know what kind of books you like--some of what youre interested in...and I can ASSURE you,
if you and I met--and we sat down for an hour or two to talk--we'd get along..You'd like me--we'd have an interetsing time together..and I venture to say youd find me quite attractive to..

But--I have a fantasy--sexual predisposition that may not jive with yours..
Fine--Its all fantasy..
I may not dig where YOURE coming from ..a guy--wishing you were born a woman--wanting to be taken by a guy sexually..That doesnt really resonate for ME..
But I would never have ANY disdain toward you for it...
Why would I? you like what you like --i like what I like..
It doesnt invoke in me any feelings of disgust or animosity..
why should it? Its just what ever floats a person's boat sexually
So why is it that so many girls here are disgusted by guys lust for them?

Im sorry--i try to be open minded--and I totally recognize that there are all types of people out there..but i still remain unconvinced that there are alot of guys out there who want to fuck Transgendered women like women and have NO interest in their cocks..
why would they?
If they are straight and into women--whats the attraction to the Ts with no cock?

Of couse--theres always the human aspect... You can fall in love with ANY other human being....But why the sexual attraction?

But Im digressing and getting into other discussions..

05-29-2009, 10:53 PM
well thanks for being honest.
its all good.
at least u know what you like.
some people never tap into that and are depressed individuals for it. :(

05-29-2009, 10:54 PM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

I love you like a girl with cock. :D

05-29-2009, 11:08 PM
Ok Alyssa
Im going to be totally honest here...

Cause it may look like Im one of these asskissers that that roam around this board --am trust me--Im not..
I compliment you all of the time cause I think you're sexy--level-headed--and smart..I like your mind--i really mean that..

That being said...If I could choose my fantasy--Id have excatly ehat you decribed as "not happening"
id like you to dominate me with your cock and treat me like a bitch.
there-i said it.

But the thing is...You and i have talked some.. Weve had some personal exchanges..I know what kind of books you like--some of what youre interested in...and I can ASSURE you,
if you and I met--and we sat down for an hour or two to talk--we'd get along..You'd like me--we'd have an interetsing time together..and I venture to say youd find me quite attractive to..

But--I have a fantasy--sexual predisposition that may not jive with yours..
Fine--Its all fantasy..
I may not dig where YOURE coming from ..a guy--wishing you were born a woman--wanting to be taken by a guy sexually..That doesnt really resonate for ME..
But I would never have ANY disdain toward you for it...
Why would I? you like what you like --i like what I like..
It doesnt invoke in me any feelings of disgust or animosity..
why should it? Its just what ever floats a person's boat sexually
So why is it that so many girls here are disgusted by guys lust for them?

Im sorry--i try to be open minded--and I totally recognize that there are all types of people out there..but i still remain unconvinced that there are alot of guys out there who want to fuck Transgendered women like women and have NO interest in their cocks..
why would they?
If they are straight and into women--whats the attraction to the Ts with no cock?

Of couse--theres always the human aspect... You can fall in love with ANY other human being....But why the sexual attraction?

But Im digressing and getting into other discussions..

i was with you until you let that one out.

While i am sometimes rejected by straight men who are surely interested until i tell them i'm trans,

they usually ask before writing me off...
"but you have a pussy though right?

its only when they know i have a dick that theyre turned off. and i'm dissed :roll:

i'm sure if i was post-op, things wouldnt have ended so early.

05-29-2009, 11:08 PM
Some years ago I was scheduled for SRS, but I got cold feet. Today, my dick and I have a sort of truce. My testes, though, are living on borrowed time. :)

05-29-2009, 11:22 PM
interesting..... :popcorn

interestng how Ruby?

how do YOU feel about a guy who wants to be "dominated by a dick and treated like a bitch?

this topic is interetsing

Wel honestly during the beginning of my transition it was a HUUUGE turnoff if a guy wanted to go down on me or wanted me to fuck him. I was always a total bottom and the girls can be very critical, if a guy picks u out the crowd and says he wants ur cock, it often meant u look "hard" The girls would cackle and make comments about the "bricks" making all the "coins" Basically it meant u weren't the softest most passable girl in the bunch. It always made me feel masculine when a guy would be interested in my "boy parts" and very uncomfortable. I thought that all ts women were bottoms as boys and didn't understand why guys wanted to get fucked by ts's.

After being in this line of work for a while, i've met lots of girls who enjoy being top and tons of guys who enjoy being bottom. I was always pretty heavy on hormones at one point and the most uncomfortable feeling for me was not being able to function when the guy wanted a stiff one in his mouth. I started encounterring more and more people who wanted my cock, and it wasn't just the typical fat white old client type. There were lots of young, attractive and urban guys, even young as 16 who were into it.

I slowly became comfortable with recieving oral first, i had stopped the hormones and was functioning better. As u know, hormones not only affect the size and erectness, it also effects stimulation. I found being off hormones increased my sensitivity below, and also increased my sex drive as well as my climax. I started enjoying getting head because now it actually felt good!

After tons of double dates with melania where we would sandwich guys i would bottom she would top, i became intrigued to try topping. So i did and i actualy liked it. And since then i've been doing it more and more to the point that i sometimes crave it :twisted:

i now embrace my masculine side as well as my feminine side. But for some odd reason lets say i meet a guy off the internet and we have sex (not 4 business) and i dont hear from him again.. I feel more ashamed and used if i play the bottom (submissive) role as oppose to if i were to top, i dont really feel bad at all. I enjoy the power and control that comes with using my penis. i cant really explain it as hard as i may try.

Like Alyssa stated, theres a BIG difference between a guy who wants to please you and a cock whore. As far as disdain for guys who lust after me, i can deal with it to a certain degree and its the main reason why i escort. Lets be real, there ARE a lot of cock whores out there and they serve their purpose well when it comes to the escort business. Whats frustrating to me and a huge turn off, is a cock whore who wants to use us simply for what we are. It leaves me feeling like less of a person and more of an object. I can deal with that when money is involved (for some reason i still feel in power and not used) but a free cock whore tranny chaser going after every piece he can get his lips on is such a huge turn off.

05-30-2009, 12:03 AM
interesting stuff
thanks for the replies Ruby and Alyssa..

Its complicated--and not all cut and dry...

a--I didnt mean to offend by saying that i dont understand guys attraction to tss without cocks...and i wasnt really questioning it..
just dont get it myself...

ruby--i think alyssa is very cool (you too) and sexy--i think shes a really interesting person...but if i could have any sexual situation with her I chose...id like to have her do me,
why? cause its sexy to me.
I wouldnt excatly call myself a cock hound!:)
Im straight and LOVE girls..and love fucking them.
but i were to be with a TS--id like to change roles--just to do it.cause its hot and its different and it fulffills another need/desire,
ive had GGs dominate me too..and played with strapons
but I also like to be the dominant one..i LOVE pussies and fucking.
(again not to be crass--just explaining)
Is all good..
so alyssa--dont misundertand me when i question why a transgendered woman would be attractive without a cock..
its just the way see it...
but youd be attractive any way you were..youre just smart and sexy.

all this shit's a bit complex--because human sexuality is complex..

but its interesting to hear different peoples perspectives

05-30-2009, 12:13 AM
Im not ashamed, but i also dont love my cock.

I can live with it and i can live without it. although like Alyssa said...i have come across a lot of guys who are interested in me, until they find out im trans and then even then they are still interested until they find out i still have a penis...Also some not saying that any of you girls are going to ever go to jail or prison...but just remember that in jail and in prison they put you in the prison or jail with guys...sure they separate you from both males and females, but your basically alone and sometimes the guards wont treat you with respect. food for thought

Its not that big of a deal to me...

BTW what do people consider passable...Someone can be passable thru pictures and seem soo fem...but then you see them in person and you notice that they are amazonian, their manners are semi robotic and their voice usually gives them away...does that mean they are still passable...i think one of the most important things to make you passable are you mannerism and the way you carry yourself and most definitely your voice...if you look a bit masculine in the face but have a completely feminine voice...people tend not to question after they hear them speak. So what does it mean to be passable...and how can anyone say anyone is passable unless they have met them in person and also arent just saying that cause they are infactuated with them...???

05-30-2009, 12:14 AM
interesting..... :popcorn

interestng how Ruby?

how do YOU feel about a guy who wants to be "dominated by a dick and treated like a bitch?

this topic is interetsing

Wel honestly during the beginning of my transition it was a HUUUGE turnoff if a guy wanted to go down on me or wanted me to fuck him. I was always a total bottom and the girls can be very critical, if a guy picks u out the crowd and says he wants ur cock, it often meant u look "hard" The girls would cackle and make comments about the "bricks" making all the "coins" Basically it meant u weren't the softest most passable girl in the bunch. It always made me feel masculine when a guy would be interested in my "boy parts" and very uncomfortable. I thought that all ts women were bottoms as boys and didn't understand why guys wanted to get fucked by ts's.

After being in this line of work for a while, i've met lots of girls who enjoy being top and tons of guys who enjoy being bottom. I was always pretty heavy on hormones at one point and the most uncomfortable feeling for me was not being able to function when the guy wanted a stiff one in his mouth. I started encounterring more and more people who wanted my cock, and it wasn't just the typical fat white old client type. There were lots of young, attractive and urban guys, even young as 16 who were into it.

I slowly became comfortable with recieving oral first, i had stopped the hormones and was functioning better. As u know, hormones not only affect the size and erectness, it also effects stimulation. I found being off hormones increased my sensitivity below, and also increased my sex drive as well as my climax. I started enjoying getting head because now it actually felt good!

After tons of double dates with melania where we would sandwich guys i would bottom she would top, i became intrigued to try topping. So i did and i actualy liked it. And since then i've been doing it more and more to the point that i sometimes crave it :twisted:

i now embrace my masculine side as well as my feminine side. But for some odd reason lets say i meet a guy off the internet and we have sex (not 4 business) and i dont hear from him again.. I feel more ashamed and used if i play the bottom (submissive) role as oppose to if i were to top, i dont really feel bad at all. I enjoy the power and control that comes with using my penis. i cant really explain it as hard as i may try.

Like Alyssa stated, theres a BIG difference between a guy who wants to please you and a cock whore. As far as disdain for guys who lust after me, i can deal with it to a certain degree and its the main reason why i escort. Lets be real, there ARE a lot of cock whores out there and they serve their purpose well when it comes to the escort business. Whats frustrating to me and a huge turn off, is a cock whore who wants to use us simply for what we are. It leaves me feeling like less of a person and more of an object. I can deal with that when money is involved (for some reason i still feel in power and not used) but a free cock whore tranny chaser going after every piece he can get his lips on is such a huge turn off.

Thanks for your honesty on this topic. I appreciate Alyssa and your responses on the boards. I was having this discussion with a TS friend of mine the other day, I wanted to know why some girls to not like to top and why they label guys who like to bottom in negative ways. I can understand their reasons, some of which you stated in the beginning of your post. As for myself I am only attracted to very feminine girls. I have never been with a man sexually or been attracted to one. So it is sometimes confusing to me why I am attracted to T-Girls. I really think it comes down to the particular person. I am attracted to TS women and GG women equally. Beauty is beauty. I enjoy pleasing my partner whoever it is, it turns me on to know that I am pleasing them. That is how I ended up bottoming for the first time. The girls I was seeing wanted to play the top role that night and I wanted to please her. It was quite a new experience for me and very different. I am sorry that there are a lot of cock whores out there that give decent men a bad name. I just wanted to add my 2 cents, LOL. Thanks again for your posts and your honesty.

05-30-2009, 12:19 AM
im pretty tall and im not 100% passable YET but the way i carry myself gets me by. I often hear "WOW thats a tall girl"

05-30-2009, 12:21 AM
Ok Alyssa
Im going to be totally honest here...

Cause it may look like Im one of these asskissers that that roam around this board --am trust me--Im not..
I compliment you all of the time cause I think you're sexy--level-headed--and smart..I like your mind--i really mean that..

That being said...If I could choose my fantasy--Id have excatly ehat you decribed as "not happening"
id like you to dominate me with your cock and treat me like a bitch.
there-i said it.

But the thing is...You and i have talked some.. Weve had some personal exchanges..I know what kind of books you like--some of what youre interested in...and I can ASSURE you,
if you and I met--and we sat down for an hour or two to talk--we'd get along..You'd like me--we'd have an interetsing time together..and I venture to say youd find me quite attractive to..

But--I have a fantasy--sexual predisposition that may not jive with yours..
Fine--Its all fantasy..
I may not dig where YOURE coming from ..a guy--wishing you were born a woman--wanting to be taken by a guy sexually..That doesnt really resonate for ME..
But I would never have ANY disdain toward you for it...
Why would I? you like what you like --i like what I like..
It doesnt invoke in me any feelings of disgust or animosity..
why should it? Its just what ever floats a person's boat sexually
So why is it that so many girls here are disgusted by guys lust for them?

Im sorry--i try to be open minded--and I totally recognize that there are all types of people out there..but i still remain unconvinced that there are alot of guys out there who want to fuck Transgendered women like women and have NO interest in their cocks..
why would they?
If they are straight and into women--whats the attraction to the Ts with no cock?

Of couse--theres always the human aspect... You can fall in love with ANY other human being....But why the sexual attraction?

But Im digressing and getting into other discussions..

i was with you until you let that one out.

While i am sometimes rejected by straight men who are surely interested until i tell them i'm trans,

they usually ask before writing me off...
"but you have a pussy though right?

its only when they know i have a dick that theyre turned off. and i'm dissed :roll:

i'm sure if i was post-op, things wouldnt have ended so early.

Ok i can understand the being turned off but the dissing seems to be somewhat unnecessary. Just out of curiosity what did they say.

05-30-2009, 12:25 AM
Thanks for your honesty on this topic. I appreciate Alyssa and your responses on the boards. I was having this discussion with a TS friend of mine the other day, I wanted to know why some girls to not like to top and why they label guys who like to bottom in negative ways. I can understand their reasons, some of which you stated in the beginning of your post. As for myself I am only attracted to very feminine girls. I have never been with a man sexually or been attracted to one. So it is sometimes confusing to me why I am attracted to T-Girls. I really think it comes down to the particular person. I am attracted to TS women and GG women equally. Beauty is beauty. I enjoy pleasing my partner whoever it is, it turns me on to know that I am pleasing them. That is how I ended up bottoming for the first time. The girls I was seeing wanted to play the top role that night and I wanted to please her. It was quite a new experience for me and very different. I am sorry that there are a lot of cock whores out there that give decent men a bad name. I just wanted to add my 2 cents, LOL. Thanks again for your posts and your honesty.

i appreciate your responses also : )

however, i think its unfair and inaccurate to say that 'cock whores' arent "decent" men.

They like what they like. they are completely entitled to their absolutely valid preferences.

If that makes the less desirable to Tgirls, so be it.
It doesnt make them any less of a person.

05-30-2009, 12:28 AM
i agree
just not my cup of tea
unless our relationship is business oriented

05-30-2009, 12:31 AM
Ok Alyssa
Im going to be totally honest here...


If they are straight and into women--whats the attraction to the Ts with no cock?


i was with you until you let that one out.

While i am sometimes rejected by straight men who are surely interested until i tell them i'm trans,

they usually ask before writing me off...
"but you have a pussy though right?

its only when they know i have a dick that theyre turned off. and i'm dissed :roll:

i'm sure if i was post-op, things wouldnt have ended so early.

Ok i can understand the being turned off but the dissing seems to be somewhat unnecessary. Just out of curiosity what did they say.

i meant dissed as in kicked to the curb, not disrespected.

Although i'm sure i've received some
"Eww thats nasty"s
"What the fuck?"s

but usually its just, 'oh no, i'm not into that'

and i think thats completely understandable.

05-30-2009, 12:31 AM
Thanks for your honesty on this topic. I appreciate Alyssa and your responses on the boards. I was having this discussion with a TS friend of mine the other day, I wanted to know why some girls to not like to top and why they label guys who like to bottom in negative ways. I can understand their reasons, some of which you stated in the beginning of your post. As for myself I am only attracted to very feminine girls. I have never been with a man sexually or been attracted to one. So it is sometimes confusing to me why I am attracted to T-Girls. I really think it comes down to the particular person. I am attracted to TS women and GG women equally. Beauty is beauty. I enjoy pleasing my partner whoever it is, it turns me on to know that I am pleasing them. That is how I ended up bottoming for the first time. The girls I was seeing wanted to play the top role that night and I wanted to please her. It was quite a new experience for me and very different. I am sorry that there are a lot of cock whores out there that give decent men a bad name. I just wanted to add my 2 cents, LOL. Thanks again for your posts and your honesty.

i appreciate your responses also : )

however, i think its unfair and inaccurate to say that 'cock whores' arent "decent" men.

They like what they like. they are completely entitled to their absolutely valid preferences.

If that makes the less desirable to Tgirls, so be it.
It doesnt make them any less of a person.

Very true, and if I offended anyone that was not my intent. You are right and I did not mean for it to sound that way, please forgive me for putting it that way. I do understand that everyone is entitled to there preferences.

05-30-2009, 12:34 AM
this is prolly the most interesting and informative thread i've read on this forum.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2009, 12:37 AM
Are some of you girls here ashamed that you have a cock ? Some of the girls on HA show topless pictures of themselves in panties but they never show their cock . Do these girls do this because they like to pretend that they don't have a cock. It seems that the same girls that only do topless pics here are also bashing the other girls on HA that do show there cock and act like the feminist women of the 1970's at the very notion of TS porn.

I'm sure IN PERSON and IF she LIKES you 'enough' (you bring some cash) you'll get to see IT and heck even FEEL it down your throat or ass! lol ;)



05-30-2009, 12:43 AM
im pretty tall and im not 100% passable YET but the way i carry myself gets me by. I often hear "WOW thats a tall girl"

I don't know about that. From looking at your pics you look very passable and pretty. And from what I have seen of your posts you seem to carry yourself that way.

05-30-2009, 01:07 AM
... it wasn't just the typical fat white old client type. There were lots of young, attractive and urban guys, even young as 16 who were into it.

So, not to go off on a tangent or anything, but is "urban" here a euphemism for "black" or "African American?"

What do you call a black guy who lives out in the 'burbs or rural area?

05-30-2009, 01:23 AM
im pretty tall and im not 100% passable YET but the way i carry myself gets me by. I often hear "WOW thats a tall girl"

I don't know about that. From looking at your pics you look very passable and pretty. And from what I have seen of your posts you seem to carry yourself that way.

thanks, but im far from "realness" Ive seen some short HARD looking girls get by simply because they're short. its harder for me because im 5'10 and draw lots of attention even when i try my best to "blend"

05-30-2009, 01:59 AM
If they are straight and into women--whats the attraction to the Ts with no cock?

Well, assuming you mean MtF, that would be because they are women.........and frequently damn sexy ones at that.

Pretty basic, really. It just amazes me that so many people seem to not get it. :shrug

05-30-2009, 02:05 AM
If they are straight and into women--whats the attraction to the Ts with no cock?

Well, assuming you mean MtF, that would be because they are women.........and frequently damn sexy ones at that.

Pretty basic, really. It just amazes me that so many people seem to not get it. :shrug

that reminds me of a youtube comment on a TG video
[yes, i'm a glutton for punishment]

the users were commenting as they always do.

one said

"would it be considered gay or straight to be with a TS"
(while i think the question is pointless and complex)

another person simply answered

"pre-op=gay post-op=straight"

i dont subscribe to that mentality exactly,
but the comment always sticks out in my head above others.

05-30-2009, 02:15 AM
this is prolly the most interesting and informative thread i've read on this forum.

i agree

05-30-2009, 02:19 AM
i appreciate your responses also : )

however, i think its unfair and inaccurate to say that 'cock whores' arent "decent" men.

They like what they like. they are completely entitled to their absolutely valid preferences.

If that makes the less desirable to Tgirls, so be it.
It doesnt make them any less of a person.[/quote]

once again--spot on alyssa..
why do people here talk about "cock whores" as if they are dirt.,..
I dont consider myself a "cock whore" by any means...but lets face it---we're all whores in some way when we are seeking whatever it is that turns us on...so why the judgment.....all these girls that have SUCH disdain for guys who like cocks on girls...its SUPER hypocritical...Im sure theyd be on THEIR knees for someones cock--or whatever it is that turns them on--so why are they so fuckign judgmental?
and youre right--it may make some of these men---including me--less desirable to Tgrils--but thats another issue altogether..
it doesnt make them disgusting!!

Floyd R
05-30-2009, 02:36 AM
It's possible you think too much about your height which makes you think others are thinking about it. Most female runway models are between 5'9 and 6'0 which means you have the ideal height for modeling. I'm only 5'8 1/2" which is considered short for a guy and everyday I encounter genetic women that tower over me.

im pretty tall and im not 100% passable YET but the way i carry myself gets me by. I often hear "WOW thats a tall girl"

I don't know about that. From looking at your pics you look very passable and pretty. And from what I have seen of your posts you seem to carry yourself that way.

thanks, but im far from "realness" Ive seen some short HARD looking girls get by simply because they're short. its harder for me because im 5'10 and draw lots of attention even when i try my best to "blend"

05-30-2009, 02:45 AM
u know when u really think about it, so much emphasis goes into whats in between a transexuals legs

come to think of it, i know some serious pussy-mongers too!...

i had a reelation....

ahhh lost it

05-30-2009, 02:56 AM
If they are straight and into women--whats the attraction to the Ts with no cock?

Well, assuming you mean MtF, that would be because they are women.........and frequently damn sexy ones at that.

Pretty basic, really. It just amazes me that so many people seem to not get it. :shrug

that reminds me of a youtube comment on a TG video
[yes, i'm a glutton for punishment]

the users were commenting as they always do.

one said

"would it be considered gay or straight to be with a TS"
(while i think the question is pointless and complex)

another person simply answered

"pre-op=gay post-op=straight"

i dont subscribe to that mentality exactly,
but the comment always sticks out in my head above others.

I wouldn't be prescriptive like that....It's more complex because I don't believe the woman is created on the operating table. That's just making everything fit and work the way it was always meant to. The person is a woman long before. But I do understand the sentiment, and I think it's one a lot of people subscribe to.

05-30-2009, 03:02 AM
we drive ourselves crazy with labels its ridiculous.

05-30-2009, 03:04 AM
we drive ourselves crazy with labels its ridiculous.

its only natural.

the human race wouldnt have evolved as well and rapidly as it did without
identifying and labeling things and places in the world around them.

05-30-2009, 03:13 AM
Yeah, wouldn't it be great if you could rely on a guy to tell you whether they really want you for your dick, your soul/mind/personality or your face!

It would be great if you could sort out the crap from the cream but guys have the same complaint about the ladies!

but there is hope...long term does exist if you really want it...course, long term ain't for everyone...some prefer the one nighters I'm sure, less complicated that way and you don't leave yourself open to pain..

05-30-2009, 03:13 AM
We're OCD

05-30-2009, 03:59 AM
the risks with srs are high, the suicde rate in post transwomen is extremely high....

This is a highly inaccurate statement.

As we all are aware, not all transwomen desire GRS, some are very
content with their penis, and to use it.

Also as we are aware, there are many men who prefer women with

I am very happy for both of them and have absolutely no problem with
the choices that they make.

However, when the women or the men spread rumors, misinformation,
innuendos, falsehoods, and downright lies, then I am compelled to set
the record straight, and would be willing to provide empirical studies
that cover large samplings of post op outcomes, and are not limited to
a few anecdotal ones.

Transwomen don't go crazy or become suicidal when they have GRS.

The vast majority don't regret it.

The vast majority can and do have orgasms.

They do not have to dilate for the rest of their live's.

They are legally recognized as female, can have their birth certificates,
licenses, passports, etc. changed to be congruent with their gender.

They are legally able to get married in just about every nation and State
in the world.

They will loose many friends, and men who were interested in them when
they had a penis will no longer be, though many, many heterosexual men
who wouldn't have had any interest in them may now be.

They will be who they have always felt they should be their entire live's.

05-30-2009, 04:04 AM
I http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l149/Fogrugby/Emoticon_a-heart.gif PEGGY

Visit http://theipowa.org/ for the best news on and info related to transwomen on the net.

05-30-2009, 04:14 AM
This is an awesome thread, thank you all.

05-30-2009, 04:17 AM
I http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l149/Fogrugby/Emoticon_a-heart.gif PEGGY

Visit http://theipowa.org/ for the best news on and info related to transwomen on the net.

And much love back at you Alyssa. :wink:

I want you to know that I am very proud of the progress that
you continue to make with your education and that you continue
to blossom as a lovely young lady.

Keep up the good work.


05-30-2009, 04:20 AM
girls like Ruby are are even sexier in being comfortable with showing their cocks. Jennifer only posts topless photos which is fine because she never makes negative comments about the girls who do post full nudes on this board , link to full nudes or who do porn. some of Jennifer's best girlfriends like Yasmin Lee do porn movies and layouts and Yasmin must get recognized and admired all the time from happy fans..... if a girl on HA is only comfortable with topless photos of herself than fine but don't attack other girls for showing their cocks or doing porn.

Floyd R
05-30-2009, 05:06 AM
Welcome back Peggy. We miss you.

05-30-2009, 05:12 AM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

same thing here ! you beat me to it

05-30-2009, 05:48 AM
u know when u really think about it, so much emphasis goes into whats in between a transexuals legs

come to think of it, i know some serious pussy-mongers too!...

i had a reelation....

ahhh lost it

Blame it on the al-al-al-al- al-al-co hol!

05-30-2009, 06:16 AM
Welcome back Peggy. We miss you.

Thank you so much, that made my e-day. :wink:

05-30-2009, 08:33 AM
Like Alyssa stated, theres a BIG difference between a guy who wants to please you and a cock whore. As far as disdain for guys who lust after me, i can deal with it to a certain degree and its the main reason why i escort. Lets be real, there ARE a lot of cock whores out there and they serve their purpose well when it comes to the escort business. Whats frustrating to me and a huge turn off, is a cock whore who wants to use us simply for what we are. It leaves me feeling like less of a person and more of an object. I can deal with that when money is involved (for some reason i still feel in power and not used) but a free cock whore tranny chaser going after every piece he can get his lips on is such a huge turn off.

In other words, it seems to me that you and ladies in general want a man who wants you, instead of one who just wants your body, or one part of it. Am I right?

05-30-2009, 08:36 AM
Welcome back Peggy. We miss you.

Ditto. :D

05-30-2009, 04:56 PM
Im not ashamed of it but there are some days where I wish I have a pussy and make love with my boyfriend or my husband.

05-30-2009, 06:24 PM
this is prolly the most interesting and informative thread i've read on this forum.
Second that. And it's pretty unique in that so far there's no hating and name calling, just an interesting exchange of points of view.

...which clearly shows that there's no single answer for everyone, something that doesn't surprise me at all.

05-30-2009, 06:31 PM
Welcome back Peggy. We miss you.

Ditto. :D

Thank you, guess I'll try not to be such a stranger,
and stop by more often.


05-30-2009, 07:07 PM
Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

thats really interesting.
so when you were a boy growing up, did you imagine being a woman,
or being a transsexual?

...or did you have no cross-gender feelings at all?
I seemyself as a woman with a dick.
Transexual is a business term to me, like shemale, he-she and those terms. he men I date in my private like see me a s a woman.
In my case the dick was just there, I just took what I have and made the best of it. Now i just say transexual because of the dick. But I dont feel like a transexual, I feel like a woman.

05-30-2009, 07:09 PM
Like Alyssa stated, theres a BIG difference between a guy who wants to please you and a cock whore. As far as disdain for guys who lust after me, i can deal with it to a certain degree and its the main reason why i escort. Lets be real, there ARE a lot of cock whores out there and they serve their purpose well when it comes to the escort business. Whats frustrating to me and a huge turn off, is a cock whore who wants to use us simply for what we are. It leaves me feeling like less of a person and more of an object. I can deal with that when money is involved (for some reason i still feel in power and not used) but a free cock whore tranny chaser going after every piece he can get his lips on is such a huge turn off.

In other words, it seems to me that you and ladies in general want a man who wants you, instead of one who just wants your body, or one part of it. Am I right?
Yes you are! If it was a pussy instead of a dick, I would still be the same person mentally and emotionally, the dick is just physical.

05-30-2009, 08:00 PM
Im not ashamed of it but there are some days where I wish I have a pussy and make love with my boyfriend or my husband.

I think Making love is an act of emotion and it doesn't matter what equipment you have below, It's the connection between the two people. So I think you can make love to your boyfriend or husband. Just my thoughts.

05-30-2009, 09:33 PM
Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!

thats really interesting.
so when you were a boy growing up, did you imagine being a woman,
or being a transsexual?

...or did you have no cross-gender feelings at all?

Well honestly as long ago as I can remember being very little I always thought i was a girl I would tell my mom constantly "Im a girl, Im a girl"
I would never alow my mother to dress me like a boy! In fact I would get my moms scarfs wrap one around my head and one around my waist like a skirt then put on one of my mothers bras and run to the fridge and stuff the bra with oranges and belly dance all around the house!
I didnt realize I wasnt a girl till I walked in on my sister and her Bf naked. I was very confused! So my whole life I felt like I was a girl but was confused by my genitals. Since I have transitioned I have learned that I can live as a women and be happy with my cock!

Now Im glad I wasnt born a GG female because I feel that I have the best of both worlds. I feel that Im a step ahead of any GG. I think of myself as a unicorn like a beautiful mystical creature. Im a beautiful women but yet I have something different than any other women. Why would I get rid of my horn or me ashamed of it? If I did Id be like any other little pink pony...lol

I dont ever see my self having a sex change. But you never know what life might bring you! I dont judge anyone that has had a sex change. I commend them for being strong enough to go through a such life changing surgery to become who they feel they are and to be happy! Im happy the way I am. I feel being who I am I have alot of advantages!

Plus men dont mind my cock at all. I find alot of "straight" men find them selfs intrigued by the fact I have one!


Unicorn aka Jennifer Paris

I thought these pics would be fitting!....lol

05-30-2009, 09:43 PM
Im not ashamed of it but there are some days where I wish I have a pussy and make love with my boyfriend or my husband.

I think Making love is an act of emotion and it doesn't matter what equipment you have below, It's the connection between the two people. So I think you can make love to your boyfriend or husband. Just my thoughts.

It's not about whether or not we can, its about having the kind of sex we want to have.

I'm not ashamed of my cock (except for when it behaves badly and gets me in trouble) but that doesn't mean I don't want a vag.

05-30-2009, 09:52 PM
While that may or may not be true, i hope you werent assuming that thats Jennifer's case.

I should have prefaced my thoughts with "not pointing fingers" because this place loves manufactured feuds.

So to be clear, I was not directing my observation at any particular person.

05-30-2009, 10:07 PM
While that may or may not be true, i hope you werent assuming that thats Jennifer's case.

I should have prefaced my thoughts with "not pointing fingers" because this place loves manufactured feuds.

So to be clear, I was not directing my observation at any particular person.


and jen and vanessa.

thanks for your insight and experiences. they both told much about both of you.

05-30-2009, 10:24 PM
the risks with srs are high, the suicde rate in post transwomen is extremely high....

This is a highly inaccurate statement.
Not only inaccurate but also quite ignorant too. It is also insensitive because it ignores that reality that transsexuals, pre and post, suffer a higher rate of suicide when compared to the general female population.

If some biased person quotes a study seeking to compare suicide rates among post-operative women to pre-ops... go ahead, make our day. We'll dismantle any such study on the basis of its weaknesses.

05-30-2009, 10:49 PM
girls like Ruby are are even sexier in being comfortable with showing their cocks.

The girls who are even sexier are not defined on the basis of their physical characteristics alone, but those who are also comfortable showing their intelligence and ambition. Yes, I like vaginas, titties and pretty faces, but ultimately a woman with a hot body who lacks brains is not very sexy IMHO.

Equating sexiness with a public display of cock minimizes transsexuals as people and women, and all too often epitomizes insincerity. Such a focus on cock objectifies the girls on the basis of a non-feminine characteristic. What girl would then take a cockhound seriously as a suitor?

Guys who patronize women by slobbering on about their cocks are, quite literally, not interested in anything but the cocks in the end.

05-31-2009, 02:14 AM
girls like Ruby are are even sexier in being comfortable with showing their cocks.

The girls who are even sexier are not defined on the basis of their physical characteristics alone, but those who are also comfortable showing their intelligence and ambition. Yes, I like vaginas, titties and pretty faces, but ultimately a woman with a hot body who lacks brains is not very sexy IMHO.

Equating sexiness with a public display of cock minimizes transsexuals as people and women, and all too often epitomizes insincerity. Such a focus on cock objectifies the girls on the basis of a non-feminine characteristic. What girl would then take a cockhound seriously as a suitor?

Guys who patronize women by slobbering on about their cocks are, quite literally, not interested in anything but the cocks in the end.

You're right...but what you're saying, to a degree, can be said about anyone dealing in a porn type industry including GGs. Do you think anyone looking at Jenna Jameson wants her for her intelligence? No..they want her for her pussy. All women are sexualized to a point by male society.

This, for the most part......is a porn site. Many of the guys talking on a porn related forum are drawn there by sexual attraction (yes, yes,...I know some of us are here for other reasons-for the sake of avoiding the "Not me..I'm here for stimulating conversation"..type answers)..so to date anyone directly from a site like this is always going to be taking a chance...If Jenna Jameson were to speak to people on a site termed-"blondes with dripping hot snatch"..she'd be taking a huge chance dating anyone from that type of forum (they would be considered pussyhounds who probably want her for her body..not her mind).

05-31-2009, 05:07 AM
i think what jennifer says is so cool..
I totally respect that each girl has her own point of view--and some are not of the same mind set as jennifer.
But its refreshing to hear a girl say she loves being a woman--and loves having her cock--AND refers to "straight" guys as liking her cock--without feeling the need to call them "fags" or denegrate them..
cause --trust me girls--very straight guys can get turned on by a cock too...

so its nice that shes so open and doesnt need to label everyone--including herself!! and as i said before..all of this coming from one of the alltime hottest and most passable feminine girls out there..

05-31-2009, 07:01 AM
This thread is Hi-larious. A T-girl with her "thing" is what it's all about.

05-31-2009, 12:04 PM
the risks with srs are high, the suicde rate in post transwomen is extremely high....

This is a highly inaccurate statement.
Not only inaccurate but also quite ignorant too. It is also insensitive because it ignores that reality that transsexuals, pre and post, suffer a higher rate of suicide when compared to the general female population.

If some biased person quotes a study seeking to compare suicide rates among post-operative women to pre-ops... go ahead, make our day. We'll dismantle any such study on the basis of its weaknesses.

This is absolutely correct. Indeed one of the major stimuli for getting the medical profession to take transsexualism and its treatment seriously is the elevated risk of suicide in women who are not given the treatment they need, ie hormones and surgery. HRT and GRS together form an extremely successful treatment--at least 80% total satisfaction and even the most negative claims have complete dissatisfaction in the low single figures.

The fact is that most women who undergo GRS go on to have happy and fulfilled lives as women. And another fact is that when they do that, they simply vanish. That is why the anti lobby can always trawl up someone who is unhappy with what happened to her-- the happy ones, the vast majority, go to great lengths to avoid any attention at all. This is especially true for girls who complete their transition young. They just fade into the society around them, get married, have lives. The thing people here, because of the nature of the board, seem to forget is that there is nothing weird or kinky about a transwoman, well, not necessarily anyway. They are just women.

This board is extremely lucky to have Peggy and Danielle as regular posters. Not only are they highly intelligent and articulate women, they have repeatedly shown that they are prepared to help others along the path.

05-31-2009, 12:23 PM
girls like Ruby are are even sexier in being comfortable with showing their cocks.

The girls who are even sexier are not defined on the basis of their physical characteristics alone, but those who are also comfortable showing their intelligence and ambition. Yes, I like vaginas, titties and pretty faces, but ultimately a woman with a hot body who lacks brains is not very sexy IMHO.

Equating sexiness with a public display of cock minimizes transsexuals as people and women, and all too often epitomizes insincerity. Such a focus on cock objectifies the girls on the basis of a non-feminine characteristic. What girl would then take a cockhound seriously as a suitor?

Guys who patronize women by slobbering on about their cocks are, quite literally, not interested in anything but the cocks in the end.

You're right...but what you're saying, to a degree, can be said about anyone dealing in a porn type industry including GGs. Do you think anyone looking at Jenna Jameson wants her for her intelligence? No..they want her for her pussy. All women are sexualized to a point by male society.

This, for the most part......is a porn site. Many of the guys talking on a porn related forum are drawn there by sexual attraction (yes, yes,...I know some of us are here for other reasons-for the sake of avoiding the "Not me..I'm here for stimulating conversation"..type answers)..so to date anyone directly from a site like this is always going to be taking a chance...If Jenna Jameson were to speak to people on a site termed-"blondes with dripping hot snatch"..she'd be taking a huge chance dating anyone from that type of forum (they would be considered pussyhounds who probably want her for her body..not her mind).

Fred, if I want free porn, there are other sites I can go to, you know? On those sites there is no discussion, or at least, no serious discussion. It's on a par with the same old "Look at the tits/ass/cock on that." I really find it surprising that anyone would come here to find porn. However, the majority of the men here, I suspect, came here as a result of an exposure to TG porn. This, therefore, is a site where the phenomenon can be discussed a little more fully, and this is assisted enormously by the policy of the mods, which is to allow such discussion--on some boards the mod policy is akin to the average kindergarten.

As for the idea that this is some sort of dating site, well, no. Maybe some people do use it that way, and there are certainly regular arrivals who obviously think that is what it is, but they mainly move on. I like to think I have made friends here but I'm not actually out to shag any of the girls....because they're friends. I'm old-fashioned that way. Once again, there are other ways of getting some t-girl tail.

So actually, a lot of people ARE here for the stimulating (and salvage) conversations, so you can't just brush that aside.

05-31-2009, 12:49 PM
A --remarkable -- thread

Jen Paris' unicorn metaphor has a nice sci-fi vibe

as if her posts come from a more interesting future

good job Miss Paris

delighting some, frustrating and silencing some others :wink:

05-31-2009, 12:58 PM
Jen I am straight and yes we are intrigued by your cock but hey we r intrigued by u I'd suck u from the back love you realy...

05-31-2009, 01:59 PM
I have a question for any of the girls to answer.Some of you speak of cock hounds in disparaging ways and I can understand why. Guys who just want to know you for what is between your legs and not treat you as a girl.

Yet would a guy who tops only but is a closet case be met with the same derision? There are men who perhaps would use a transexual to top only because they feel in a way they are still straight because it is not the same as sex with a Gay man.Some might see it as a stepping stone?

What I'm trying to say is , I don't think all tricks are the ones who take it up the butt only. And I think those Transexuals who make fun of the guys who bottom will still be sexualised and treated not as a person as they rightly should but because of their bodyparts by a certain type of man. Whether they pitch or catch.

05-31-2009, 03:08 PM
Im not ashamed of it but there are some days where I wish I have a pussy and make love with my boyfriend or my husband.

I think Making love is an act of emotion and it doesn't matter what equipment you have below, It's the connection between the two people. So I think you can make love to your boyfriend or husband. Just my thoughts.

It's not about whether or not we can, its about having the kind of sex we want to have.

I'm not ashamed of my cock (except for when it behaves badly and gets me in trouble) but that doesn't mean I don't want a vag.

you got it girl ok let me rephrase it

Im not ashamed of it but there are some days where I wish I have a real pussy(not anal sex) and make love with my boyfriend or my husband

By the way since I was born i feel like a girl already and hoping im a real biologically female like my girl playmates play with dolls wear dresses and make my hair long and put flowers on it.

05-31-2009, 04:28 PM
This is the kind of informative, insightful, and calmly intelligent thread that keeps me coming back for more. Interesting insight from the ladies.

And MacShreach, it's easy to find the free porn in here. Just look for the threads with over 100,000 views ! Weighting threads by number of views tells you something about our priorities.

Still, it's nice to have something to read in between ogling pics ... :)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-31-2009, 07:19 PM
I have a question for any of the girls to answer.Some of you speak of cock hounds in disparaging ways and I can understand why. Guys who just want to know you for what is between your legs and not treat you as a girl.

Yet would a guy who tops only but is a closet case be met with the same derision? There are men who perhaps would use a transexual to top only because they feel in a way they are still straight because it is not the same as sex with a Gay man.Some might see it as a stepping stone?

What I'm trying to say is , I don't think all tricks are the ones who take it up the butt only. And I think those Transexuals who make fun of the guys who bottom will still be sexualised and treated not as a person as they rightly should but because of their bodyparts by a certain type of man. Whether they pitch or catch.

For me, Both cock hounds and closet cases type of men are just in ONE category - Not suitable dating material! lol Seriously, not even friendship could ever blossom out of these types of men because they see tgirls not as a person but an object they could get off ON. ;)



05-31-2009, 10:34 PM
I have a question for any of the girls to answer.Some of you speak of cock hounds in disparaging ways and I can understand why. Guys who just want to know you for what is between your legs and not treat you as a girl.

Yet would a guy who tops only but is a closet case be met with the same derision? There are men who perhaps would use a transexual to top only because they feel in a way they are still straight because it is not the same as sex with a Gay man.Some might see it as a stepping stone?

What I'm trying to say is , I don't think all tricks are the ones who take it up the butt only. And I think those Transexuals who make fun of the guys who bottom will still be sexualised and treated not as a person as they rightly should but because of their bodyparts by a certain type of man. Whether they pitch or catch.
You make a good point. Its not just tricks who take it up the butt!
EVERY type of guy, EVERY race have had theis cock in their ass, for work or for play.
If you don't like dick at all, stick to pussy.
Guys who don't at least suck my cock don't get any ass from me unless they are paying!

06-01-2009, 12:29 AM
girls like Ruby are are even sexier in being comfortable with showing their cocks.

The girls who are even sexier are not defined on the basis of their physical characteristics alone, but those who are also comfortable showing their intelligence and ambition. Yes, I like vaginas, titties and pretty faces, but ultimately a woman with a hot body who lacks brains is not very sexy IMHO.

Equating sexiness with a public display of cock minimizes transsexuals as people and women, and all too often epitomizes insincerity. Such a focus on cock objectifies the girls on the basis of a non-feminine characteristic. What girl would then take a cockhound seriously as a suitor?

Guys who patronize women by slobbering on about their cocks are, quite literally, not interested in anything but the cocks in the end.

You're right...but what you're saying, to a degree, can be said about anyone dealing in a porn type industry including GGs. Do you think anyone looking at Jenna Jameson wants her for her intelligence? No..they want her for her pussy. All women are sexualized to a point by male society.

This, for the most part......is a porn site. Many of the guys talking on a porn related forum are drawn there by sexual attraction (yes, yes,...I know some of us are here for other reasons-for the sake of avoiding the "Not me..I'm here for stimulating conversation"..type answers)..so to date anyone directly from a site like this is always going to be taking a chance...If Jenna Jameson were to speak to people on a site termed-"blondes with dripping hot snatch"..she'd be taking a huge chance dating anyone from that type of forum (they would be considered pussyhounds who probably want her for her body..not her mind).

Fred, if I want free porn, there are other sites I can go to, you know? On those sites there is no discussion, or at least, no serious discussion. It's on a par with the same old "Look at the tits/ass/cock on that." I really find it surprising that anyone would come here to find porn. However, the majority of the men here, I suspect, came here as a result of an exposure to TG porn. This, therefore, is a site where the phenomenon can be discussed a little more fully, and this is assisted enormously by the policy of the mods, which is to allow such discussion--on some boards the mod policy is akin to the average kindergarten.

As for the idea that this is some sort of dating site, well, no. Maybe some people do use it that way, and there are certainly regular arrivals who obviously think that is what it is, but they mainly move on. I like to think I have made friends here but I'm not actually out to shag any of the girls....because they're friends. I'm old-fashioned that way. Once again, there are other ways of getting some t-girl tail.

So actually, a lot of people ARE here for the stimulating (and salvage) conversations, so you can't just brush that aside.

You missed my point...I was trying to avoid your answer because I already understand that some people are here for the conversation...but to mention that women showing their cocks and men drooling over them is ridiculous on a site where the majority of the girls on the site are either in porn or porn related businesses or escorting....and a lot of those drooling men are either clients or potential future clients....and they are the ones that help pay the rent, put food on the table ..and so on.
You do realize that as long as it's done on sites like this...a girl will always be objectified by a part of her anatomy. If it's on an internet based site like this especially.You don't think that a post-op girl on a sexbased site like this will be objectified by her post-op pussy?

06-01-2009, 03:11 AM
to mention that women showing their cocks and men drooling over them is ridiculous on a site where the majority of the girls on the site are either in porn or porn related businesses or escorting....and a lot of those drooling men are either clients or potential future clients....and they are the ones that help pay the rent, put food on the table ..and so on.

Sorry, I don't understand what you're actually saying in the part I've put in bold--I think you may have missed out some words. I get the general thrust though.

What I am saying is that there is a significant amount of intelligent discourse here which makes it unlike the typical porn site where people share photos and videos. If you like, it's analogous to the difference between Playboy and Hustler-- there was only ever one conceivable reason to buy Hustler; Playboy was one of the first to publish John Updike, and a number of other fine writers' work hit print there. My first real understanding of the danger that the religious right in the USA posed came from, you guessed it, Playboy. And there were babes too.

All I'm saying is you can't simply disregard the fact that actually there are people here who are not here for the porn, or that a very brief check of even the first page of the forum will reveal plenty of non-porn threads, just because it confuses the clarity of your argument.

HA is in many ways unique and a part of its attraction is that, while it does have a good deal of porn, it is not just a porn site; witness the popularity of the "Hottest Thing is Girls Out in Public" thread, or the number of responses that Vanessa got in a matter of hours when she spoke of the problem she has had with a neighbour. Women here often express their views in a very forthright manner, are respected when they do, and the debate is not trammelled by excessive, nit-picking moderation, a common fault elsewhere. Yes I realise that there is a vast ocean of non-posting members out there who probably never even look in threads like this and go straight to "Which TS has the biggest dick," but amongst the active posters most, including those I disagree with all the time, treat the girls with a great deal of respect and sympathy. There is actual concern expressed by men here about the situation that trans women find themselves in.

You seem to be alluding or suggesting that the women here are not perhaps being as forthright as they might, for fear of upsetting clients. If I have picked that up wrongly, sorry. However if that is what you think, then I disagree, in part at least. Some girls may do that but many are quite happy to say exactly what they think, even as regards clients or potential clients, often with tremendous wit (Ruby is a great read on this) and what is perhaps more important, their views are accepted and treated well. I honestly can't think of any site in the "straight" mainstream where women, who are, as you say, sex workers, converse so freely with and about men who are, again as you say, their potential clients and customers. I think, again, that were this actually a dating site, that might not be the case.

But to go back to where I came in, Phobun was right because there is a real difference between a woman being objectified because of a female physical attribute, and a woman being objectified for a male one.

Anyway, I'm for my kip.

06-01-2009, 03:28 AM
I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!
This is rare for an American TS. But very honest.

06-01-2009, 07:53 AM
i think what jennifer says is so cool..
I totally respect that each girl has her own point of view--and some are not of the same mind set as jennifer.
But its refreshing to hear a girl say she loves being a woman--and loves having her cock--AND refers to "straight" guys as liking her cock--without feeling the need to call them "fags" or denegrate them..
cause --trust me girls--very straight guys can get turned on by a cock too...

so its nice that shes so open and doesnt need to label everyone--including herself!! and as i said before..all of this coming from one of the alltime hottest and most passable feminine girls out there..

Wow, Thanks for the kind works sweetheart!

Jen I am straight and yes we are intrigued by your cock but hey we r intrigued by u I'd suck u from the back love you realy...

Oh my! Thanks!

A --remarkable -- thread

Jen Paris' unicorn metaphor has a nice sci-fi vibe

as if her posts come from a more interesting future

good job Miss Paris

delighting some, frustrating and silencing some others :wink:

Often when I hook up with a guy that Im dating that didnt know I was a TS. They ALWAYS ask two questions and the first question is:

1. Now does it make me gay that I had sex with you or that Im into you.

My answer:

No I am a beautiful women with a cock, Your attracted to me because your attracted to the beauty and femininity of a women that I resemble.

If you were attracted physically to the male form that would make you Bi.
(which there is nothing wrong with)

Just because your attracted to a Women that happens to have something different than most doesnt make you "gay"

Lots of "straight" married men have there wives stick her finger in his ass while she suck his cock to stimulate the prostate. Or fuck him with a strap on! Because it feels good! Does it make him "gay" for doing something that makes him feel good with his wife! NO!!!

If your into trannies I dont feel that your "gay". Just my view!

So I feel since were only human different things appeal to us! No one should judge you for what you like! You have one life to live so live it for your self and make your self happy as long as your not harming anyone!!

2. The second question they ALWAYS ask me is so when you gonna get it "chopped off" .

My answer is always why the hell would I do that! I love my cock and If i didnt have it we would not have been able to do all the stuff we just did.
Then I tell them how I view myself as a unicorn and how Im different and more special than regular GG women. Why would a unicorn get rid of its horn and just to resemble any old pony. No thanks....lol


Jennifer Paris

06-01-2009, 08:01 AM
tranny philosophers ...who knew?

that was totally cool.
mind if i expand on that for my senior thesis? :P

06-01-2009, 09:17 PM
What I am saying is that there is a significant amount of intelligent discourse here which makes it unlike the typical porn site where people share photos and videos.
Agree. Unfortunately, it gets diluted by lots of idiocy you have to wade through.

06-01-2009, 10:09 PM
I started encounterring more and more people who wanted my cock, and it wasn't just the typical fat white old client type.

You mean...FOGs like me? :shock:

06-01-2009, 10:24 PM
I'm catching up to this a little bit at a time, so please forgive the multiple posts.

thanks, but im far from "realness" Ive seen some short HARD looking girls get by simply because they're short. its harder for me because im 5'10 and draw lots of attention even when i try my best to "blend"

I was at JFK some years ago when Brooke Shields came in on a Virgin flight (Oh, the irony!) and I didn't recognize her at first but thought to myself "What an incredibly attractive woman!", drawn to her primarily by her overall appearance than by her stature (She is 6' 0").

I've been on the street with you Ruby, and the attention you drew was not so much for your height as for how genuinely attractive you are. I seriously doubt that you could ever truly 'blend', and that's not a bad thing, and it's not all about how tall you are.

06-02-2009, 03:24 AM
This board is extremely lucky to have Peggy and Danielle as regular posters. Not only are they highly intelligent and articulate women, they have repeatedly shown that they are prepared to help others along the path.

Thanks Mac. :wink:

Just think of me as a post op lobbyist, advocating for our constituents.


06-02-2009, 03:30 AM
I LUV you, Jennifer!!

My thoughts exactly; being a straight man who's attracted to trans women is more complex than being closeted or bi.

Really, it's a different kind of sexual chemistry that should be defined in its own category.

06-02-2009, 03:39 AM
:whoa @ Jen

The thoughts I'm having. ....

....er....all pure of course. :wink:

06-02-2009, 08:29 AM
:whoa @ Jen

The thoughts I'm having. ....

....er....all pure of course. :wink:

I love my cock! Im glad i wasnt born female! I love being a TS wouldnt have it any other way!
This is rare for an American TS. But very honest.

I LUV you, Jennifer!!

My thoughts exactly; being a straight man who's attracted to trans women is more complex than being closeted or bi.

Really, it's a different kind of sexual chemistry that should be defined in its own category.

Thanks guys!


06-03-2009, 01:53 AM
To Vanessa, Mimi, Liberty, Shana, and Jennifer - I love you all. Thank you for being such special women.

I want to thank Jennifer in particular for stating why she loves being a woman with a cock with such eloquence. I've never thought of it in quite those terms, but being a unicorn, being special and magical, is not a bad thing to be. In fact I think it's quite wonderful. :)

06-03-2009, 11:54 AM
Great thread, thanks to all who posted.

The unicorn image has actually fixed an ongoing issue with a lady I know, so thank you Jennifer in particular. Girl was killing herself trying to justify her existence, now she is a magical creature and happier for it... who knew all it took was a bit of fantasy imagery.

06-03-2009, 08:23 PM
Are some of you girls here ashamed that you have a cock? Some of the girls on HA show topless pictures of themselves in panties but they never show their cock. Do these girls do this because they like to pretend that they don't have a cock? It seems that the same girls that only do topless pics here are also bashing the other girls on HA that do show there cock and act like the feminist women of the 1970s at the very notion of TS porn.

That someone would ask that question indicates that they have a limited understanding of what it's like to have been born the wrong gender. Now of course circumstances vary, but it becomes more clear once you really get to know transgendered women as people and gain a greater understanding of what they've been through. Or, you could just turn everything around and ask yourself this: If you had the same sexual orientation that you have now but you had been born a woman, how proud would you be of your snatch?

06-03-2009, 10:24 PM
i'm not ashamed.
i'm disappointed, but not ashamed.
i wish i was born female.

Ladies--Chime in if you will.

Alyssa, I usually don't get involved in many of the conversations on here but this one did catch my attention.

IMO you are one of the most beautiful women on this website. God made you how you are for a reason, d*ck or no d*ck. You are feminine, sexy, beautiful and smart. I see that, many other men here see that too. No need to ever feel disappointed.

06-04-2009, 03:36 AM
i think what jennifer says is so cool..
I totally respect that each girl has her own point of view--and some are not of the same mind set as jennifer.
But its refreshing to hear a girl say she loves being a woman--and loves having her cock--AND refers to "straight" guys as liking her cock--without feeling the need to call them "fags" or denegrate them..
cause --trust me girls--very straight guys can get turned on by a cock too...

so its nice that shes so open and doesnt need to label everyone--including herself!! and as i said before..all of this coming from one of the alltime hottest and most passable feminine girls out there..

Wow, Thanks for the kind works sweetheart!

Jen I am straight and yes we are intrigued by your cock but hey we r intrigued by u I'd suck u from the back love you realy...

Oh my! Thanks!

A --remarkable -- thread

Jen Paris' unicorn metaphor has a nice sci-fi vibe

as if her posts come from a more interesting future

good job Miss Paris

delighting some, frustrating and silencing some others :wink:

Often when I hook up with a guy that Im dating that didnt know I was a TS. They ALWAYS ask two questions and the first question is:

1. Now does it make me gay that I had sex with you or that Im into you.

My answer:

No I am a beautiful women with a cock, Your attracted to me because your attracted to the beauty and femininity of a women that I resemble.

If you were attracted physically to the male form that would make you Bi.
(which there is nothing wrong with)

Just because your attracted to a Women that happens to have something different than most doesnt make you "gay"

Lots of "straight" married men have there wives stick her finger in his ass while she suck his cock to stimulate the prostate. Or fuck him with a strap on! Because it feels good! Does it make him "gay" for doing something that makes him feel good with his wife! NO!!!

If your into trannies I dont feel that your "gay". Just my view!

So I feel since were only human different things appeal to us! No one should judge you for what you like! You have one life to live so live it for your self and make your self happy as long as your not harming anyone!!

2. The second question they ALWAYS ask me is so when you gonna get it "chopped off" .

My answer is always why the hell would I do that! I love my cock and If i didnt have it we would not have been able to do all the stuff we just did.
Then I tell them how I view myself as a unicorn and how Im different and more special than regular GG women. Why would a unicorn get rid of its horn and just to resemble any old pony. No thanks....lol


Jennifer Parissome of the other girls here could use etiquette lessons from Miss Paris.....i think Jennifer is a priceless diamond

06-04-2009, 03:42 AM
i'm not ashamed.
i'm disappointed, but not ashamed.
i wish i was born female.

Ladies--Chime in if you will.

Alyssa, I usually don't get involved in many of the conversations on here but this one did catch my attention.

IMO you are one of the most beautiful women on this website. God made you how you are for a reason, d*ck or no d*ck. You are feminine, sexy, beautiful and smart. I see that, many other men here see that too. No need to ever feel disappointed.

most of my life revolves and or is focused on feminizing myself.
or improving myself to become a successful woman.

had i been born female, i would be able to focus my energy on other, bigger things.

not to mention dating.
things would be easier. fetish and closets would be off the table.

while i'm happy for the girls who see themselves as unicorns, i dont live in Narnia, and dont see my gender dysphoria in any way majestic or whimsical.

06-04-2009, 03:50 AM
wow--well said alyssa--as usual

i hear you loud and clear

06-04-2009, 04:15 AM
Really interesting thread.

I know someone mentioned that being pre-op gives you the best of all worlds. My gf was was dominant throughout a 4-year relationship with another pre-op tgirl. Now, with me, she's completely submissive. Works for us!

So maybe it's as much about the relationship as it is the individual.

06-05-2009, 03:35 AM
the risks with srs are high, the suicde rate in post transwomen is extremely high....

This is a highly inaccurate statement.

As we all are aware, not all transwomen desire GRS, some are very
content with their penis, and to use it.

Also as we are aware, there are many men who prefer women with

I am very happy for both of them and have absolutely no problem with
the choices that they make.

However, when the women or the men spread rumors, misinformation,
innuendos, falsehoods, and downright lies, then I am compelled to set
the record straight, and would be willing to provide empirical studies
that cover large samplings of post op outcomes, and are not limited to
a few anecdotal ones.

Transwomen don't go crazy or become suicidal when they have GRS.

The vast majority don't regret it.

The vast majority can and do have orgasms.

They do not have to dilate for the rest of their live's.

They are legally recognized as female, can have their birth certificates,
licenses, passports, etc. changed to be congruent with their gender.

They are legally able to get married in just about every nation and State
in the world.

They will loose many friends, and men who were interested in them when
they had a penis will no longer be, though many, many heterosexual men
who wouldn't have had any interest in them may now be.

They will be who they have always felt they should be their entire live's.


06-10-2009, 04:08 AM
Thanks 4 the support everyone!

06-10-2009, 04:30 AM
Now Jennifer show us that HAWT CAWKKKK!

06-10-2009, 12:02 PM
Great theard. Ty for all the interesting insight. Here is what i got to say.I like to please my gf turns me on makin her feel good and happy.Also i could never love sumone for just one thing. My love and body is for all of her to enjoy how ever she chooses.Cause whether i am inside of her or she is in me.Ill always see and think of her as a girl.

06-13-2009, 02:38 AM
this is prolly the most interesting and informative thread i've read on this forum.

i agree

I concur :)

06-13-2009, 03:35 AM
Cockhounds, PussyKittens :D , Homophoobs, Straighto´s, Fags, Tgirls who like their cocks, Toppers, Bottoms etc. The list can go on and on.....

I think all this shows the complexity of human beings, their behaviour, wants and fantasies....how come? That big organ (no not Jen P´s cock u perv! keep reading lol) in our heads...With great intelligence (well at least the smartest animal on this planet) comes the abbility to fantasize about stuff and people...I think nobody is less of a person or tgirl, if he or she wants to love or have sex in a certain way...
It can either your cup of tea or not...What you can do is respect each other , and agree that are a lot of flavours out there...

A few namecalling a side, I am very happy to read the mature way people interact with each other in this thread... :P

06-13-2009, 04:45 AM
Ashamed of my cock. No, nor do I love it. One thing that has confused me from time to time is that I have no strong feelings towards my cock at all. I'm not going to cut it off or commit suicide if it were impossible to get SRS. On the other hand I do want to get it eventually.

If you read around about this so many people make it sound like unless you do "hate" and are "ashamed" of your penis the operation is a bad idea for you. I mean hate as in cut it off with the top of a tin can.. hate it. I never felt that.

I don't love it either. I know i will not miss it ever.

06-13-2009, 06:12 AM
I am kind of ashamed of my cock and I do hate it. But I'm not suicidal over it. I will eventually get SRS but if I can't get it I won't be doing anyhting drastic.

08-16-2009, 09:28 AM
If any of the girls are ashamed of their cocks, it's probably because they're fawned over incessantly from the moment they start posting, only to see the guys fawning over them abandon other girls the minute they finally get SRS. Actually, that'd probably mean they were ashamed of those fawning guys, and rightly so.

Personally, I've dated GG and TG women, so I'm cool with working with what's there so to speak, whatever it is at that point in time. Most guys aren't willing to be seen in public with a transsexual, while a few others would only be cool with it if she were totally passable as they define it... and you better believe 99.9% of all guys into tgirls are adamant she have a dick, preferably bigger than the one they have themselves. So, if anything, I'd imagine any shame would be limited to those who feel that the thing that makes them money is the very thing they have to lose to be the woman they want to be, which would presumably mainly be escorts determined to have SRS.

08-16-2009, 09:37 AM
i love haveing what i love the sensation i dont know what its like to have a sensation of a nanni but im very happy with mine everyone is diffrent the way they feel its like who cares if they show it or not just rember every single person on this lame earth is diffrent so they have diffrent morals and values and choices its just the way it works.much love britney

08-16-2009, 10:18 AM
Having never been with a lady who has something 'different' or however you choose to word it, I really don't know how I would react if I met one and started doing things. It seems to me that as a whole, 't'girls are more confident than 'normal' girls. And 't'girls are more 'real', don't know any other way to really explain it. That, for me, is the attraction as far as pictures go.
I would like to meet a 't'girl in real life, not nessisarily to 'do things' with, but just as a friend if anything. Sure, I am curious as to how it would be with a 't' girl, but I'm not gonna go out and pay for it, in my opinion, it isnt respectful to the girl to pay for it. That is just my opinion, and I do not condem those who pay or get paid for that stuff.
This thread has been quite informative as far as girls outlooks on their bodies.

08-16-2009, 12:28 PM
For me i never considered having srs, i am scared of surgery anyway but also the current method of srs is inverting the penis and mine is far too small for that.

My own experience with gg's in Asia is that they really don't like tgirls at all. Some of the girls said to me all you ts want is the fun side of being a girl we dont want the hard side of being a woman, we love the attention but we don't want to do the menial side the taking care of the family etc.

08-16-2009, 12:28 PM
For me i never considered having srs, i am scared of surgery anyway but also the current method of srs is inverting the penis and mine is far too small for that.

My own experience with gg's in Asia is that they really don't like tgirls at all. Some of the girls said to me all you ts want is the fun side of being a girl we dont want the hard side of being a woman, we love the attention but we don't want to do the menial side the taking care of the family etc.

08-16-2009, 03:13 PM
Some of the girls said to me all you ts want is the fun side of being a girl we dont want the hard side of being a woman, we love the attention but we don't want to do the menial side the taking care of the family etc.


I don't see how having a vagina instead of a penis would make someone feminine instead of masculine.

08-16-2009, 04:40 PM
i'm not ashamed.
i'm disappointed, but not ashamed.
i wish i was born female.

Ladies--Chime in if you will.

Alyssa, I usually don't get involved in many of the conversations on here but this one did catch my attention.

IMO you are one of the most beautiful women on this website. God made you how you are for a reason, d*ck or no d*ck. You are feminine, sexy, beautiful and smart. I see that, many other men here see that too. No need to ever feel disappointed.

most of my life revolves and or is focused on feminizing myself.
or improving myself to become a successful woman.

had i been born female, i would be able to focus my energy on other, bigger things.

not to mention dating.
things would be easier. fetish and closets would be off the table.

while i'm happy for the girls who see themselves as unicorns, i dont live in Narnia, and dont see my gender dysphoria in any way majestic or whimsical.

I couldnt have put it in better words than that Alyssa. :)

12-12-2010, 05:19 AM
For me i never considered having srs, i am scared of surgery anyway but also the current method of srs is inverting the penis and mine is far too small for that.

My own experience with gg's in Asia is that they really don't like tgirls at all. Some of the girls said to me all you ts want is the fun side of being a girl we dont want the hard side of being a woman, we love the attention but we don't want to do the menial side the taking care of the family etc.

awe what????????????????

06-18-2016, 04:05 AM
I don't agree.