View Full Version : Why was my...

11-27-2009, 03:51 AM
H vs N thread deleted. I thought is was quite funny :lol:

11-27-2009, 03:59 AM
Because you touch yourself at night!

11-27-2009, 04:01 AM
probaly coz you're a stirring fukker! :shrug

11-27-2009, 04:02 AM
Because you touch yourself at night!

That was realy funny... the first time you used it. It was a 'lol', but....

11-27-2009, 04:10 AM
Because you touch yourself at night!

swivel on this

Nicole Dupre
11-27-2009, 08:10 AM
Because you touch yourself at night!

swivel on this

Is that picture of Hara? I see the similarity.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-27-2009, 08:25 AM
Hmm, Id rather look like that 9 years ago than look like a crack whore 3 years ago!





Nicole Dupre
11-27-2009, 08:33 AM
Hmm, Id rather look like that 9 years ago than look like a crack whore 3 years ago!





And I'd rather look like me now, and you NEVER. Not by the hair of your chinny chin chin. lol

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-27-2009, 08:39 AM
I agree. I'd rather look like myself now (who's had a lil bit of work done) than look like a spooky clown with 10 layers of scary pan cake make up!


Why, don't you post a pic of you without your MASK?



11-27-2009, 08:53 AM
"Lets make love, not war...craft"

Nicole Dupre
11-27-2009, 09:01 AM
I agree. I'd rather look like myself now than look like a spooky clown with 10 layers of scary pan cake make up!


Why, don't you post a pic of you without your MASK?



Seriously, do you think that's such a good pic? Pull your hair back and lets see your forehead, Lumpy. Because you have a very mannish face. Julie clocked it, bur anyone can. I'm serious. You are not feminine whatsoever. Framing your face in bangs doesn't make you feminine. It makes you look like a caricature of a little girl. You have mannish bone structure. I know that's not what you want to hear but it's very true. If I were you, I'd stay in a dark room with someone who's preoccupied with having no control over their bowel movements. You are NOT a daywalker. Admit it. You do not fit into anyone's standard of actual beauty. You barely look human, let alone feminine. You're a lumpy mess with a bad haircut. That nose is...lol Is that even a nose? lol

I have recent pics, and my phone never stops ringing. You're lonely and need to argue with me to feel important. You only count here AT ALL because of me and the fact that I'm playing with you. All I have to do is mention your name, and your string is as good as pulled. And the mere fact that you saved every photo of me you could get your hands on from the earliest days of my HRT speaks volumes. Me? lol I wouldn't waste a scrap of space on my hard drive with that fugly face of yours. lol

Now go ahead, dude. I know you need to argue with a woman. Go ahead, say something in that bad, broken English of yours. We know you can't help yourself.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-27-2009, 09:11 AM
I agree. I'd rather look like myself now than look like a spooky clown with 10 layers of scary pan cake make up!


Why, don't you post a pic of you without your MASK?



Seriously, do you think that's such a good pic? Pull your hair back and lets see your forehead, Lumpy. Because you have a very mannish face. Julie clocked it, bur anyone can. I'm serious. You are not feminine whatsoever. Framing your face in bangs doesn't make you feminine. It makes you look like a caricature of a little girl. You have mannish bone structure. I know that's not what you want to hear but it's very true. If I were you, I'd stay in a dark room with someone who's preoccupied with having no control over their bowel movements. You are NOT a daywalker. Admit it. You do not fit into anyone's standard of actual beauty. You barely look human, let alone feminine. You're a lumpy mess with a bad haircut. That nose is...lol Is that even a nose? lol

I have recent pics, and my phone never stops ringing. You're lonely and need to argue with me to feel important. You only count here AT ALL because of me and the fact that I'm playing with you. All I have to do is mention your name, and your string is as good as pulled.

Now go ahead, dude. I know you need to argue with a woman. Go ahead, say something in that bad, broken English of yours. We know you can't help yourself.

Um, no. I didn't say it was a good pic. But its a cute one (with no make up). Yeah, I'm so mannish that's why when we went to see a movie, you were hiding behind me,scared of being clocked and called a "dude"! Seriously, who are you to criticize me when you haven't done anything to your ugly ass face but get your nose trimmed? lol I haven't had touched my nose, maybe I will. But until then you can suck on it! ;)

You might have D's but I can bet my 10 fingers you get clocked a mile away for looking like a hideous clown with D's! So please, stop being pretentious. And go buy yourself a real mirror, Krusty! You lived long enough inside the fun house. lol

And I don't need to argue with you. Who the fuck are you? You're just some gay man who's gotten breast in 2007. You never pass and lived life as a woman. And more importantly, you never had a woman-man long term relationship, outside of escorting. Your last relationship was with a gay guy back in NJ, remember? Get the fuck out!

So your phone rings? Really? I bet it only rings, when guys wants to fuck with you, huh? Or do you mean, it rings and you get appoitments aka tricks? Because, by your attendance and count post on here, HD and elsewhere, it proved otherwise. You got imaginary clients. Girl, I know how to draw, but I don't draw out my life like you do! Lmao Who the fuck are you even kidding? :lol:

I may not be as fluent or elloquent English speaker, but you understand perfectly well everything I type! And that's good enough for me! lol Can you go to the Philippines and speak tagalog? I doubt you can even speak a whole sentence, bitch!



Nicole Dupre
11-27-2009, 09:38 AM
Hiding behind you in a movie? lol I wanted to go to a bar in Dover, Connexions, and see Ashley Blake perform. In there, they leave the lights on enough to see peoples' faces. But you do not like to compare yourself to real trannys. YOU needed to go see a movie, you big storyteller.

But let's be honest, here and now. You had so many horrible and shady things to say about Allanah's parties, that you should be ashamed to even show your hideous mannish face here. That was what I wanted to do originally. But oh no. You wouldn't go. Then, you backed out of going with me to Connexions at the last minute. I had to pick your broke ass up in my brand new car, not a lease btw, and we had to go see a 3hr long movie and sit in the goddamn dark to make you happy. Wtf, you screwy man?

Nicole Dupre
11-27-2009, 09:42 AM
P.S. I am plenty busy with clients, dude, so don't hate. Escorts don't work slave hours. Not by a long shot. You never believed that Monica had any coins either, and you were wrong about that too. But I don't bluff AT ALL. Why would I bother? lol

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-27-2009, 09:45 AM
Hiding behind you in a movie? lol I wanted to go to a bar in Dover, Connexions, and see Ashley Blake perform. In there, they leave the lights on enough to see peoples' faces. But you do not like to compare yourself to real trannys. YOU needed to go see a movie, you big storyteller.

But let's be honest, here and now. You had so many horrible and shady things to say about Allanah's parties, that you should be ashamed to even show your hideous mannish face here. That was what I wanted to do originally. But oh no. You wouldn't go. Then, you backed out of going with me to Connexions at the last minute. I had to pick your broke ass up in my brand new car, not a lease btw, and we had to go see a 3hr long movie and sit in the goddamn dark to make you happy. Wtf, you screwy man?

Wow! I already known you as a LIAR and a bullshitter. I got no problems with any girl on here but YOU! I never said anything even remotely negative about Allanah or her parties. Truth be told, I think it was this "gentleman" you speak of that said those negative things about her. But then again, you made that up so I tell my side, correct? So I implicate this "gentleman" and start WW3 of some sorts. :roll:

So please, get your facts and story straight. I've met Allanah awhile back, She even used to smoke and asked for a light when we met at a bar a few years back. So suck it, you compulsive liar. I bet your night doesn't end if you don't tell any lies, huh Klown?



Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-27-2009, 09:49 AM
P.S. I am plenty busy with clients, dude, so don't hate. Escorts don't work slave hours. Not by a long shot. You never believed that Monica had any coins either, and you were wrong about that too. But I don't bluff AT ALL. Why would I bother? lol

Yeah, maybe you meant plenty inquiries and false alarms! But never any confirmed clients and bookings! lol Remember, it came from the horses mouth (who wears a RiteAid synthetic pony), that guys call you to harrass you and that one time when I called you, you were all shook up badly. You couldn't even talk! lol



Nicole Dupre
11-27-2009, 10:01 AM
For the 10th time, you said that Allanah stole the party idea from Gloria Wholesome. Calling me a liar as you yourself lie is not the same as telling the truth. lol

And I've never met Allanah, myself, but I have a very good character reference that my TS mom can give her. Maybe she even has already. But it dioesn't matter. I hold my head up in life. I don't need to hide in dark movie theaters, and tell stories.

Anyway, my mom and Allanah are friends. My mom is Chanel, and Chanel doesn't tolerate lies, just as I do not tolerate lies. Don't think your shit-stained man hands can disgrace my family name. Allanah knows I speak the truth. Trust, Jackie Chin. lol

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-27-2009, 10:07 AM
OMG! How dumb could you get? lol Tranny parties existed before Gloria Wholesome and Allanah!! Stop putting words in my mouth, you evil hag!

I don't care who your mom is. And if she was indeed your mom, why or rather HOW does she put up with a lying sack of shit that you are? :lol:



Nicole Dupre
11-27-2009, 10:17 AM
OMG! How dumb could you get? lol Tranny parties existed before Gloria Wholesome and Allanah!! Stop putting words in my mouth, you evil hag!

I don't care who your mom is. And if she was indeed your mom, why or rather HOW does she put up with a lying sack of shit that you are? :lol:



Now you're saying Miss Chanel "puts up with" me? Freak, Miss Chanel knows that my words are true and my character is strong. I put on no airs and don't need to tell shady lies. Miss Chanel Dupre would have you with a gun in mouth or ready to jump off of a bridge if she read you.

Now THAT'S a sexchange!!! Gag, fag!!!


Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-27-2009, 10:20 AM
She is very pretty not to mention feirce! How did she ended up with a 45 year old washed up cd with boobs as a son? Lmao :lol:



Nicole Dupre
11-27-2009, 10:25 AM
She is very pretty not to mention feirce! How did she ended up with a 45 year old washed up cd with boobs as a son? Lmao :lol:



Ask her to compare us both. I dare you.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-27-2009, 10:33 AM
Unlike you, I don't need "constant" validations especially coming from someone who's going to be biased. Besides, IF you think you're really THAT pretty and passable, why is it important for you to constantly compare yourself to me and others? :roll:

Why don't you compare yourself with Jennifer Paris, Tempest, Libby etc.? Do you remember when you told me JP looked 'rough' before her transition? Isn't that clearly being jealous of her? Or how you hate Tempest (cos she stood up for some crossdresser on HD forum)?Well, both got D's like you do. So why don't you ask people how you stack up next to them? Since you're so consumed about making the grade..?
