12-21-2009, 08:03 AM
I went a saw it today at the IMAX

there's nothing like it ...TAKE BATMAN BLACK KNIGHT A FEW YRS AGO



better if your stoned even :shock:

12-21-2009, 10:42 AM
I went a saw it today at the IMAX

there's nothing like it ...TAKE BATMAN BLACK KNIGHT A FEW YRS AGO



better if your stoned even :shock:

Yea definitely a good flick

Willie Escalade
12-21-2009, 11:05 AM
I should be seeing it Christmas Eve. :D

12-21-2009, 11:49 AM
Looking forwards to variants of Neytiri appearing on the cartoons thread :-D Seriously I am looking forwards to this flick and hope to see it over the holidays

12-21-2009, 12:43 PM
I saw it today. I thought it was a good movie but certainly not the best of all time as some were saying. I think I may need to see it again to really appreciate it, but it just seemed to be missing something. It was too simple - like Dances With Wolves in space. It looked great but the story seemed a little flat. It should be interesting if they try to squeeze a sequel out of it though. We'll find out soon enough I guess. ;)

I will also say this: I was disappointed by the use of 'Bushisms' in the final scenes. 'War on Terror?' 'Shock and Awe?' C'mon! This is supposed to be nearly 150 years into the future! Nobody's going to remember the Idiot in Chief in the 22nd century!


12-21-2009, 03:18 PM
cameron waited 20 years to do this movie!!!!...you can still see the cgi efects...its ok not the best ...that five minute movie on youtube looks better and it only cost $300

12-21-2009, 04:00 PM
yes the 3d ans special effects where amazing

12-21-2009, 07:04 PM
i agree with bella it was really good but not the best ... titanic was better and the story was a little flat however this movie does leave a big impression maybe it was because of the 3d ...

12-21-2009, 10:23 PM
I thought it was great, especially the effects. Way better than batman black knight. When I left the theatre, though, I realized the storyline is just a composite of other movies and very derivative. And there wasn't enough hot girls.

12-22-2009, 01:02 AM
i agree with bella it was really good but not the best ... titanic was better and the story was a little flat however this movie does leave a big impression maybe it was because of the 3d ... I don't think so. I actually saw it in standard def and then went back the next day and saw it in imax 3d. Personally I preferred the standard version because it was brighter and I felt as though the 3d version took away from the wonderful texturing of the Navi and the rest of the environment. I agree that it was one of the best movies I've seen. & the only movie I've ever seen at the theater twice. When people say it was "Dances with Wolves in space" I think they are focusing too much on the whole "lived with the enemy & eventually went against his own" aspect of the story and are missing the true beauty of it. It was a story about true & absolute love. A love that was based on an understanding that all living things are one. So true that it can cross not only races but entire species. This was most evident and beautifully displayed in when neta saved Jake when the lab glass was broken & he was exposed to Pandoras atmospere. See through the movie Jake being the controller of the Avatar experienced Pandora as Navi. His feeling, thought, & view of the world around him were literally through the eyes of a Navi. This ofcourse was the state he was in when he fell in love with Neytiri. But as Jake said he fell in love with the trees, the animals, & everything else that encompassed Pandora. What Jake didn't realize (or didn't know how to express at that time) is that he was in was falling in love with the knowledge of how all of those things (the plants, the Banshee's, the horses, the Navi, and every other living thing in the universe) were all connected. So in considering that when Neytiri held Jake in her arms and as a human he said "I see you" what that meant was that the love they shared was more true than anything any of us can imagine and because of that I feel it was one of the greatest love stories ever. (sorry if the format of this msg comes out crazy. I'm on my palm pre)

12-22-2009, 01:08 AM
This movie will not break into many "my top 5 fav movies of all time" in 3/4/5 years down the line.

Maybe goons who fancy Bladerunner as a masterpiece will try to crowbar Avatar into their lists but come on, visually yes it's very good (not even the best) but story wise it is actually very very weak.

12-22-2009, 01:09 AM
awesome movie.....best in years..

12-22-2009, 01:13 AM
PS Did Michelle Rodriguez grate on anyone else?

12-22-2009, 03:16 AM
those are some cheesy corny looking blue creatures

little kids movie

over rated bullshit, the use and abuse of too much technology does not make these movies better.

12-22-2009, 04:13 AM
those are some cheesy corny looking blue creatures

little kids movie

over rated bullshit, the use and abuse of too much technology does not make these movies better.

For once, I agree. Spot on Addicted. :claps

Nicole Dupre
12-22-2009, 04:37 AM
For once, I agree. Spot on Addicted. :claps


12-22-2009, 05:04 AM

12-22-2009, 05:14 AM
For once, I agree. Spot on Addicted. :claps


Fuck you, tattooed clown.

12-22-2009, 09:59 AM
avatar is an unbearably trite "environmental" rant

the usual infinitely boring anti-human, anti-progress garbage

and it seems they'll never get the awkwardness out of CGI

the human eye is too subtle to be so easily tricked

the "Gaia" pseudo-religion. how dull.

12-22-2009, 10:46 AM
Great film. Not the best ever but easily the best I've seen this year.

12-23-2009, 02:49 PM
i agree with bella it was really good but not the best ... titanic was better and the story was a little flat however this movie does leave a big impression maybe it was because of the 3d ... I don't think so. I actually saw it in standard def and then went back the next day and saw it in imax 3d. Personally I preferred the standard version because it was brighter and I felt as though the 3d version took away from the wonderful texturing of the Navi and the rest of the environment. I agree that it was one of the best movies I've seen. & the only movie I've ever seen at the theater twice. When people say it was "Dances with Wolves in space" I think they are focusing too much on the whole "lived with the enemy & eventually went against his own" aspect of the story and are missing the true beauty of it. It was a story about true & absolute love. A love that was based on an understanding that all living things are one. So true that it can cross not only races but entire species. This was most evident and beautifully displayed in when neta saved Jake when the lab glass was broken & he was exposed to Pandoras atmospere. See through the movie Jake being the controller of the Avatar experienced Pandora as Navi. His feeling, thought, & view of the world around him were literally through the eyes of a Navi. This ofcourse was the state he was in when he fell in love with Neytiri. But as Jake said he fell in love with the trees, the animals, & everything else that encompassed Pandora. What Jake didn't realize (or didn't know how to express at that time) is that he was in was falling in love with the knowledge of how all of those things (the plants, the Banshee's, the horses, the Navi, and every other living thing in the universe) were all connected. So in considering that when Neytiri held Jake in her arms and as a human he said "I see you" what that meant was that the love they shared was more true than anything any of us can imagine and because of that I feel it was one of the greatest love stories ever. (sorry if the format of this msg comes out crazy. I'm on my palm pre)

Wow, well put.

I absolutley loved it and can say with confidence that Avatar is the best film I've ever seen, and this is coming from a massive Lord of the Rings fan. Avatar was just amazing and for once in my life I'm happy to jump on a hollywood bandwagon. :)