View Full Version : Why is it most guys cum so fast when you FUCKED them in the ass?

03-18-2011, 07:56 PM
Ive noticed from most of my clientelle once you fuck them in the ass at the same time jack off they male clits usually they cum so fast? Unlike when you suck them or when they fuck me.


03-18-2011, 08:02 PM
It's a direct hit to their prostate...and, it's not like they get hit in the ass all the time!

03-18-2011, 09:06 PM
It's a direct hit to their prostate...and, it's not like they get hit in the ass all the time!


03-18-2011, 09:36 PM
feels good girl!

03-18-2011, 09:56 PM
Maybe it's because you are so yummy that they can't control themselves :smileysex:

03-18-2011, 10:23 PM
because they are all gay

03-18-2011, 10:26 PM
Honestly, anything even remotely seductive or sexual with Alyssa would nearly give me a heart attack because she is such a sexy, saucy lady. Of course, I would not object to anything she wanted to do with me!

03-18-2011, 10:34 PM
Because when it's a good fucking, you can't help but cum.

So obviously you're doing something right, Alyssa. :)

03-18-2011, 10:40 PM
Maybe your butthole is too big and they don't touch the sides ... or does that mean their cocks are too small?

03-18-2011, 11:26 PM
It's a direct hit to their prostate...and, it's not like they get hit in the ass all the time!

indeed, its just about the amout of sensation they get.

03-18-2011, 11:32 PM
Because it just feels so good. I don't need my cock to be jerked off when I'm getting fucked in the ass in order for me to cum. I can usually cum just from my partner fucking me.

03-18-2011, 11:37 PM
I have no idea , never had a dick on my ass

03-18-2011, 11:37 PM
Because it just feels so good. I don't need my cock to be jerked off when I'm getting fucked in the ass in order for me to cum. I can usually cum just from my partner fucking me.

thats really gay in my book

03-18-2011, 11:39 PM
I have no idea , never had a dick on my ass

i really think the cock obsessed guys are just closet homos, they dont care about the girls, just cock...

a cock on a girl is more acceptable, because they dont want to admit they are gay bottom bitches.

03-18-2011, 11:55 PM
I think guys to like to be fucked are so in to DICK WORSHIP, a ts woman is more than that, they can also taking dick with a dude with wig, that I don't undestand and I don't care , what really kills me is the fact than here if you say you don't like to be bottom they look at you down FUCK YOU ALL SUBMISSIVE BOTTTOM BITCHES, I am proud to be TOP:fu:

Dino Velvet
03-18-2011, 11:55 PM
Alyssa, quit hanging out with fairies that only want to get in your house to put on your ladies' underwear and get plowed in the butt like a prom queen. Many of the guys I see you with could be halfway passable themselves in bad light and look so gay they practically have a pink neon light glowing around their heads in the pictures.

03-19-2011, 12:02 AM
thats really gay in my book
245 Post on a TS-Porn related Website since you joined in January. And 3 out of 15 post in a thread called "Why is it most guys cum so fast when you FUCKED them in the ass?" are from you.

You are soooo straight :lol:

03-19-2011, 12:09 AM
245 Post on a TS-Porn related Website since you joined in January. And 3 out of 15 post in a thread called "Why is it most guys cum so fast when you FUCKED them in the ass?" are from you.

You are soooo straight :lol:

Yes I am, gayness is in being submissive

03-19-2011, 12:12 AM
Just so i understand you right.

If 2 man have sex, the one being fucked is gay, the other one straight?

03-19-2011, 12:31 AM
While I can really enjoy bottoming with a girl, I tend to only ejaculate while topping, oral or foreplay...I'm idiosyncratic.

03-19-2011, 12:34 AM
Alyssa is a gorgeous transsexual woman, it is not gay sex for a guy to have sex with her regardless of position....now, if he has sex with her but is not attracted to her or any women and attracted to other guys, then yeah, that would be a gay guy but the act would not be.

03-19-2011, 12:39 AM
Alyssa is a gorgeous transsexual woman, it is not gay sex for a guy to have sex with her regardless of position....now, if he has sex with her but is not attracted to her or any women and attracted to other guys, then yeah, that would be a gay guy but the act would not be.

Flaming Homo ;)

03-19-2011, 12:51 AM
I don't know why you'd be puzzled by this. Two points of stimulation vs. just one and actually it's three if you count the ass and the prostate as separate.

Feels good man.

03-19-2011, 01:10 AM
Hey people don't be sexist everyone has the right to be fucked lol

03-19-2011, 02:32 AM
Ive noticed from most of my clientelle once you fuck them in the ass at the same time jack off they male clits usually they cum so fast? Unlike when you suck them or when they fuck me.


I say we experiment. You do that to me ten times, and if I cum more than 50% of the time than I'll agree with you!:) Well, when can we get started?:dancing:

03-19-2011, 02:38 AM
What you guys are missin' is that Alyssa is a TOP...she loves poundin' guys in the ass.

03-19-2011, 02:41 AM
What you guys are missin' is that Alyssa is a TOP...she loves poundin' guys in the ass.

So, what you're saying is she's an expert at juicing the lemon.:) Those girls who aren't normally tops would have a harder time making men cum fast. I could see that being true.

03-19-2011, 03:18 AM
I think guys to like to be fucked are so in to DICK WORSHIP, a ts woman is more than that, they can also taking dick with a dude with wig, that I don't undestand and I don't care , what really kills me is the fact than here if you say you don't like to be bottom they look at you down FUCK YOU ALL SUBMISSIVE BOTTTOM BITCHES, I am proud to be TOP:fu:

That may well be true...but I haven't read too many threads like that ,can you show me some specific posts...because I can definitely show you tons of posts where the opposite is true...some by you.

03-19-2011, 03:27 AM
Ive noticed from most of my clientelle once you fuck them in the ass at the same time jack off they male clits usually they cum so fast? Unlike when you suck them or when they fuck me.


Corvette is correct...a bulls eye on the ever sensitive prostate. But I have a follow up for you my dear...if what you say is true...why is it in almost every TS porn scene like TS seduction for example, bottom dudes getting hit in the ass by Top Trannys can barley even get a hard on. Maybe you should tell some of those clients to get in touch with some of these porn producers !

03-19-2011, 03:32 AM
because they are all gay

I agree.

i really think the cock obsessed guys are just closet homos, they dont care about the girls, just cock...

a cock on a girl is more acceptable, because they dont want to admit they are gay bottom bitches.

I agree.

I think guys to like to be fucked are so in to DICK WORSHIP, a ts woman is more than that, they can also taking dick with a dude with wig, that I don't undestand and I don't care

I agree.

Alyssa, quit hanging out with fairies that only want to get in your house to put on your ladies' underwear and get plowed in the butt like a prom queen. Many of the guys I see you with could be halfway passable themselves in bad light and look so gay they practically have a pink neon light glowing around their heads in the pictures.

I agree.

What you guys are missin' is that Alyssa is a TOP...she loves poundin' guys in the ass.

I'll bet that she is actually very much a woman and wants her men to be men.

03-19-2011, 03:40 AM
Ive noticed from most of my clientelle once you fuck them in the ass at the same time jack off they male clits usually they cum so fast? Unlike when you suck them or when they fuck me.


Do you have any more pictures of your cutie friend in the brown dress? I love her face.

03-19-2011, 04:10 AM
thats really gay in my book

So what. Some people will call you gay just for coming on a site like this so I don't really see the point of your comment.

03-19-2011, 04:13 AM
So what. Some people will call you gay just for coming on a site like this so I don't really see the point of your comment.


south ov da border
03-19-2011, 05:14 AM
because it feels good, doubly so...

Klinghoffer 660C
03-19-2011, 06:02 AM
Because you're so hot.

03-19-2011, 06:21 AM
because they are all gay

no u

03-19-2011, 08:43 AM
Having a dick up my ass stimulates the nerve endings in my anus, my rectum and my prostate. Of course I cum like a horse when I'm getting fucked.

03-19-2011, 08:53 AM
This thread is so gay.

so long, gay boys.


03-19-2011, 10:22 AM
OMG what happened here?

I dont even know where the prostrate is of these guys?

By the way in real life i want my Man to be a Man lol
In escorting better to be more Top than Bottom!

Do you have any more pictures of your cutie friend in the brown dress? I love her face.

lol yes i have many pics of her in my facebook account ;)

03-19-2011, 10:40 AM
I dont even know where the prostrate is of these guys? ...

Essential knowledge - it's right here... (picture courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)... take care of it.


03-19-2011, 12:21 PM
Curious really how such a supposedly liberated/enlightened bunch as the TVs, TS girls and fans here use the word gay in such a negative way. You'd think that everyone would be more positive about sexual diversity.

03-19-2011, 12:35 PM
Curious really how such a supposedly liberated/enlightened bunch as the TVs, TS girls and fans here use the word gay in such a negative way. You'd think that everyone would be more positive about sexual diversity.

personally i'm being facecious

03-19-2011, 02:41 PM
Curious really how such a supposedly liberated/enlightened bunch as the TVs, TS girls and fans here use the word gay in such a negative way. You'd think that everyone would be more positive about sexual diversity.

The people who were calling people gay and i agree etc, are gay themselves, its just hypocrite :)

Why else would you be on a website everyday posting multiple times on a forum where there are cocks plastered over the whole fucking thing, bending in every possible way there is. Do the math. :mrgreen:

Quiet Reflections
03-19-2011, 03:43 PM
he just about sums up how I feel on gay people and being offended by the word faggot. Hes a funny guy if you care to listen to him

YouTube - LOUIS C.K. - FAGGOT - CHEWED UP (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IFloXOuLgA)
YouTube - Louis CK - gay people (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d63ClccjjE)

03-19-2011, 04:29 PM
It's a direct hit to their prostate...and, it's not like they get hit in the ass all the time!The prostate is like a trigger for that kind of thing.Altho I've never been fucked in the ass, I've had digital prostate exams and every time it's felt like I was going to blow a load on the wall across from me.

Actually, Alyssa, I'm surprised they have to jack themselves while you're fucking them. You're such a hot lady I think I would come just from kissing you.:kiss::kiss::kiss: Yeah, that's much better now *sigh*

03-19-2011, 04:59 PM
Curious really how such a supposedly liberated/enlightened bunch as the TVs, TS girls and fans here use the word gay in such a negative way. You'd think that everyone would be more positive about sexual diversity.

oh...but you'd be wrong my friend. Don't look for any enlightenment here . These fuckers will drop the "cock hound " label on you in a heartbeat, even while taking it in the ass from their favorite tranny escort. Let's take the sad case of Phobun for example, and my intent is not to turn this into a political discussion, but rather use it as an example of complete hypocrisy. Here's the twisted dichotomy at work in a tormented mind like his.....he'll jump at the opportunity with vigor to call you a Republican scum bag for his belief that their belief is they oppose gays in the military. If you only read those posts, you might be left with the impression that he possesses a rather worldly, open view about sexuality and homosexuality. But read on. Any reference to that part of a Trans Woman's anatomy that is situated between her navel and her knees, and any focus on that and he immediately strikes like a cobra...dropping the cock hound or gay label on you. This post is a perfect example. So we are left with these two complicated inconsistencies with people like him . He and others like him are on a Tranny forum, so one could reasonably conclude he's attracted to them...or maybe not....I think he and others like him believe that Trans Woman should be submissive, and roll over and hide that part of their anatomy that he has this twisted love hate relationship with.
So...he supports gays in the military, but he loathes a guy who in the course of an encounter ,allows a T lady to be the aggressor, or despises a guy that would dare pleasure a partner . This twisted pathology is not uncommon here. Our Friend Freddie shares it as do many others, but they would have you believe they are the tolerant ones. He enjoys looking at pictures of T ladies as long as they appear as manikins, but the minute she tries to use her special gifts on a male partner, something happens and he becomes repulsed. I realize therapy is costly, but there are some on here that are truly deserving. LOL. I'm trying to help him with his issues !! LOL So in his world...a guy that pleases a lady or bottoms is a gay cock hound. If that's his view of the bottom....what's his view of the top ?? See what I mean? But doesn't dare say what he thinks of her !!!! It's like they're in denial that T ladies have She cocks and many choose to use them ( gasp !!!!) People like him are not content to just let people enjoy what they enjoy...They are compelled for some reason to project thier repulsion on to the matter...but are they really repulsed or is it masking something else>>? if Dr. Freud were still alive, he's have a field day dissecting that issue !! LMAO. The first step is admitting you have a problem !! We could start an online therapy group to help people with that type affliction. I think Kelly has a degree in psychology !!! LMAO

03-19-2011, 05:46 PM
*gets crushed by wall of text*

03-19-2011, 05:53 PM
*gets crushed by wall of text*

This thread is useless without pics of Alyssa...

03-19-2011, 06:35 PM
you all guys are just so sweet!!! now lets fuck :fuckin:

03-19-2011, 07:42 PM
oh...but you'd be wrong my friend. Don't look for any enlightenment here . These fuckers will drop the "cock hound " label on you in a heartbeat, even while taking it in the ass from their favorite tranny escort. Let's take the sad case of Phobun for example, and my intent is not to turn this into a political discussion, but rather use it as an example of complete hypocrisy. Here's the twisted dichotomy at work in a tormented mind like his.....he'll jump at the opportunity with vigor to call you a Republican scum bag for his belief that their belief is they oppose gays in the military. If you only read those posts, you might be left with the impression that he possesses a rather worldly, open view about sexuality and homosexuality. But read on. Any reference to that part of a Trans Woman's anatomy that is situated between her navel and her knees, and any focus on that and he immediately strikes like a cobra...dropping the cock hound or gay label on you. This post is a perfect example. So we are left with these two complicated inconsistencies with people like him . He and others like him are on a Tranny forum, so one could reasonably conclude he's attracted to them...or maybe not....I think he and others like him believe that Trans Woman should be submissive, and roll over and hide that part of their anatomy that he has this twisted love hate relationship with.
So...he supports gays in the military, but he loathes a guy who in the course of an encounter ,allows a T lady to be the aggressor, or despises a guy that would dare pleasure a partner . This twisted pathology is not uncommon here. Our Friend Freddie shares it as do many others, but they would have you believe they are the tolerant ones. He enjoys looking at pictures of T ladies as long as they appear as manikins, but the minute she tries to use her special gifts on a male partner, something happens and he becomes repulsed. I realize therapy is costly, but there are some on here that are truly deserving. LOL. I'm trying to help him with his issues !! LOL So in his world...a guy that pleases a lady or bottoms is a gay cock hound. If that's his view of the bottom....what's his view of the top ?? See what I mean? But doesn't dare say what he thinks of her !!!! It's like they're in denial that T ladies have She cocks and many choose to use them ( gasp !!!!) People like him are not content to just let people enjoy what they enjoy...They are compelled for some reason to project thier repulsion on to the matter...but are they really repulsed or is it masking something else>>? if Dr. Freud were still alive, he's have a field day dissecting that issue !! LMAO. The first step is admitting you have a problem !! We could start an online therapy group to help people with that type affliction. I think Kelly has a degree in psychology !!! LMAO

You have insecurities. As I've said before, I doubt you say anything against homophobia or DADT when you're around your Republican friends... rather, you just fall into line and hide your scuffed up knees.

03-19-2011, 07:43 PM
*gets crushed by wall of text*

This thread is useless without pics of Alyssa...

I agree. How about if she posts the picture of her in the tight red outfit looking all buxom and full of estrogen.

03-19-2011, 08:05 PM
You have insecurities. As I've said before, I doubt you say anything against homophobia or DADT when you're around your Republican friends... rather, you just fall into line and hide your scuffed up knees.

one day someones going to find out where you live and then you are gonna get sparked out! :)

03-19-2011, 08:11 PM
Did all the guys forget that Alyssa has a prostate? The same thing that makes her cum while getting fucked in the ass applies to guys as well.

03-19-2011, 08:22 PM
Curious really how such a supposedly liberated/enlightened bunch as the TVs, TS girls and fans here use the word gay in such a negative way. You'd think that everyone would be more positive about sexual diversity.


Well said...

03-19-2011, 09:28 PM
LMAO- Alyssa knows where the prostate is/what it does (people still actually learn stuff in Asian schools )...this thread is simply designed to get the usual folks beating their chests at each other in a display of "What I do in a bedroom is much manlier than what you do....(that is, when I get laid at all).." on a site where we're all considered faggots anyway.

Still works though...lol.

03-19-2011, 09:31 PM
I agree. How about if she posts the picture of her in the tight red outfit looking all buxom and full of estrogen.

C'mon,...really ??...:)