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  1. #61
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by red-cyberman View Post
    As I said before the only way to make America great again is to elect someone who isn't corrupted and outside the two major parties.
    Someone who can't be controlled by Wall Street or the military industrial complex or Big Pharma.
    Have a nice day.
    -The USA does have social and economic problems, it always has, but when did it stop being a great country? Last year's campaign slogan was just an amended version of Reagan's 'It's morning again in America' with the difference that Carter was the President who did most to repair the damage caused by Vietnam and Watergate, and Reagan's legacy was the biggest budget deficit in US history
    -Your guy was supposed to 'drain the swamp' but half his team are drawn from Wall St and the Military, and anyway, the US economy needs Wall St -where do pensions come from?- and the military is, along with Federal and State government the major source of employment in the USA. No President or Congress need be controlled by Wall St, the Military and Big Pharma when they have the power to re-structure their relationship to the wider US economy to the benefit of more than benefit right now.
    -All we have learned is that you can't run the USA like a business. A CEO issues commands and they are obeyed, a President must negotiate and compromise. This guy is, in practical terms, useless. He has no intellect, he cannot spell, and he has no idea how policy is made. He just tweets and organizes 'victory rallies' to glorify his ego while thousands of Americans remain homeless and without clean drinking water, and rich people like him hire outstanding lawyers to reduce their tax contribution to as close to zero as possible. Reform rather than revolution is the solution here.

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  2. #62
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by red-cyberman View Post
    First of all no need to insult anyone he didn't insult you.
    Second most of Trump's supporters want the same thing like Bernie Sanders's supporters they want jobs and they don't want anymore wars.
    Progrerssive democreats are now called alternative left. They are the same guys supporting Bernie Sanders.
    Now in every party there are the good and the bad. You can have Antifa, White Supremacists and Black Lives Matter support.
    As I said before the only way to make America great again is to elect someone who isn't corrupted and outside the two major parties.
    Someone who can't be controlled by Wall Street or the military industrial complex or Big Pharma.
    Have a nice day.
    White supremacists support Donald Trump. A good hint is that they were rallying in Charlottesville while wearing clothes that resemble his golf attire and wearing hats that said MAGA on it. Trump received thank yous from David Duke and Richard Spencer after his equivocal comments in the wake of Charlottesville. His comments were so ineffectual that even Paul Ryan spoke up.

    As for the rest of your post, I don't see much. Trump wants to build a wall on our southern border, a purely symbolic action which would be less effective than simply hiring more border control agents. He tried to repeal ACA, which would have removed 20 million from the rolls of the insured and reduced Medicaid funding as well. He just repealed a rule intended to keep track of payroll data so the gender pay gap could be reduced. He signed an executive order banning transgender individuals from the military when they are among the ranks of those who have served bravely for decades. He signed an executive order barring entry to individuals from seven predominately Muslim countries, which has had to be revised several times because it unconstitutionally discriminates against Muslims.

    Since your first post said that Trump has not harmed America's reputation let's summarize: he has discriminated against transgender individuals who seek to serve our country, he attempted to dismantle our healthcare system out of concern for the profitability of insurance companies, he sent a signal to the rest of the world that our new policy is to discriminate against Muslims, he removed the enforcement mechanism for ensuring gender pay equality and he has played nuclear chicken with North Korea. I won't even get into his improper actions regarding Russia, which do nothing if not undermine the rule of law. We are an imperfect country like any other but the bullshit people like yourself sell about the parties being equal or equally beholden to powerful interests only convinces people who haven't been paying attention.

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  3. #63
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by completely_nailed View Post
    He has never said a single racist thing. If you can post just ONE I'll bow down to you. Encouragement to racists? Theere is not a scrap of evidence to back up your statement.
    He said that Justice Curiel should have to recuse himself in the Trump University fraud case because he's a Mexican. Justice Curiel has Mexican ancestry, but we're in real trouble if it's no longer racist to say that someone's heritage should disqualify them from hearing a fraud case. No need to bow down, just stop saying stupid shit. There's plenty more but it requires at least one inference and that might be tough for you.

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  4. #64
    Veteran Poster red-cyberman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    -The USA does have social and economic problems, it always has, but when did it stop being a great country? Last year's campaign slogan was just an amended version of Reagan's 'It's morning again in America' with the difference that Carter was the President who did most to repair the damage caused by Vietnam and Watergate, and Reagan's legacy was the biggest budget deficit in US history
    -Your guy was supposed to 'drain the swamp' but half his team are drawn from Wall St and the Military, and anyway, the US economy needs Wall St -where do pensions come from?- and the military is, along with Federal and State government the major source of employment in the USA. No President or Congress need be controlled by Wall St, the Military and Big Pharma when they have the power to re-structure their relationship to the wider US economy to the benefit of more than benefit right now.
    -All we have learned is that you can't run the USA like a business. A CEO issues commands and they are obeyed, a President must negotiate and compromise. This guy is, in practical terms, useless. He has no intellect, he cannot spell, and he has no idea how policy is made. He just tweets and organizes 'victory rallies' to glorify his ego while thousands of Americans remain homeless and without clean drinking water, and rich people like him hire outstanding lawyers to reduce their tax contribution to as close to zero as possible. Reform rather than revolution is the solution here.
    Check this article to know better
    Check this article also
    Check this article also
    Check this article also

    Is only trump responsible for homeless people and you can ask Obama about drinking water.
    As I said before once again I am against this guy Trump and I am against Hillary.
    I was with Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein so don't tell me about Trump being "your guy"
    He is not my guy (Trump) and he is a liar but I will not curse him to be the cool guy on the block.
    I have read a lot and I know that the two parties are so corrupt and a bad choice for Americans.
    When I said make America great again it's some sort of a jab to the reality in America.
    Make America great again is when you stand with the poor not the guy with the money (Petrodollar).
    When you protect the weak against the corporate corruption.
    When you care about the homeless, about student loans (more than 43 million debtors).
    Check sicko:
    You see I agree with you it's not about black or white it's about green (money).
    You have more green you can have power and with more power comes more money.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Reform rather than revolution is the solution here.
    100% Agree but who is going to do it??
    The people or the leaders in each party.

    1 out of 2 members liked this post.
    revenge is a sweet little bitch

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    I sure feel for you guys in America, you have Mr Trump as president for the next 7 years by all estimates.

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  6. #66
    President of Russia Veteran Poster Vladimir Putin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by praetorian View Post
    I sure feel for you guys in America, you have Mr Trump as president for the next 7 years by all estimates.
    That's why I disregard the polls when they say his approval rating is low. Those same polls also predicted last November he would lose. There are many people who don't like him and think he's a disaster as president that still voted for him because they felt Hillary's E-mails were more serious than Trump's fitness for the job.

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  7. #67
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by red-cyberman View Post
    Is only trump responsible for homeless people and you can ask Obama about drinking water.
    As I said before once again I am against this guy Trump and I am against Hillary.
    I was with Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein so don't tell me about Trump being "your guy"
    He is not my guy (Trump) and he is a liar but I will not curse him to be the cool guy on the block.
    I have read a lot and I know that the two parties are so corrupt and a bad choice for Americans.
    When I said make America great again it's some sort of a jab to the reality in America.
    Make America great again is when you stand with the poor not the guy with the money (Petrodollar).
    When you protect the weak against the corporate corruption.
    When you care about the homeless, about student loans (more than 43 million debtors).
    You see I agree with you it's not about black or white it's about green (money).
    You have more green you can have power and with more power comes more money.
    100% Agree but who is going to do it??
    The people or the leaders in each party.
    I apologise for not being more attentive to your post, though during the primaries Sanders often appeared to take the same stance on 'the system' as the Republican even though Sanders has been part of the system for many years (or maybe because of it).

    The point about homelessness and water is that the President had an opportunity to do something as soon as he took office, but rather than take action to remedy situations inherited from Obama, such as in Flint, this President has so far based most of his legislative agenda on undoing whatever Obama did, rather than presenting new ideas to Congress, least of all on homelessness, which I don't believe he has addressed once since declaring for the Presidency in 2015.

    You have a two party system, yet it is not a fossilized system because in the last 10 years the Republican Party has been split, if not evenly, between TEA party radicals and the rest, and the TEA Party movement was also supposed to 'break the mould' whereas they have been responsible for a lot of the paralysis of decision-making in House and Senate. Frustrating as it is, reform from within may be the best option, it is the option a radical like Saul Alinsky would probably propose, as most of his achievements in Chicago used the existing law and the existing party system to make gains in housing and education. That Congress is more polarised today than ever before is going to make it difficult, but as the response to Hurricane Harvey will almost certainly produce a bi-partisan bill for the finances to clean up Texas and Louisiana, the fact is that it is still possible for the parties to work for the benefit of all. You are better off, in the long run, with the average voter, rather than an anarchist with urine bombs or a white supremacist with an AK-47 slung over his shoulder, and mean intentions.

    4 out of 5 members liked this post.

  8. #68
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by completely_nailed View Post
    He has never said a single racist thing. If you can post just ONE I'll bow down to you. Encouragement to racists? Theere is not a scrap of evidence to back up your statement.
    Just google 'Trump history of racism'. These are just the first four.

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  9. #69
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by red-cyberman View Post
    Second most of Trump's supporters want the same thing like Bernie Sanders's supporters they want jobs and they don't want anymore wars.
    So why do most of them continue to support him so fervently even though he has done very little in over 7 months to advance these goals? Some Trump supporters may be concerned with these things, but a large percentage seem to be motivated mainly by so-called 'cultural' issues, which is really code for dislike/resentment/fear toward those who are different from them.

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  10. #70
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by completely_nailed View Post
    Trump...has never said a single racist thing. If you can post just ONE I'll bow down to you. Encouragement to racists? Theere is not a scrap of evidence to back up your statement.

    2 out of 3 members liked this post.

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